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Created June 28, 2021 11:20
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if GLSL then
primtypes.number = primtypes.float32
primtypes.integer = primtypes.cint
primtypes.uinteger = primtypes.cuint
primtypes.number = primtypes.float32
primtypes.integer = primtypes.int32
primtypes.uinteger = primtypes.uint32
global float = @number
global int = @integer
global uint = @uinteger
local is_scalar = #[concept(function(x) return x.type.is_scalar end)]#
require 'math'
function math.rsqrt(x: is_scalar) <inline,nosideeffect>
return 1.0 / sqrt(x)
-- Returns 0 if x < edge, and 1 otherwise.
function math.step(edge: is_scalar, x: is_scalar) <inline,nosideeffect>
x = x < edge and 0 or 1
return x
function math.fastexp(x: float32) <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Fast exp (imprecise)
-- Reference:
local u: union {f: float32, x: int32} = {x = (@int32)(12102203 * x) + 1064866805}
return u.f
function math.fastpow(a: float32, b: float32): float32 <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Fast pow (precise)
-- Reference:
local flip: boolean = b < 0
b = flip and -b or b
local e: int32 = (@int32)(b)
local u: union{f: float32, x: int32} = {f = a}
u.x = (@int32)((b - e)*(u.x - 1065353216) + 1065353216)
local r: float32 = 1.0
## for i=1,32 do
if e == 0 then goto finish end
r = e & 1 ~= 0 and r*a or r
a = a * a
e = e >>> 1
## end
r = r * u.f
return flip and 1.0/r or r
function math.fasterpow(a: float32, b: float32): float32 <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Very fast pow (imprecise)
-- Reference:
local u: union {f: float32, x: int32} = {f = a}
u.x = (@int32)(b * (u.x - 1064866805) + 1064866805)
return u.f
function math.fastcbrt(a: float32): float32 <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Cube root approximation using 1 iterations of Halley's method
if unlikely(a == 0.0) then return 0.0 end
local u: union{f: float32, x: uint32} = {f = a}
u.x = u.x /// 3_u32 + 709921077_u32
local x: float32 = u.f -- initial guess
local x3: float32 = x*x*x
x = u.f * (x3 + 2.0*a) / (2.0*x3 + a)
x3 = x*x*x
return x * (x3 + 2.0*a) / (2.0*x3 + a)
function math.fastercbrt(a: float32): float32 <inline,nosideeffect>
if unlikely(a == 0.0) then return 0.0 end
-- Cube root approximation using 2 iterations of Halley's method
local u: union{f: float32, x: uint32} = {f = a}
u.x = u.x /// 3_u32 + 709921077_u32
local x: float32 = u.f -- initial guess
local x3: float32 = x*x*x
return x * (x3 + 2.0*a) / (2.0*x3 + a)
-- Convert float bit representation to an unsigned integer.
function math.floatbits2uint(x: float): uint <inline,nosideeffect>
local u: union{f: float, i: uint} = {f = x}
return u.i
-- Convert float bit representation to an integer.
function math.floatbits2int(x: float): int <inline,nosideeffect>
local u: union{f: float, i: int} = {f = x}
return u.i
## end
-- Returns -1 if x < 0, and 1 otherwise.
function math.signb(x: is_scalar) <inline,nosideeffect>
return x < 0 and -1 or 1
function math.floorround(x: is_scalar) <inline,nosideeffect>
return math.floor(x + 0.5)
-- Returns cos(acos(x)/3.0) but optimized, usually used to solve cubic equations.
-- Reference:
function math.trisect(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
x = math.sqrt(0.5+0.5*x)
return x*(x*(x*(x*-0.008972+0.039071)-0.107074)+0.576975)+0.5
-- Like `trisect`, but faster losing precision.
-- Reference:
function math.fasttrisect(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
x = math.sqrt(0.5+0.5*x)
return x*(-0.064916*x+0.564916)+0.5
-- Returns arccosine of an scalar.
-- Handbook of Mathematical Functions - M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Ed.
-- Reference:
function math.fastacos(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
local negate: float = x < 0.0 and 1.0 or 0.0
x = math.abs(x)
local ret: float = -0.0187293
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 0.0742610
ret = ret * x
ret = ret - 0.2121144
ret = ret * x
ret = ret + 1.5707288
ret = ret * math.sqrt(1.0-x)
ret = ret - 2.0 * negate * ret
return negate * 3.14159265358979 + ret
-- Returns arccosine of an scalar. (imprecise)
-- Approximation by Sebastien Lagarde.
-- Reference:
function math.fasteracos(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
local y: float = math.abs(math.clamp(x,-1.0,1.0))
local b: float = (-0.168577*y + 1.56723) * math.sqrt(1.0 - y)
local t: float = math.sign(x)
local a: float = 0.5*3.1415927
return a * (1.0-t) + b * t
-- Reference:
function math.fastsin(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Quartic sin approximation (precise), using the following constrains:
-- f(0) = 0, f(pi) = 0, f(pi/2) = 1, f'(0) = 1, f'(pi) = -1, f'(pi/2) = 0
local line = x*#[1/math.pi]#
local stair = math.floor(line)
local saw = line - stair
local wave = saw*(saw*(saw*(saw*#[16 - 4*math.pi]# + #[8*math.pi - 32]#) + #[16 - 5*math.pi]#) + #[math.pi]#)
local signal = (1.0-2.0*(stair - 2.0*math.floor(0.5*line)))
return signal*wave
function math.fastcos(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
return math.fastsin(x + #[math.pi/2]#)
function math.qsin(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
-- Quadratic sin approximation (imprecise), using the following constrains:
-- f(0) = 0, f(pi) = 0, f(pi/2) = 1
local line = x*#[1/math.pi]#
local stair = math.floor(line)
local saw = line - stair
local wave = 4.0*saw*(1.0-saw)
local signal = (1.0-2.0*(stair - 2.0*math.floor(0.5*line)))
return signal*wave
function math.qcos(x: float): float <inline,nosideeffect>
return math.qsin(x + #[math.pi/2]#)
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