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Last active January 24, 2017 17:57
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Facts used by the WaPo Firefox and Chrome extensions for fact checking Trump's tweets. The plugin fetches them dynamically from
"Documents published after Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's email was hacked indicate that then-CNN-contributor Donna Brazile sent some questions from a CNN Democratic primary town hall event to the campaign in advance. When the chair of the Democratic National Committee resigned after documents stolen from the DNC were leaked, Brazile stepped in as acting chair -- after the leaks above. Both hacks are believed by intelligence agencies to have originated in Russia. What Brazile did, by the way, is in no way illegal.",
"In October, U.S. intelligence agencies released a public statement warning about Russian hacking. Trump addressed the issue during debates. When the White House learned that some agencies thought the hacking was meant to benefit Trump's candidacy, it weighed speaking out more forcefully prior to the election. Ultimately it didn't, worried about influencing the outcome.",
"His advisers have said that it is complex.",
"This appears to have been in retribution for a bad review of the restaurant in Trump Tower.",
"Want to know more about Tillerson?",
"Trump originally pledged to hold a press conference on Dec. 15 to explain how he would avoid conflicts of interest as president. That was cancelled before it happened. There remain questions about how Trump will ensure that his presidential decisions don't unduly benefit his corporate interests, even if he's not the titular head of the Trump Organization.",
"It was.",
"The idea that he might work on his television show -- for which he retains a producer credit -- was raised by his former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway.",
"Trump attacked Jones because the union leader pointed out (in strong language) that Trump's claims about the jobs being saved at the Carrier plant in Indiana were inflated. Trump apparently saw Jones making the claim on CNN, and took to Twitter to respond.",
"Trump is here responding to the leader of the union, who had pointed out on CNN that Trump's description of how many jobs were saved at the Carrier plant in Indiana was inflated.",
"The amount of money at stake indicates that much of the investment promised by SoftBank's Masa would have ended up in the United States regardless of the election outcome.",
"This tweet appears to have been sent in response to a speech the CEO of Boeing gave in which he tacitly criticized Trump's policies on trade.",
"Trump regularly watches -- and complains about -- television shows.",
"Trump's phone call with the leader of Taiwan marked an unexpected and dramatic break with past practice. The United States has a long-standing policy of accepting that Taiwan is part of China. By holding this call with the elected president of Taiwan, Trump bucked that tradition. Apparently, he'd been planning the interaction for some time.",
"This factory made furnaces.",
"This tweet appears to have have been a response to a Fox News report about college students burning flags.",
"There is no sense in which the election results were a 'landslide.'",
"There was no significant voter fraud in any of these states, as officials from each state made clear after this tweet. What's more, the campaign itself admitted in a court filing in Michigan that the election hadn't been tainted by fraud.",
"Trump didn't win in a landslide in any sense -- but more importantly there is absolutely no evidence that there were a significant number of votes cast illegally, much less 'millions' of them.",
"No, it wasn't. Climate change was created, scientists believe, by decades of carbon dioxide and other emissions mostly from burning fossil fuels. Those gases travel to the atmosphere and prevent heat from escaping into space.",
"There have been other instances in which the Chinese have seized American military property. In 2001, following a collision with a Chinese fighter, an American spy plane was forced to land in China where it and its crew were held for days.",
"Many people are saying that, according to polling -- but they're much likely to be Republicans and people who voted for Trump.",
"The 'doesn't know much' quote is a reference to a report that Bill Clinton told a reporter that Trump doesn't know much, but he does know 'how to get angry, white men to vote for him.'",
"Trump has been less generous about Slim in the past, telling confidantes at one point that he blamed Slim for the backlash to his campaign-announcement comments about immigrants from Mexico and publicly suggesting that Slim was behind negative coverage in the New York Times, a newspaper in which Slim holds an ownership stake.",
"Trump continues to rail against the popular vote because, with final numbers tallied, he lost it by 2.86 million votes. (The 2.1-percent margin for Clinton was relatively in line with final national polling.) He insists that he'd have campaigned differently had the results been based on the popular vote and not the electoral vote. Would it have been possible for him to do better? Almost certainly; his was one of the narrower wins in U.S. history.",
"Trump's campaign raised about $330 million, according to our tally, compared to Clinton's $623 million. Add in external political action committees and political party spending, and Trump's campaign effort raised about $930 million to Clinton's $1.4 billion.",
"The 'someone' was Newt Gingrich, who said that Trump no longer wanted to use the expression. That said, there have been repeated questions about Trump's commitment to the idea of revamping how Washington works, given the people he plans to nominate to fill out his administration.",
"The situation is a bit more complicated than that, focused on an event where a meeting with Trump himself was offered, post-inauguration, in exchange for a million-dollar contribution.",
"Trump is responding to the Obama administration's decision not to veto a resolution about Israeli settlements at the U.N. Security Council.",
"He's referring to his previous tweet on the subject.",
"In an interview with MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski, Trump indicated that he did indeed think that a new nuclear arms race might be in the cards, reversing decades of U.S. foreign policy. During the campaign, Trump came under fire for his willingness to allow non-nuclear states to gain access to weapons and for reports that he'd once asked why the U.S. didn't use the nuclear arsenal it possesses.",
"Trump is responding to an interview published on Monday, in which Obama said that he thought he could have won if he'd run again. Obama's job approval rating in Gallup polling is currently at the highest it's been since he won reelection in 2012.",
"Trump's foundation was the subject of a great deal of reporting. The Post revealed that Trump hadn't given any money to it since 2008 and that some of its resources had been used for non-charitable reasons, including paying corporate legal expenses and for portraits of Trump, one of which hung in one of his businesses.",
"The surge in the stock market seems to be linked to Trump -- but the holiday shopping number is apparently from a report released in October.",
"A similar index from Gallup saw an increase after the election thanks primarily to improved opinions from Republicans.",
"Last week, Trump's choice for press secretary, Sean Spicer, told CNN that 'President Obama and his team have been unbelievably gracious to the President-elect and his team.' It's not clear what changed over that period.",
"The two rules are to buy and hire American. In 2016, a business in which Trump has a financial stake applied for foreign guest workers to help pick wine grapes. Businesses in which he has a stake have tried to fill at least 513 positions with non-American workers since 2013.",
"Trump is praising Putin's decision not to respond to the United States' tightening sanctions and booting 35 Russian nationals out of the country following the hack of the Democratic National Committee.",
"It isn't just the media saying that Trump expected to lose. Trump himself, speaking at a rally in December, said that he expected to lose.",
"The full quote from Gov. Mark Dayton: The ACA is 'no longer affordable to increasing numbers of people.' He also said that there are 'many good features to it.'",
"There were sharp increases in costs between 2016 and 2017 in many states, though often those increases are mostly absorbed through subsidies. (Prior to Obamacare, health insurance costs increased regularly as well, up from $8,000 for a family in 2002 on average to $12,680 by 2008.) Thanks in part to the expansion of Medicaid, 20 million people have gained coverage under the policy.",
"Last year, The Post reported that 12 released Guantanamo detainees appear to have been involved in later attacks on Americans. All were released while George W. Bush was president. Over 700 have been released in total.",
"When Trump tweeted this, it had been 160 days since he'd held a press conference.",
"CNN reports that the briefing was never scheduled for the day Trump tweeted this.",
"The Post evaluated Trump's various claims about jobs he's had a hand in saving.",
"The media repeatedly reported on then-DNC member Donna Brazile's sending debate questions and topics to the Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary. Whether or not that is of equal importance at this point to the possibility of Russian state actors hacking the Democratic National Committee -- for which there's been evidence provided by both American intelligence agencies and independent groups -- is apparently a subjective question.",
"There is evidence that Russia was involved in hacking the Clinton campaign -- and Assange's denial left room for that possibility.",
"Evancho's album is atop the classical charts, although it was at #2 on that chart even before Trump announced her performance. Her album is at 93 on the Billboard Top 200.",
"It's incorrect that the plant in Baja will produce Corollas, though a new Toyota plant in Guanajuato will. More broadly, this tweet suggests that Trump's criticisms of importing products into the United States could expand beyond American companies that offshore jobs and to any foreign-made product.",
"Trump is referring to a report from BuzzFeed about the FBI's investigation of the illegal access of the Democratic National Committee's email system. It's not clear, though, if the FBI's conclusions would have been different had that access been available. (The agency says that the DNC declined to provide it, thought the committee denies being asked.)",
"The media reports that there's no evidence that Mexico will or can be induced to pay for any wall along the United States' southern border -- which there isn't.",
"Both Clinton's and Trump's campaigns came into Election Day looking at the polls and believing that Clinton would win, according to various media reports. Trump's argument about the passion of his supporters carrying the day is undercut by the fact that far more voters cast ballots for Clinton",
"This is based on a report from the Wall Street Journal, which Trump likely thinks helps to undercut the idea that any Russian hacking was meant to only benefit him. The Journal report states that it was 'a less aggressive and much less persistent effort' than the attempts at intruding on the DNC.",
"The hacking of the Democratic National Committee was discussed well before Election Day, including frequently by Trump himself. At one point in June, he said that the DNC had hacked itself.",
"In fact, the report made no such determination. It states that the agencies 'did not make an assessment of the impact that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election.'",
"Multiple news outlets have reported that Trump's team was aware before the segment ran that only a portion of the interview would be used.",
"The Washington Post reported on elements of the report after speaking with government sources. That report was then picked up by NBC News.",
"Trump's longstanding attempt to excuse the mocking has never been believable.",
"Trump is responding to a CNN report indicating that American intelligence officials told the president-elect that Russia sought to blackmail him. Subsequent reporting, including an unverified report published by BuzzFeed, articulated more alleged details of the intelligence community investigations.",
"We are not.",
"Trump is referring to a statement from a spokesman for Russian president Vladimir Putin released on Wednesday.",
"Trump continues to reflexively insist that his victory was an easy one. He won the electoral college thanks to about 78,000 votes in three states.",
"In a statement released by Clapper detailing their conversation, the director of national intelligence doesn't describe the report at issue as false or 'phony'. Instead, he says that he told Trump that the intelligence community 'has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable.'",
"It's not clear why Trump makes this claim. He links to One America News Network, a new conservative network that recently hired his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. OANN, in return, linked to a video segment on the subject -- which doesn't prove that the dossier is a fraud at all. It is the case, though, that the dossier has not been verified and that many of its claims are dubious.",
"On Friday, excerpts from 'Meet the Press' were released in which Lewis calls Trump's election 'illegitimate.' Lewis, a hero of the civil rights movement, has been in the House since 1987.",
"Trump is continuing to rail against the document leaked by BuzzFeed which detailed various unproven allegations about his relationship with Russia.",
"Interestingly, Trump doesn't seem to be too concerned about L. L. Bean's overseas manufacturing, given that he praised the company after its CEO had nice things to say about him on television.",
"Trump has another daughter, too. Her name is Tiffany.",
"Polls showing Trump's favorability at an historic low -- 40 percent, according to The Post and ABC News -- are not phony or rigged. Oh, and national pre-election polls were broadly accurate.",
"Trump has inflated both the number of jobs that manufacturers are returning to the U.S. and his role in their doing so. We took a look at this last month.",
"The CEO of Ford says that it cancelled plans for a new factory in Mexico because 'demand has gone down for small cars' -- not because of Trump.",
"Despite his press secretary's claim that Trump's was the most-watched inauguration ever, the same ratings the president describes here show that 7 million more people watched Barack Obama be sworn in eight years ago than watched Trump this year.",
"A two-fer. First, Trump appears to still be mad that celebrities balked at participating in his inauguration. Second, of course many of the protesters did vote against Trump. Nearly 66 million people voted against him, far more than the number of protestors. The number of protestors may, though, have been larger than the margin by which Trump lost the popular vote: 2.87 million.",
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