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Last active August 17, 2018 14:36
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Weekly update 17.08.2018

Weekly update 17.08.2018


DiamondBank & GTBank integration

- We went through couple of iterations regarding API design with both banks.
- We were able to unify the API so we don't have to develop it twice.
- We've provided demo API gateway to them. They can use it for integration process.
- On Monday we starting to develop API according to the specification we discussed with them.

Axieva integration

- Technical analysis of their API is done.
- They are busy preparing the contract for us.
- After we sign the contract they will be able to give us access to their Staging environment, so we can get to the actual coding/implementation part.
- UI mockup for mobile payments is ready for development.

Mobile Apps


Currently in Testing

- Intercom
- Swahili translation
- Delete all downloads
- Bug fixes


Currently in Testing

- Intercom integration
- Swahili translation
- Storage information
- Delete all downloads
- Wifi only mode
- Display account name
- Fabric integration
- Bug fixes

ETA of getting that build to stores is end of the next week.

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