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Created September 8, 2012 06:13
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Enlive templating
(use 'net.cgrand.enlive-html)
; Define our posts, it can be response from the database.
(def posts [{:title "First post"
:content "Content of my first post."
:comments [{
:user "edtsech"
:text "boom"}
{:user "anonymous"
:text "blah-blah-blah"}]}
{:title "Second post"
:content "Content of my second post."}])
; Define Enlive template.
(deftemplate t "input.html" []
; Clone article tag for each post
[:article] (clone-for [post posts]
; Replace a fake content of the header with the actual title of the post.
(content (:title post))
; Replace a fake content of the paragraph with the actual content of the post.
(content (:content post))
; Clone a li tag for each post's comment.
[:ul.comments :li]
(clone-for [comment (:comments post)]
; Replace a fake user name
(content (:user comment))
; Replace a fake comment content
(content (:text comment)))))
(apply str (t)) ; => will return output.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h2>Post title</h2>
<p>Post content...</p>
<ul class="comments">
<span class="user">guest</span>
<span class="comment">text text<span>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h2>First post</h2>
<p>Content of my first post.</p>
<ul class="comments">
<span class="user">edtsech</span>
<span class="comment">boom</span></li><li>
<span class="user">anonymous</span>
<span class="comment">blah-blah-blah</span></li>
<h2>Second post</h2>
<p>Content of my second post.</p>
<ul class="comments">
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