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Last active September 23, 2017 19:01
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Arraymancer Utilities
# Seq of tensors to tensor
proc toTensor*[T](s: openarray[Tensor[T]]): Tensor[T] = Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = t.unsafeUnsqueeze(0)).concat(0)
# Make universal does not work with abs
proc abs*[T](t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = T):T = abs(x))
# Seq to reshaped tensor, no copy
proc unsafeToTensorReshape[T](data: seq[T], shape: openarray[int]): Tensor[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
result.shape = @shape
result.strides = shape_to_strides(result.shape)
result.offset = 0
shallowCopy(, data)
# This is not the full implementation
template unsafeAt[T](t: Tensor[T], x: int): Tensor[T] =
t.unsafeView(x, _, _).unsafeReshape([t.shape[1], t.shape[2]])
# unsafeSqueeze on axis
proc unsafeSqueeze*[T](t: Tensor[T], axis: int): Tensor[T] {.noSideEffect,inline.} =
var shape = t.shape
assert shape[axis] == 1
# unsqueeze on axis
proc unsafeUnsqueeze*(t: Tensor, axis: int): Tensor =
var shape = t.shape
shape.insert(1, axis)
proc unsafeTranspose*(t: Tensor): Tensor {.noSideEffect, inline.}=
## Transpose a Tensor.
## For N-d Tensor with shape (0, 1, 2 ... n-1) the resulting tensor will have shape (n-1, ... 2, 1, 0)
## Data is copied as-is and not modified.
result.shape = t.shape.reversed
result.strides = t.strides.reversed
result.offset = t.offset
proc fold2*[T](t1: Tensor[T],
start_val: T,
f: (T, T, T)-> T,
t2: Tensor[T]
): T {.noSideEffect.}=
result = start_val
for ai, bi in zip(t1.values, t2.values):
result = f(result, ai, bi)
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