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Created July 12, 2022 18:56
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/// Class to export/import various config items.
Class ZMSP.HCC.Importer
Query LUT() As %SQLQuery
SELECT DISTINCT TableName FROM Ens_Util.LookupTable
/// Export Lookup Tables into dir
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportLUT()
ClassMethod ExportLUT(dir)
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
set rs = ..LUTFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
set lut = rs.TableName
/// LUTs are guaranteed to have distinct names
try {
$$$ThrowOnError($System.OBJ.Export(lut _ ".LUT", ..GenerateFileName(dir, lut), "-d"))
} catch ex {
write "New export failed. Trying legacy export",!
$$$ThrowOnError(##class(Ens.Util.LookupTable).%Export(..GenerateFileName(dir, lut), lut))
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportLUT()
ClassMethod ImportLUT(dir)
#include %occErrors
write "Lookup Tables import from: " _ dir
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, "*.xml")
while rs.%Next() {
set tablePath = rs.Get("Name")
write "Importing: " _ tablePath,!
// table is the full path, the last part (denoted by *) is the actual file name
set tablePathNoExtension = $PIECE(tablePath, "/", *)
// asking for $PIECE with just delimiter asks for the first part, thus ignore anything after the .
set tablePathNoExtension = $PIECE(tablePathNoExtension, ".")
write "Importing Lookup Table in " _ tablePathNoExtension,!
// lookup table should be named the file name (without extension)
do ##class(Ens.Util.LookupTable).%ClearTable(tablePathNoExtension)
// Try the new import first.
// It returns an error if no LUTs were found in the tablePath file
//Set sc = ##class(EnsPortal.LookupSettings).Import(tablePath)
//zw sc
//w $System.Status.DisplayError(sc),!
set sc = $system.OBJ.Load(tablePath, "-d")
// If we got an error, try legacy import
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "New import failed. Trying legacy import",!
set sc=##class(Ens.Util.LookupTable).%Import(tablePath)
if $$$ISOK(sc) {
write "Import successful",!
// Error remains unfixed. Fail.
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "Lookup Table import failure: ", $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
do $system.Process.Terminate(, 1)
/// Export Custom HL7 schemas to a dir, one schema per file.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportCustomSchemas("C:\InterSystems")
ClassMethod ExportCustomSchemas(dir)
#dim sc As %sc = $$$OK
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
// list all schemas
set rs = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Schema).TypeCategoriesFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
// export only custom schemas
if rs.IsStandard = $$$NO {
set category = rs.Category
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, $System.OBJ.Export(category _ ".HL7", ..GenerateFileName(dir, category), "-d"))
/// Import directory with custom HL7 schemas
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportCustomSchemas("C:\InterSystems")
ClassMethod ImportCustomSchemas(dir)
write "Custom Schemas import from: " _ dir
set sc = $System.OBJ.LoadDir(dir)
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "Schema import failure: ", $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
do $system.Process.Terminate(, 1)
/// Export Business Partners to one directory. One Business Partner per file.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportBusinessPartners("C:\InterSystems\BP")
ClassMethod ExportBusinessPartners(dir)
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
// list all Business Partners
set rs = ##class(Ens.Config.BusinessPartner).ExtentFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ##class(Ens.Config.BusinessPartner).%Export(rs.ID, ..GenerateFileName(dir, rs.ID)))
/// Import Business Partners from a dir. This would overwrite partners with the same name, if any.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportBusinessPartners("C:\InterSystems\BP")
ClassMethod ImportBusinessPartners(dir)
write "Business Partner import from: " _ dir, !
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, "*.xml")
while rs.%Next() {
set sc = ##class(Ens.Config.BusinessPartner).%Import(rs.Name, 1, 1)
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "Business Partner " _ rs.Name _ " import failure: ", $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
do $system.Process.Terminate(, 1)
Query Tasks() As %SQLQuery(SELECTMODE = "DISPLAY")
WHERE Type = 'User'
/// Export User Tasks to one directory. One Task per file.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportTasks("C:\InterSystems\HCC\Tasks")
ClassMethod ExportTasks(dir)
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
// list all tasks
set rs = ..TasksFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ##class(%SYS.TaskSuper).ExportTasks($lb(rs.ID), ..GenerateFileName(dir, rs.ID)))
/// Import User Tasks from a dir. Tasks with the same JobGUID would be skipped.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportTasks("C:\InterSystems\HCC\Tasks")
ClassMethod ImportTasks(dir)
write "Tasks import from: " _ dir, !
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, "*.xml")
while rs.%Next() {
set sc = ##class(%SYS.TaskSuper).ImportTasks(rs.Name)
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "Task " _ rs.Name _ " import failure: ", $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
do $system.Process.Terminate(, 1)
/// Export credentials to one directory. One credential per file.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportCredentials("C:\InterSystems\HCC\Credentials")
ClassMethod ExportCredentials(dir)
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
// list all tasks
set rs = ##class(Ens.Config.Credentials).ExtentFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ..ExportCredential(rs.ID, ..GenerateFileName(dir, rs.ID)))
ClassMethod ExportCredential(id, file) As %Status
#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
try {
set credential = ##class(Ens.Config.Credentials).%OpenId(id,,.sc)
if '$IsObject(credential) {
set sc = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Unable to find Credential: "_id)
// make sure we can open the file
open file:"WNU":0 else set sc = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Unable to open file: "_file) quit
close file
set writer = ##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
set writer.Indent = 1
set sc = writer.OutputToFile(file)
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
set sc = writer.StartDocument()
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
set sc = writer.RootObject(credential)
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
set sc = writer.EndDocument()
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
} catch(ex) {
set sc = ex.AsStatus()
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write !,$System.Status.DisplayError(sc)
quit sc
/// Import credentials from one directory.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportCredentials("C:\InterSystems\HCC\Credentials")
ClassMethod ImportCredentials(dir)
write "Credential import from: " _ dir, !
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, "*.xml")
while rs.%Next() {
set sc = ..ImportCredential(rs.Name)
if $$$ISERR(sc) {
write "Credential " _ rs.Name _ " import failure: ", $System.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
/// Import one credential from file
ClassMethod ImportCredential(file) As %Status
#dim sc As %Status = $$$OK
try {
// Create an instance of %XML.Reader
set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
// Begin processing of the file
set sc = reader.OpenFile(file)
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
Do reader.Correlate("Credentials", "Ens.Config.Credentials")
// Read objects from xml file
while (reader.Next(.credential, .sc)) {
set exists = ##class(Ens.Config.Credentials).%ExistsId(credential.SystemName)
if (exists=1) {
write "Replacing: ",credential.SystemName,!
set sc = ##class(Ens.Config.Credentials).%DeleteId(credential.SystemName)
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
} else {
write "Importing: ", credential.SystemName,!
set sc = credential.%Save()
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
} catch(ex) {
set sc = ex.AsStatus()
quit sc
/// Export SSL configurations to one directory.
/// One SSL config per file (with additional files for CAFile, CRLFile, CertificateFile, and PrivateKeyFile.
/// Set CAPath results in a directory copy.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ExportSSL("C:\InterSystems\HCC\SSL")
ClassMethod ExportSSL(dir)
new $namespace
set $namespace = "%SYS"
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
// list all SSL configs
set rs = ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).ExtentFunc()
while rs.%Next() {
set sslFullFileName = ..GenerateFileName(dir, rs.ID)
set sslFileName = ##class(%File).GetFilename(sslFullFileName)
set sslFileNameNoExt = $p(sslFileName, ".", 1, *-1)
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Export(sslFullFileName, , rs.ID))
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Get(rs.ID, .props))
for file = "CAFile", "CRLFile", "CertificateFile", "PrivateKeyFile" {
if props(file)'="" {
set ext = $p(##class(%File).GetFilename(props(file)), ".", *, *)
set targetFile = ..GenerateFileName(dir, sslFileNameNoExt _ file, ext)
set rc = ##class(%File).CopyFile(props(file), targetFile, ,.return)
if rs = 0 {
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, $$$FormatText("Error copying file %1 into %2, which is %3 for SSL config %4. Error code %5", props(file), targetFile, file, rs.ID, return)))
if props("CAPath")'="" {
set rc = ##class(%File).CopyDir(props("CAPath"), dir _ sslFileNameNoExt)
if rs = 0 {
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, $$$FormatText("Error copying dir %1 into %2, which is CAPath dir for SSL config %3", props("CAPath"), target, dir _ sslFileNameNoExt, rs.ID)))
/// Import SSL configurations from one directory.
/// do ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).ImportSSL("C:\InterSystems\HCC\SSL")
ClassMethod ImportSSL(dir)
new $namespace
set $namespace = "%SYS"
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
write "SSL Configuration import from: " _ dir, !
set rs = ##class(%File).FileSetFunc(dir, "*.xml")
while rs.%Next() {
set sslFullFileName = rs.Name
set sslFileName = ##class(%File).GetFilename(sslFullFileName)
set sslFileNameNoExt = $p(sslFileName, ".", 1, *-1)
// 1. Patch SSL Config XML to use correct paths
// Create an instance of %XML.Reader
set reader = ##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
// Begin processing of the file
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, reader.OpenFile(sslFullFileName))
if $$$ISERR(sc) quit
do reader.Correlate("SSLConfigs","Security.SSLConfigs")
// Assuming one SSL config per file
do reader.Next(.ssl, .sc)
for prop = "CAFile", "CRLFile", "CertificateFile", "PrivateKeyFile" {
if $property(ssl, prop)'="" {
set file = $ZSEARCH(dir _ sslFileNameNoExt _ prop _ "*")
if file="" {
throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus($$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, $$$FormatText("SSL config %1 from file %2 refers to %3 which is not found at expected location %4", ssl.Name, sslFullFileName, prop, dir _ sslFileNameNoExt _ prop _ "*")))
set $property(ssl, prop) = file
if ssl.CAPath'="" {
if ##class(%File).DirectoryExists(dir _ sslFileNameNoExt) {
set ssl.CAPath = dir _ sslFileNameNoExt
} else {
throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus($$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, $$$FormatText("SSL config %1 from file %2 refers to CAPath which is not found at expected location %3", ssl.Name, sslFullFileName, dir _ sslFileNameNoExt)))
kill reader
// 2. Write patched SSL config to file
set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, writer.OutputToFile(sslFullFileName))
set writer.Charset="UTF-8"
set writer.Indent=1
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, writer.RootElement("SSLConfigsExport"))
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, writer.Object(ssl))
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, writer.EndRootElement())
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, writer.EndDocument())
kill writer
// 3. Import new SSL config
$$$THROWONERROR(sc, ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Import(sslFullFileName))
/// Generate a filename in a dir with a specific extension.
/// Filename is guaranteed to not exist OR be absolutely the same.
/// This is achieved by adding underscores to the start of the name if any conflicts exist.
/// w ##class(ZMSP.HCC.Importer).GenerateFileName("C:\InterSystems\BP", "test")
ClassMethod GenerateFileName(dir, name, ext = "xml") As %String
set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
set filename = dir _name _ "." _ ext
if '##class(%File).Exists(filename) {
quit filename
} elseif ##class(%File).NormalizeFilename(filename) = filename {
quit filename
quit ..GenerateFileName(dir, "_" _ name, ext)
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