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Created May 5, 2014 11:48
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#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/rational.hpp>
using ext_coord = std::int64_t;
using int_coord = boost::rational<ext_coord>;
struct ext_point { ext_coord x, y; };
struct int_point { int_coord x, y; };
struct segment { ext_point p, q; };
ext_point operator + (const ext_point & p, const ext_point & q)
return ext_point { p.x + q.x, p.y + q.y };
ext_point operator - (const ext_point & p, const ext_point & q)
return ext_point { p.x - q.x, p.y - q.y };
ext_point operator * (const ext_point & p, ext_coord k)
return ext_point { p.x * k, p.y * k };
int_point operator / (const ext_point & p, ext_coord k)
return int_point { int_coord(p.x, k), int_coord(p.y, k) };
bool operator < (const int_point & p, const int_point & q)
if (p.x < q.x) return true;
if (p.x > q.x) return false;
return p.y < q.y;
bool unaligned(ext_coord b, ext_coord c)
if (c < 0) return b >= 0 || b <= c;
if (c > 0) return b <= 0 || b >= c;
return true;
void intersect(const segment & s, const segment & t, std::set<int_point> & ps)
ext_point dp1 = s.p - s.q; // a,d
ext_point dp2 = t.p - t.q; // b,e
ext_point del = s.p - t.p; // c,f
// ae - bd
ext_coord den = dp1.x * dp2.y - dp1.y * dp2.x;
if (den == 0)
// ce - bf
ext_coord num1 = dp2.y * del.x - dp2.x * del.y;
if (unaligned(num1, den))
// cd - af
ext_coord num2 = dp1.y * del.x - dp1.x * del.y;
if (unaligned(num2, den))
ps.insert((s.p * (den-num1) + s.q * num1) / den);
ext_coord generate(ext_coord & state)
state *= state;
state %= 50515093;
return state % 500;
int main()
std::vector<segment> ss;
std::set<int_point> ps;
ext_coord state = 290797;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
segment t { { generate(state), generate(state) },
{ generate(state), generate(state) } };
for (auto & s : ss)
intersect(t, s, ps);
std::cout << ps.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
import Data.Int
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.Set as S
type ExtCoord = Int64
type ExtPoint = [ExtCoord] -- exactly two coordinates: x and y
type Segment = [ExtPoint] -- exactly two points: start and end
type IntCoord = Ratio ExtCoord
type IntPoint = [IntCoord] -- exactly two coordinates: x and y
coords :: [ExtCoord]
coords = unfoldr next 290797
next s = Just (s' `mod` 500, s')
s' = s * s `mod` 50515093
segments :: [ExtCoord] -> [Segment]
segments (a:b:c:d:ts) = [[a,b], [c,d]] : segments ts
segments _ = []
unaligned :: ExtCoord -> ExtCoord -> Bool
unaligned b c
| 0 < b && b < c = False
| 0 > b && b > c = False
| otherwise = True
add, sub :: Segment -> ExtPoint
add [p1,p2] = zipWith (+) p1 p2
sub [p1,p2] = zipWith (-) p1 p2
mult :: ExtPoint -> Segment -> Segment
mult = zipWith $ map . (*)
intersection :: Segment -> Segment -> Maybe IntPoint
intersection s1@(p1:_) s2@(p2:_) =
| unaligned num1 den = Nothing -- Outside open segment s1
| unaligned num2 den = Nothing -- Outside open segment s2
| otherwise = Just $ (% den) `map` add nums
[a,d] = sub s1 -- Solve for s,t:
[b,e] = sub s2 --
[c,f] = sub [p1,p2] -- as - bt = c
num1 = c*e - b*f -- ds - et = f
num2 = c*d - a*f -- 0 < s,t < 1
den = a*e - b*d --
nums = mult [den-num1, num1] s1 -- Solution must be unique
main :: IO ()
main = print . S.size . S.fromList . next . segments $ take 20000 coords
next [] = [] --
next (x:xs) = current ++ next xs --
current = catMaybes $ intersection x `map` xs
extern crate collections;
extern crate num;
use collections::treemap::TreeSet;
use num::rational::Ratio;
type ExtCoord = int;
type IntCoord = Ratio<ExtCoord>;
struct ExtPoint {
x: ExtCoord,
y: ExtCoord
#[deriving(Eq, Ord, TotalEq, TotalOrd)]
struct IntPoint {
x: IntCoord,
y: IntCoord
struct Segment {
p: ExtPoint,
q: ExtPoint
struct Generator {
state: ExtCoord
impl Add<ExtPoint, ExtPoint> for ExtPoint {
fn add(&self, rhs: &ExtPoint) -> ExtPoint {
ExtPoint {
x: self.x + rhs.x,
y: self.y + rhs.y
impl Sub<ExtPoint, ExtPoint> for ExtPoint {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &ExtPoint) -> ExtPoint {
ExtPoint {
x: self.x - rhs.x,
y: self.y - rhs.y
impl Mul<ExtCoord, ExtPoint> for ExtPoint {
fn mul(&self, &rhs: &ExtCoord) -> ExtPoint {
ExtPoint {
x: self.x * rhs,
y: self.y * rhs
impl Div<ExtCoord, IntPoint> for ExtPoint {
fn div(&self, &rhs: &ExtCoord) -> IntPoint {
IntPoint {
x: Ratio::new(self.x, rhs),
y: Ratio::new(self.y, rhs)
impl Generator {
fn new() -> Generator {
Generator { state: 290797 }
fn next(&mut self) -> ExtCoord {
self.state *= self.state;
self.state %= 50515093;
self.state % 500
impl ExtPoint {
fn new(gen: &mut Generator) -> ExtPoint {
ExtPoint {
fn unaligned(b: ExtCoord, c: ExtCoord) -> bool {
if c < 0 { b >= 0 || b <= c } else
if c > 0 { b <= 0 || b >= c } else { true }
impl Segment {
fn new(gen: &mut Generator) -> Segment {
Segment {
p: ExtPoint::new(gen),
q: ExtPoint::new(gen)
fn intersect(&self, that: &Segment) -> Option<IntPoint> {
let dp1 = self.p - self.q;
let dp2 = that.p - that.q;
let del = self.p - that.p;
let den = dp1.x * dp2.y - dp1.y * dp2.x;
if den == 0 { return None }
let num1 = dp2.y * del.x - dp2.x * del.y;
if unaligned(num1, den) { return None }
let num2 = dp1.y * del.x - dp1.x * del.y;
if unaligned(num2, den) { return None }
Some((self.p * (den - num1) + self.q * num1) / den)
fn main() {
let mut gen = Generator::new();
let mut ss = Vec::with_capacity(5000);
let mut ps = TreeSet::new();
for _ in range(0, 5000) {
let t = Segment::new(&mut gen);
for s in ss.iter() {
for p in t.intersect(s).move_iter() {
println!("{}", ps.len())
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