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Last active November 6, 2017 02:18
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Compare the contents of one directory into another
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use lib 'r:/tools/PerlScripts/lib';
use lib '/Users/edt/jnk/perlmodules';
use lib '/home/edt/jnk/perlmodules';
use Cwd 'realpath';
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Basename;
use File::Compare;
use File::Copy;
use File::DirCompare;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::stat;
use Scalar::MoreUtils qw( empty );
use strict;
use warnings;
my ( $fromDir, $intoDir, $mtime );
my ( $man,$help,$leave,$dontAdd,$verbose,$quieter,$bc2,$createDest,$overwriteBiggerNewer );
GetOptions("help|?" => \$help,
"bc2" => \$bc2,
"create-dest" => \$createDest,
"dont-add" => \$dontAdd,
"man" => \$man,
"leave" => \$leave,
"mtime=s" => \$mtime,
"overwrite-bigger-newer" => \$overwriteBiggerNewer,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"quieter" => \$quieter,
"from=s" => \$fromDir,
"into=s" => \$intoDir) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-exitval => 0) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
pod2usage(-msg => "Unexpected argument : " . $ARGV[0], -exitval => 3) if (@ARGV != 0);
sub resolvePath { # resolve the full path with the correct separators for this OS
return realpath(File::Spec->catdir(map { File::Spec->splitdir( $_ ) } @_));
if (empty($fromDir)) {
pod2usage(-msg => "Specify the directory you want to compare from.", -exitval => 4);
if (empty($intoDir)) {
pod2usage(-msg => "Specify the directory you are comparing into, the destination.", -exitval => 5);
$fromDir = resolvePath( $fromDir );
if ((empty($fromDir)) || (! (-d "$fromDir"))) {
pod2usage(-msg => "Directory you are comparing from must exist.", -exitval => 6);
$intoDir = resolvePath( $intoDir );
if ((! empty($intoDir)) && (! (-d "$intoDir")) && ($createDest)) {
mkpath($intoDir); # try to create the destination directory
if ((empty($intoDir)) || (! (-d "$intoDir"))) {
pod2usage(-msg => "Directory you are comparing into, the destination, must exist.", -exitval => 7);
if ($fromDir eq $intoDir) {
pod2usage(-msg => "From and Into directories must be different.", -exitval => 8);
sub qualifyMtime { # qualify the modification time of the file
my $ret = 0; # assume the file does not qualify
if (empty($mtime)) {
$ret = 1; # mtime was not specified on the command line, all files match
} else { # else, we need to qualify this file or directory
if ($mtime =~ /^\+/) {
$ret = 1 if ((lstat($_[0])) && (int(-M $_[0]) > $mtime));
} elsif ($mtime =~ /^-/) {
$ret = 1 if ((lstat($_[0])) && (int(-M $_[0]) < abs($mtime)));
} else {
$ret = 1 if ((lstat($_[0])) && (int(-M $_[0]) == $mtime));
return $ret;
sub isThisFileBiggerAndNewer { # is this file bigger and newer than that one?
my $ret = 0; # if the files do not exist, do not assert bigger and newer
if ((!empty($_[0])) && (-f $_[0]) && (lstat($_[0])) &&
(!empty($_[1])) && (-f $_[1]) && (lstat($_[1]))) {
my $this = lstat($_[0]);
my $that = lstat($_[1]);
$ret = 1 if (($this->size > $that->size) && ($this->mtime > $that->mtime));
return $ret;
sub translatePathFromInto { # translate the path from source to destination
return resolvePath( $intoDir, substr(resolvePath($_[0]), length($fromDir)));
sub createDestDir {
my $dir = translatePathFromInto($_[0]);
my $ret = 0; # return 0 - no dirs created, return 1 - created the dir
if ((! (-d $dir)) && (! $dontAdd)) {
$ret = mkpath($dir);
print "Creating destination directory : $dir, returns $ret\n";
return $ret;
sub addFileToDestination {
my $dir = translatePathFromInto(dirname($_[0]));
if ($dontAdd) {
print "Not adding $_[0]\n" if (! $quieter);
} elsif ($leave) {
print "copy($_[0], $dir)\n" if $verbose;
copy($_[0], $dir) or die("Can not copy($_[0], $dir) : $!\n");
} else {
print "move($_[0], $dir)\n" if $verbose;
move($_[0], $dir) or die("Can not move($_[0], $dir) : $!\n");
for (my $doAgain = 1; $doAgain; ) { # main routine
$doAgain = 0; # assume we only have to do the directory comparison this once
File::DirCompare->compare($fromDir, $intoDir, sub { # do the directory comparison
my ($a, $b) = @_;
if (( empty($b) ) && (qualifyMtime($a))) { # if destination file is missing
print "Only in from directory, $fromDir: $a\n" if (! $quieter);
if (-d "$a") { # if we found a directory to create
$doAgain += createDestDir($a);# do it again if we create dir, eval new files
} else { # else, must be a file
$doAgain += createDestDir(dirname($a)); # do it again if we create a dir
} elsif ( empty($a) ) { # if the file is missing in the from directory
print "Only in destination directory, $intoDir: $b\n" if ($verbose);
} elsif (qualifyMtime($a)) { # both files exist and maybe they are different
if (File::Compare::compare($a, $b) != 0) { # if the files are different
if (($overwriteBiggerNewer) && (isThisFileBiggerAndNewer($a, $b))) {
print "Files:\n $a\n --and--\n $b\n -- differ, overwriting.\n\n";
} else { # run beyond compare on the files
print "Files:\n $a\n --and--\n $b\n -- differ, no merge.\n\n";
system("bc2 \"$a\" \"$b\"") if ($bc2);
} else { # else files are exactly the same, they match
if ($leave) {
print "Leaving file in from dir, $fromDir: $a\n" if (! $quieter);
} else {
print "Delete file in from dir, $fromDir: $a\n" if (! $quieter);
unlink($a); # delete the file in the from directory
}, { ignore_cmp => 1 }); # end of File::DirCompare->compare()
=head1 NAME
compareIntoDirectory - compare a directory and merge it into a second directory
compareIntoDirectory --from=ThisDirectory --into=ThatDirectory
This is a command to compare a directory and merge it into a second directory
in an automated way, leaving behind the things that may conflict so they can be
considered manually. For example,
Directory /a compared to directory /b
/a/f1 matches /b/f1 - no copy needed, delete /a/f1
/a/f2 does not exist but /b/f2 does - then do nothing, file only in destination
/a/f3 exists but /b/f3 does not - then move /a/f3 to /b
/a/f4 does not match /b/f4 - then do nothing, leave mismatches alone
--help brief help message
--man manual page
--leave leave files in from dir, do not delete them
--mtime only consider files matching modification time
--overwrite-bigger-newer overwrite when from files are bigger AND newer
--verbose info about everything, even in the into dir
--quieter reduce the amount of output to important info
--bc2 start Beyond Compare 2 on the mismatched files
--create-dest create the destination dir if it does not exist
--dont-add do not add files to the destination directory
--from the directory to merge from
--into the directory to merge into
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<help>
Print a brief help message and exit
=item B<man>
Print the manual page and exit
=item B<create-dest>
Create the destination directory if it does not exist.
=item B<dont-add>
Do not add files to the destination directory. This is useful if we are just
decimating a directory down to the differences.
=item B<leave>
Leave the files in the from directory. Normally the files are moved into the
into directory, aka the destination directory. This causes the files to be
copied instead.
=item B<mtime>
Consider only files with specified modification time. Uses the unix find
handling of mtime. For example, --mtime=-10, only allows the files in the last
10 days. --mtime=+10, only allows files 10 or more days earlier. --mtime=10
only allows files that are 10 days old, not earlier or later. The modification
time is only considered on the "from" files.
=item B<overwrite-bigger-newer>
This flag causes the compare to overwrite files in the destination directory if
the files in the from directory are bigger and newer than the files in the
destination. When processing log file directories, this is generally what is
=item B<verbose>
This will cause something to be printed about every file, even the ones in the
into directory.
=item B<quieter>
Reduce the amount of printed output to the important differences.
=item B<bc2>
This will start Beyond Compare 2 on the mismatched files. Be careful with this,
since you don't want to start Beyond Compare on 200 different files.
=item B<from>
The directory to merge data from
=item B<into>
The directory to merge data into
This function compares two directories and merges the data from the first
directory into the second, leaving behind any files that do not match.
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