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Last active March 31, 2016 18:04
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25" zv="Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2015.1.1 (Build 505U)" ts="2015-06-17 22:55:48">
<Class name="App.Log">
<Parameter name="Null">
Replacement for missing values</Description>
<Property name="EventType">
Type of event</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="10"/>
<Property name="ClassName">
Name of class, where event happened</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="256"/>
<Property name="MethodName">
Name of method, where event happened</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="128"/>
<Property name="Source">
Line of int code</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="2000"/>
<Property name="UserName">
Cache user</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="128"/>
<Property name="Arguments">
Arguments' values passed to method</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="32000"/>
<Parameter name="TRUNCATE" value="1"/>
<Property name="TimeStamp">
Date and time</Description>
<InitialExpression>$zdt($h, 3, 1)</InitialExpression>
<Property name="Message">
User message</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="32000"/>
<Parameter name="TRUNCATE" value="1"/>
<Property name="ClientIPAddress">
User IP address</Description>
<Parameter name="MAXLEN" value="32"/>
<Index name="idxEventType">
<Index name="idxUserName">
<Index name="idxClassName">
<Index name="idxTimeStamp">
<Index name="idxClientIPAddress">
<Method name="GetClientAddress">
Determine user IP address</Description>
// %CSP.Session source is preferable
#dim %request As %CSP.Request
If ($d(%request)) {
Return %request.CgiEnvs("REMOTE_ADDR")
Return $system.Process.ClientIPAddress()
<Method name="AddRecord">
Add new log event
Use via $$$LogEventTYPE().</Description>
Set record = ..%New()
Set record.Arguments = Arguments
Set record.ClassName = ClassName
Set record.EventType = EventType
Set record.Message = Message
Set record.MethodName = MethodName
Set record.Source = Source
Do record.%Save()
<Method name="GetMethodArguments">
Entry point to get method arguments string </Description>
Set list = ..GetMethodArgumentsList(ClassName,MethodName)
Set string = ..ArgumentsListToString(list)
Return string
<Method name="GetMethodArgumentsList">
Get a list of method arguments</Description>
Set result = ""
Set def = ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledMethod).%OpenId(ClassName _ "||" _ MethodName)
If ($IsObject(def)) {
Set result = def.FormalSpecParsed
Return result
<Method name="ArgumentsListToString">
Convert list of method arguments to string</Description>
Set result = ""
For i=1:1:$ll(List) {
Set result = result _ $$$quote($s(i>1=0:"",1:"; ") _ $lg($lg(List,i))_"=")
_ ..GetArgumentValue($lg($lg(List,i)),$lg($lg(List,i),2))
Return result
<Method name="GetArgumentValue">
If $ClassMethod(ClassName, "%Extends", "%RegisteredObject") {
// it's an object
Return "_##class(App.Log).SerializeObject("_Name _ ")_"
} Else {
// it's a datatype
Return "_$g(" _ Name _ ","_$$$quote(..#Null)_")_"
<Method name="SerializeObject">
Return:'$IsObject(Object) Object
Return ..WriteJSONFromObject(Object)
<Method name="WriteJSONFromObject">
// Create a string that we will redirect to
Set Str = ""
Use $io::("^"_$ZNAME)
// Enable redirection
Do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(1)
// Any write statements here will be redirected to the labels defined below
Do ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ObjectToJSON(Object)
// Disable redirection
Do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(0)
Return Str
// Labels that allow for IO redirection
// Read Character - we don't care about reading
rchr(c) Quit
// Read a string - we don't care about reading
rstr(sz,to) Quit
// Write a character - call the output label
wchr(s) Do output($char(s)) Quit
// Write a form feed - call the output label
wff() Do output($char(12)) Quit
// Write a newline - call the output label
wnl() Do output($char(13,10)) Quit
// Write a string - call the output label
wstr(s) Do output(s) Quit
// Write a tab - call the output label
wtab(s) Do output($char(9)) Quit
// Output label - this is where you would handle what you actually want to do.
// in our case, we want to write to Str
output(s) Set Str = Str_s Quit
<Method name="LoadContext">
Return:'..%ExistsId(Id) $$$OK
Set Obj = ..%OpenId(Id)
Set Arguments = Obj.Arguments
Set List = ..GetMethodArgumentsList(Obj.ClassName,Obj.MethodName)
For i=1:1:$Length(Arguments,";")-1 {
Set Argument = $Piece(Arguments,";",i)
Set @$lg($lg(List,i)) = ..DeserializeObject($Piece(Argument,"=",2),$lg($lg(List,i),2))
Kill Obj,Arguments,Argument,i,Id,List
<Method name="DeserializeObject">
If $ClassMethod(ClassName, "%Extends", "%RegisteredObject") {
// it's an object
Set st = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(String,,.obj)
Return:$$$ISOK(st) obj
Return String
<Storage name="Default">
<Data name="LogDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
<Value name="2">
<Value name="3">
<Value name="4">
<Value name="5">
<Value name="6">
<Value name="7">
<Value name="8">
<Value name="9">
<Value name="10">
<Routine name="App.LogMacro" type="INC" timestamp="63698,56142.070147"><![CDATA[
#define StackPlace $st($st(-1),"PLACE")
#define CurrentClass ##Expression($$$quote(%classname))
#define CurrentMethod ##Expression($$$quote(%methodname))
#define MethodArguments ##Expression(##class(App.Log).GetMethodArguments(%classname,%methodname))
#define LogEvent(%type, %message) Do ##class(App.Log).AddRecord($$$CurrentClass,$$$CurrentMethod,$$$StackPlace,%type,$$$MethodArguments,%message)
#define LogNone(%message) $$$LogEvent("NONE", %message)
#define LogError(%message) $$$LogEvent("ERROR", %message)
#define LogFatal(%message) $$$LogEvent("FATAL", %message)
#define LogWarn(%message) $$$LogEvent("WARN", %message)
#define LogInfo(%message) $$$LogEvent("INFO", %message)
#define LogStat(%message) $$$LogEvent("STAT", %message)
#define LogDebug(%message) $$$LogEvent("DEBUG", %message)
#define LogRaw(%message) $$$LogEvent("RAW", %message)
<Class name="App.Use">
<Method name="Test">
do ##class(App.Use).Test()</Description>
<Implementation><![CDATA[ $$$LogWarn("User message") // just place this macro in user code you wish to log
<Method name="TestWithObjects">
do ##class(App.Use).TestWithObjects()</Description>
<Implementation><![CDATA[ $$$LogWarn("User message")
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