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Last active September 11, 2015 19:14
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An rdfs hack to infer a language competency based on more specific lingvoj language competencies. It also would allow hasCompetency to be used when the specific ability is not known.
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix lingvoj: <> .
a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:label "basic competency in a language"@en ;
rdfs:range :Lingvo ;
rdfs:domain foaf:Person .
lingvoj:basicUnderstanding rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:basicSpeaking rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:basicReading rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:basicWriting rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:intermediateUnderstanding rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:intermediateSpeaking rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:intermediateReading rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:intermediateWriting rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:advancedUnderstanding rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:advancedSpeaking rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:advancedReading rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:advancedWriting rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:expertUnderstanding rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:expertSpeaking rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:expertReading rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
lingvoj:expertWriting rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasCompetency .
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