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Last active November 16, 2023 02:50
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Save eduardozulian/4739075 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extend WP_Customize_Image_Control class allowing access to files uploaded within the same context.
* Customize Image Reloaded Class
* Extend WP_Customize_Image_Control allowing access to uploads made within
* the same context
class My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control extends WP_Customize_Image_Control {
* Constructor.
* @since 3.4.0
* @uses WP_Customize_Image_Control::__construct()
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $manager
public function __construct( $manager, $id, $args = array() ) {
parent::__construct( $manager, $id, $args );
* Search for images within the defined context
public function tab_uploaded() {
$my_context_uploads = get_posts( array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'meta_key' => '_wp_attachment_context',
'meta_value' => $this->context,
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'nopaging' => true,
) );
<div class="uploaded-target"></div>
if ( empty( $my_context_uploads ) )
foreach ( (array) $my_context_uploads as $my_context_upload ) {
$this->print_tab_image( esc_url_raw( $my_context_upload->guid ) );
* Example of inserting a section called "Branding" with a
* context-based image uploader
$wp_customize->add_section( 'my_branding', array(
'title' => __( 'Branding', '' ),
'priority' => 30,
) );
$wp_customize->add_setting( 'my_logo', array(
'capability' => 'edit_theme_options'
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( new My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control( $wp_customize, 'my_logo', array(
'label' => __( 'Logo', '' ),
'section' => 'my_branding',
'settings' => 'my_logo',
'context' => 'my-custom-logo'
) ) );
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How do i implement this into the functions.php? Does this enable the image uploader in the WP Theme Customizer to store previously uploaded pics or the media library? Thank You for this code btw.. :)

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I added your code to my 'customize_register' add_action.. I don't notice any changes with the "WP_Customize_Image_Control" control setting. Do I need to change "$my_context_uploads" to a specific title? I found another source that demonstrates how to extend the WP_Customize_Control and works perfectly.... Can you offer a little bit more information on where & how to use this function?

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Apologies for excessive replies. Just trying to get the best out of this script. I'm not sure why, but when I create a custom image upload controller, and upload a logo, I only see previously uploaded custom backgrounds in the uploaded field. Just wondering if its possible that the logo will display in there as well. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

Also, is it possible to extend another tab for default images built in the theme as an option? Would work excellent for something like textures, but have the option to add new ones as well...

Thank You for this code. It has helped so far. Just not sure if I have it setup 100% properly yet...

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@nativeimaging, you're welcome!

When adding the new control, are you using My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control or WP_Customize_Image_Control? 'Cause you should be using the first one.

$wp_customize->add_control( new My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control( $wp_customize, 'my_logo', array(
        'label'     => __( 'Logo', 'textdomain' ),
        'section'   => 'my_branding',
        'settings'  => 'my_logo',
        'context'   => 'my-custom-logo'
) ) );

Hope it helps!

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Here's the Control I'm using:

//Logo Upload       
     'logo_upload', array(
        'default'        => '/wp-content/themes/usfcr/images/govkinex-logo.png',
        'transport'   => 'refresh',
    ) );

     new My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control ( $wp_customize, 'logo_upload', array (
        'label'   => 'Logo Upload',
        'section' => 'logo_settings',
        'settings'    => 'logo_upload',
        'priority' => 5,

   ) ) );  

and here's the Extend I used from your code above. I changed a few names, but seems to still work the same. If I can get the previously images uploaded to display in its own category/history, I will send a donation. Thank You for your help! :)

add_action('customize_register', 'native_customize');
function native_customize($wp_customize) {
    * Customize Image Reloaded Class
    * Extend WP_Customize_Image_Control allowing access to uploads made within
    * the same context
    class My_Customize_Image_Reloaded_Control extends WP_Customize_Image_Control {
        * Constructor.
        * @since 3.4.0
        * @uses WP_Customize_Image_Control::__construct()
        * @param WP_Customize_Manager $manager
        public function __construct( $manager, $id, $args = array() ) {

        parent::__construct( $manager, $id, $args );


        * Search for images within the defined context
        * If there's no context, it'll bring all images from the library
        public function tab_uploaded() {
        $logo_uploads = get_posts( array(
            'post_type'  => 'attachment',
            'meta_key'   => '_wp_attachment_context',
            'meta_value' => $this->context,
            'orderby'    => 'post_date',
            'nopaging'   => true,
        ) );


        <div class="uploaded-target"></div>

        if ( empty( $logo_uploads ) )

        foreach ( (array) $logo_uploads as $logo_upload )
            $this->print_tab_image( esc_url_raw( $logo_upload->guid ) );


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Sorry, that code didn't paste properly. It's strange, I can upload a new logo image, and immediately see the image show in the Uploaded Tab. But when the Theme Customizer is reloaded, it only displays the Background or Featured Images previously uploaded, and not the logo.

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AHA, WORKS!!! I needed to add " 'context' => 'my-custom-logo' " to the controller. Thank you for you help. I would've never figured that one out.:)

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Hahaha, exactly. Context is the key!

You're welcome, dude. Glad I could help. : )

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Nice, snippet! One would of thought this functionality would of been built into WP_Customize_Image_Control, then again, extending the class WP_Customize_Image_Control isn't that much code anyway.

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Just curious, @eduardozulian the comments found here do not seem correct. Since if the $my_context_uploads is empty the method just returns.

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@zanematthew, you're right. I did some test months ago and I kept getting all my attachments, but I don't think that's the expected pattern. Thanks!

Just updated the code with some examples too.

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Okay, back into extending the WordPress theme customizer extensions. I'm still using this snippet for uploading textures, backgrounds, and logos. I'm not sure if something changed, but I can' seem to remove the images after they are uploaded. However, I noticed the WordPress added some features to the Live Theme Customizer particularly for Header Images. I see new buttons for "Hide Image" "Randomize Suggested Images", and they also cued in the newer Media Uploader for the header images in the theme customizer.

My memory may be failing me, but I thought we could remove the images that were uploaded to our custom contexts? Or, maybe I have a little bad code where it's not showing up anymore? Just can't seem to remove the images that I've uploaded.

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Oops, discard that last comment. It reappeared. :) Love this snippet!!!

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@nativeimaging @eduardozulian seems since 3.9 was released a few things changed, mainly a bug arose, the "remove" option is now gone. Looking into a fix.

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wesweat commented Aug 28, 2014


i trying out your class and it act strange.

Right after i

require 'My_Customize_Image_Control.php';

and i save the new image options i get an error

Fatal error: Class 'WP_Customize_Image_Control' not found

And the Website is not loaded.

So after outcommenting
//require 'My_Customize_Image_Control.php';

the website loads correctly again.

What do i need to do to fix this?


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@wesweat You need to go into your functions.php and add it from there. Look at

Anyway, I'm writing to ask how to actually use this? I'm not sure what to put inside the context. Anything I put in doesn't seem to work. The Uploaded tab is still hidden.

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cool and time saved

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@eduardozulian thanks for this! Wicked to extend this capability. Any resources that might point out how to implement or grab the new CustomLogo in the header.php?

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