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Created August 8, 2011 16:32
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Y.Ransac = {
findHomography: function(matches, iter) {
var instance = this, bestScore = 0, bestHomography = null, i, mLen = matches.length;
for (i = 0, iter = ((iter === undefined) ? 100 : iter); i < iter; i++) {
var pairs = [], j, H;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
// if (!instance.isColinear(pairs)) { // TODO: add colinear points checking optimization
H = instance._findHomography.apply(instance, pairs);
if (H) {
var score = instance.score(H, matches);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestHomography = H;
// }
return bestHomography;
score: function(H, matches) {
var instance = this, m, mLen = matches.length, inliners = 0;
for (m = 0; m < mLen; m++) {
var match = matches[m],
x11 = match[0][0],
y11 = match[0][1],
x12 = match[1][0],
y12 = match[1][1];
P11 = new YMath.Matrix([ [ x11 ], [ y11 ], [1] ]);
Ph = H.multiply(P11).toArray();
Pe = [ Ph[0]/Ph[2], Ph[1]/Ph[2] ];
dx = Pe[0] - x12;
dy = Pe[1] - y12;
if (Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) < 4) {
// console.log(Pe, x12, y12, dx, dy, Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) < 4);
return inliners;
_findHomography: function(pair1, pair2, pair3, pair4) {
var instance = this, A, Ai, R, C
// pair1
p11 = pair1[0],
x11 = p11[0], y11 = p11[1],
p12 = pair1[1],
x12 = p12[0], y12 = p12[1],
// pair2
p21 = pair2[0],
x21 = p21[0], y21 = p21[1],
p22 = pair2[1],
x22 = p22[0], y22 = p22[1],
// pair3
p31 = pair3[0],
x31 = p31[0], y31 = p31[1],
p32 = pair3[1],
x32 = p32[0], y32 = p32[1],
// pair4
p41 = pair4[0],
x41 = p41[0], y41 = p41[1],
p42 = pair4[1],
x42 = p42[0], y42 = p42[1];
R = new YMath.Matrix([
[ x12 ], [ y12 ], [ x22 ], [ y22 ], [ x32 ], [ y32 ], [ x42 ], [ y42 ]
A = new YMath.Matrix([
// pair1
[ x11, y11, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x11*x12, -y11*x12 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, x11, y11, 1, -x11*y12, -y11*y12 ],
// pair2
[ x21, y21, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x21*x22, -y21*x22 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, x21, y21, 1, -x21*y22, -y21*y22 ],
// pair3
[ x31, y31, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x31*x32, -y31*x32 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, x31, y31, 1, -x31*y32, -y31*y32 ],
// pair4
[ x41, y41, 1, 0, 0, 0, -x41*x42, -y41*x42 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, x41, y41, 1, -x41*y42, -y41*y42 ]
Ai = A.getInverse();
if (Ai) {
C = Ai.multiply(R).toArray();
return new YMath.Matrix([
[ C[0][0], C[1][0], C[2][0] ],
[ C[3][0], C[4][0], C[5][0] ],
[ C[6][0], C[7][0], 1 ]
return null;
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