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Created June 17, 2021 16:24
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cflags '-I/usr/include/tensorflow'
linklib 'tensorflow'
cinclude '<tensorflow/c/c_api.h>'
global TF_AttrType: type <cimport, nodecl, using> = @enum(cint){
global TF_DataType: type <cimport, nodecl, using> = @enum(cint){
TF_INT32 = 3,
TF_UINT8 = 4,
TF_INT16 = 5,
TF_INT8 = 6,
TF_INT64 = 9,
TF_BOOL = 10,
TF_QINT8 = 11,
TF_QUINT8 = 12,
TF_QINT32 = 13,
TF_BFLOAT16 = 14,
TF_QINT16 = 15,
TF_QUINT16 = 16,
TF_UINT16 = 17,
TF_COMPLEX128 = 18,
TF_HALF = 19,
TF_UINT32 = 22,
TF_UINT64 = 23
global function TF_DataTypeSize(dt: TF_DataType): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Status: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global TF_Code: type <cimport, nodecl, using> = @enum(cint){
TF_OK = 0,
global function TF_NewStatus(): *TF_Status <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteStatus(a1: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetStatus(s: *TF_Status, code: TF_Code, msg: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetStatusFromIOError(s: *TF_Status, error_code: cint, context: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetCode(s: *TF_Status): TF_Code <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_Message(s: *TF_Status): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_AllocatorAttributes: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
struct_size: csize,
on_host: cuchar
global TF_Tensor: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewTensor(a1: TF_DataType, dims: *int64, num_dims: cint, data: pointer, len: csize, deallocator: function(pointer, csize, pointer), deallocator_arg: pointer): *TF_Tensor <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AllocateTensor(a1: TF_DataType, dims: *int64, num_dims: cint, len: csize): *TF_Tensor <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorMaybeMove(tensor: *TF_Tensor): *TF_Tensor <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteTensor(a1: *TF_Tensor) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorType(a1: *TF_Tensor): TF_DataType <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_NumDims(a1: *TF_Tensor): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_Dim(tensor: *TF_Tensor, dim_index: cint): int64 <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorByteSize(a1: *TF_Tensor): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorData(a1: *TF_Tensor): pointer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorElementCount(tensor: *TF_Tensor): int64 <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorBitcastFrom(from: *TF_Tensor, type: TF_DataType, to: *TF_Tensor, new_dims: *int64, num_new_dims: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TensorIsAligned(a1: *TF_Tensor): boolean <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_swap32(host_int: uint32): uint32 <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_align16(i: csize): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_max(a: csize, b: csize): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_min(a: csize, b: csize): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_TString_Type: type <cimport, nodecl, using> = @enum(cint){
global TF_TString_Large: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
size: csize,
cap: csize,
ptr: cstring
global TF_TString_Offset: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
size: uint32,
offset: uint32,
count: uint32
global TF_TString_View: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
size: csize,
ptr: cstring
global TF_TString_Raw: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
raw: [24]uint8
global TF_TString_Union: type <cimport, nodecl> = @union{
large: TF_TString_Large,
offset: TF_TString_Offset,
view: TF_TString_View,
raw: TF_TString_Raw
global TF_TString_SmallCapacity: cint <comptime> = 22
global TF_TString_Small: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
size: uint8,
str: [23]cchar
global TF_TString: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
u: union{
smll: TF_TString_Small,
large: TF_TString_Large,
offset: TF_TString_Offset,
view: TF_TString_View,
raw: TF_TString_Raw
global function TF_TString_GetType(str: *TF_TString): TF_TString_Type <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_ToActualSizeT(size: csize): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_ToInternalSizeT(size: csize, type: TF_TString_Type): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Init(str: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Dealloc(str: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_GetSize(str: *TF_TString): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_GetCapacity(str: *TF_TString): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_GetDataPointer(str: *TF_TString): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_ResizeUninitialized(str: *TF_TString, new_size: csize): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_GetMutableDataPointer(str: *TF_TString): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Reserve(str: *TF_TString, new_cap: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Resize(str: *TF_TString, new_size: csize, c: cchar): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_AssignView(dst: *TF_TString, src: cstring, size: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_AppendN(dst: *TF_TString, src: cstring, src_size: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Append(dst: *TF_TString, src: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Copy(dst: *TF_TString, src: cstring, size: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Assign(dst: *TF_TString, src: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TString_Move(dst: *TF_TString, src: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringInit(t: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringCopy(dst: *TF_TString, src: cstring, size: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringAssignView(dst: *TF_TString, src: cstring, size: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringGetDataPointer(tstr: *TF_TString): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringGetType(str: *TF_TString): TF_TString_Type <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringGetSize(tstr: *TF_TString): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringGetCapacity(str: *TF_TString): csize <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_StringDealloc(tstr: *TF_TString) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_Version(): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Buffer: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
data: pointer,
length: csize,
data_deallocator: function(pointer, csize)
global function TF_NewBufferFromString(proto: pointer, proto_len: csize): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_NewBuffer(): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteBuffer(a1: *TF_Buffer) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetBuffer(buffer: *TF_Buffer): TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_StringView: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
data: cstring,
len: csize
global TF_SessionOptions: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewSessionOptions(): *TF_SessionOptions <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetTarget(options: *TF_SessionOptions, target: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetConfig(options: *TF_SessionOptions, proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteSessionOptions(a1: *TF_SessionOptions) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Graph: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewGraph(): *TF_Graph <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteGraph(a1: *TF_Graph) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_OperationDescription: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global TF_Operation: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global TF_Input: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
oper: *TF_Operation,
index: cint
global TF_Output: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
oper: *TF_Operation,
index: cint
global TF_Function: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global TF_FunctionOptions: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_GraphSetTensorShape(graph: *TF_Graph, output: TF_Output, dims: *int64, num_dims: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphGetTensorNumDims(graph: *TF_Graph, output: TF_Output, status: *TF_Status): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphGetTensorShape(graph: *TF_Graph, output: TF_Output, dims: *int64, num_dims: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_NewOperation(graph: *TF_Graph, op_type: cstring, oper_name: cstring): *TF_OperationDescription <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetDevice(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, device: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AddInput(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, input: TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AddInputList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, inputs: *TF_Output, num_inputs: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AddControlInput(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, input: *TF_Operation) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ColocateWith(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, op: *TF_Operation) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrString(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: pointer, length: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrStringList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: *pointer, lengths: *csize, num_values: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrInt(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: int64) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrIntList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: *int64, num_values: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrFloat(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: float32) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrFloatList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: *float32, num_values: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrBool(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: cuchar) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrBoolList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: *cuchar, num_values: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrType(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: TF_DataType) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrTypeList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: *TF_DataType, num_values: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrPlaceholder(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, placeholder: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrFuncName(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: cstring, length: csize) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrShape(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, dims: *int64, num_dims: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrShapeList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, dims: **int64, num_dims: *cint, num_shapes: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProto(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, protos: *pointer, proto_lens: *csize, num_shapes: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrTensor(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, value: *TF_Tensor, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrTensorList(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, values: **TF_Tensor, num_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SetAttrValueProto(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, attr_name: cstring, proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FinishOperation(desc: *TF_OperationDescription, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Operation <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationName(oper: *TF_Operation): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationOpType(oper: *TF_Operation): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationDevice(oper: *TF_Operation): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationNumOutputs(oper: *TF_Operation): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationOutputType(oper_out: TF_Output): TF_DataType <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationOutputListLength(oper: *TF_Operation, arg_name: cstring, status: *TF_Status): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationNumInputs(oper: *TF_Operation): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationInputType(oper_in: TF_Input): TF_DataType <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationInputListLength(oper: *TF_Operation, arg_name: cstring, status: *TF_Status): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationInput(oper_in: TF_Input): TF_Output <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationAllInputs(oper: *TF_Operation, inputs: *TF_Output, max_inputs: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationOutputNumConsumers(oper_out: TF_Output): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationOutputConsumers(oper_out: TF_Output, consumers: *TF_Input, max_consumers: cint): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationNumControlInputs(oper: *TF_Operation): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetControlInputs(oper: *TF_Operation, control_inputs: **TF_Operation, max_control_inputs: cint): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationNumControlOutputs(oper: *TF_Operation): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetControlOutputs(oper: *TF_Operation, control_outputs: **TF_Operation, max_control_outputs: cint): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_AttrMetadata: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
is_list: cuchar,
list_size: int64,
type: TF_AttrType,
total_size: int64
global function TF_OperationGetAttrMetadata(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, status: *TF_Status): TF_AttrMetadata <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrString(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: pointer, max_length: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrStringList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: *pointer, lengths: *csize, max_values: cint, storage: pointer, storage_size: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrInt(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *int64, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrIntList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: *int64, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrFloat(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *float32, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrFloatList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: *float32, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrBool(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *cuchar, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrBoolList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: *cuchar, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrType(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *TF_DataType, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrTypeList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: *TF_DataType, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrShape(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *int64, num_dims: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrShapeList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, dims: **int64, num_dims: *cint, num_shapes: cint, storage: *int64, storage_size: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProto(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrTensorShapeProtoList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: **TF_Buffer, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrTensor(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, value: **TF_Tensor, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrTensorList(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, values: **TF_Tensor, max_values: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationGetAttrValueProto(oper: *TF_Operation, attr_name: cstring, output_attr_value: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphOperationByName(graph: *TF_Graph, oper_name: cstring): *TF_Operation <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphNextOperation(graph: *TF_Graph, pos: *csize): *TF_Operation <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphToGraphDef(graph: *TF_Graph, output_graph_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphGetOpDef(graph: *TF_Graph, op_name: cstring, output_op_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphVersions(graph: *TF_Graph, output_version_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_ImportGraphDefOptions: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewImportGraphDefOptions(): *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteImportGraphDefOptions(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetPrefix(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, prefix: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetDefaultDevice(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, device: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetUniquifyNames(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, uniquify_names: cuchar) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsSetUniquifyPrefix(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, uniquify_prefix: cuchar) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddInputMapping(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, src_name: cstring, src_index: cint, dst: TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsRemapControlDependency(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, src_name: cstring, dst: *TF_Operation) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddControlDependency(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, oper: *TF_Operation) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOutput(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, oper_name: cstring, index: cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsNumReturnOutputs(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsAddReturnOperation(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, oper_name: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefOptionsNumReturnOperations(opts: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_ImportGraphDefResults: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOutputs(results: *TF_ImportGraphDefResults, num_outputs: *cint, outputs: **TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefResultsReturnOperations(results: *TF_ImportGraphDefResults, num_opers: *cint, opers: ***TF_Operation) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ImportGraphDefResultsMissingUnusedInputMappings(results: *TF_ImportGraphDefResults, num_missing_unused_input_mappings: *cint, src_names: **cstring, src_indexes: **cint) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteImportGraphDefResults(results: *TF_ImportGraphDefResults) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults(graph: *TF_Graph, graph_def: *TF_Buffer, options: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, status: *TF_Status): *TF_ImportGraphDefResults <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithReturnOutputs(graph: *TF_Graph, graph_def: *TF_Buffer, options: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, return_outputs: *TF_Output, num_return_outputs: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphImportGraphDef(graph: *TF_Graph, graph_def: *TF_Buffer, options: *TF_ImportGraphDefOptions, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphCopyFunction(g: *TF_Graph, func: *TF_Function, grad: *TF_Function, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphNumFunctions(g: *TF_Graph): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphGetFunctions(g: *TF_Graph, funcs: **TF_Function, max_func: cint, status: *TF_Status): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_OperationToNodeDef(oper: *TF_Operation, output_node_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_WhileParams: type <cimport, nodecl> = @record{
ninputs: cint,
cond_graph: *TF_Graph,
cond_inputs: *TF_Output,
cond_output: TF_Output,
body_graph: *TF_Graph,
body_inputs: *TF_Output,
body_outputs: *TF_Output,
name: cstring
global function TF_NewWhile(g: *TF_Graph, inputs: *TF_Output, ninputs: cint, status: *TF_Status): TF_WhileParams <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FinishWhile(params: *TF_WhileParams, status: *TF_Status, outputs: *TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AbortWhile(params: *TF_WhileParams) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AddGradients(g: *TF_Graph, y: *TF_Output, ny: cint, x: *TF_Output, nx: cint, dx: *TF_Output, status: *TF_Status, dy: *TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_AddGradientsWithPrefix(g: *TF_Graph, prefix: cstring, y: *TF_Output, ny: cint, x: *TF_Output, nx: cint, dx: *TF_Output, status: *TF_Status, dy: *TF_Output) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphToFunction(fn_body: *TF_Graph, fn_name: cstring, append_hash_to_fn_name: cuchar, num_opers: cint, opers: **TF_Operation, ninputs: cint, inputs: *TF_Output, noutputs: cint, outputs: *TF_Output, output_names: *cstring, opts: *TF_FunctionOptions, description: cstring, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Function <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GraphToFunctionWithControlOutputs(fn_body: *TF_Graph, fn_name: cstring, append_hash_to_fn_name: cuchar, num_opers: cint, opers: **TF_Operation, ninputs: cint, inputs: *TF_Output, noutputs: cint, outputs: *TF_Output, output_names: *cstring, ncontrol_outputs: cint, control_outputs: **TF_Operation, control_output_names: *cstring, opts: *TF_FunctionOptions, description: cstring, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Function <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FunctionName(func: *TF_Function): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FunctionToFunctionDef(func: *TF_Function, output_func_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Function <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FunctionSetAttrValueProto(func: *TF_Function, attr_name: cstring, proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_FunctionGetAttrValueProto(func: *TF_Function, attr_name: cstring, output_attr_value: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteFunction(func: *TF_Function) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_TryEvaluateConstant(graph: *TF_Graph, output: TF_Output, result: **TF_Tensor, status: *TF_Status): cuchar <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Session: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewSession(graph: *TF_Graph, opts: *TF_SessionOptions, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Session <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel(session_options: *TF_SessionOptions, run_options: *TF_Buffer, export_dir: cstring, tags: *cstring, tags_len: cint, graph: *TF_Graph, meta_graph_def: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Session <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_CloseSession(a1: *TF_Session, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteSession(a1: *TF_Session, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SessionRun(session: *TF_Session, run_options: *TF_Buffer, inputs: *TF_Output, input_values: **TF_Tensor, ninputs: cint, outputs: *TF_Output, output_values: **TF_Tensor, noutputs: cint, target_opers: **TF_Operation, ntargets: cint, run_metadata: *TF_Buffer, a12: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SessionPRunSetup(a1: *TF_Session, inputs: *TF_Output, ninputs: cint, outputs: *TF_Output, noutputs: cint, target_opers: **TF_Operation, ntargets: cint, handle: *cstring, a9: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_SessionPRun(a1: *TF_Session, handle: cstring, inputs: *TF_Output, input_values: **TF_Tensor, ninputs: cint, outputs: *TF_Output, output_values: **TF_Tensor, noutputs: cint, target_opers: **TF_Operation, ntargets: cint, a11: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeletePRunHandle(handle: cstring) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_DeprecatedSession: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewDeprecatedSession(a1: *TF_SessionOptions, status: *TF_Status): *TF_DeprecatedSession <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_CloseDeprecatedSession(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteDeprecatedSession(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_Reset(opt: *TF_SessionOptions, containers: *cstring, ncontainers: cint, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ExtendGraph(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, a4: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_Run(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, run_options: *TF_Buffer, input_names: *cstring, inputs: **TF_Tensor, ninputs: cint, output_names: *cstring, outputs: **TF_Tensor, noutputs: cint, target_oper_names: *cstring, ntargets: cint, run_metadata: *TF_Buffer, a12: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_PRunSetup(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, input_names: *cstring, ninputs: cint, output_names: *cstring, noutputs: cint, target_oper_names: *cstring, ntargets: cint, handle: *cstring, a9: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_PRun(a1: *TF_DeprecatedSession, handle: cstring, input_names: *cstring, inputs: **TF_Tensor, ninputs: cint, output_names: *cstring, outputs: **TF_Tensor, noutputs: cint, target_oper_names: *cstring, ntargets: cint, a11: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_DeviceList: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_SessionListDevices(session: *TF_Session, status: *TF_Status): *TF_DeviceList <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeprecatedSessionListDevices(session: *TF_DeprecatedSession, status: *TF_Status): *TF_DeviceList <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteDeviceList(list: *TF_DeviceList) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeviceListCount(list: *TF_DeviceList): cint <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeviceListName(list: *TF_DeviceList, index: cint, status: *TF_Status): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeviceListType(list: *TF_DeviceList, index: cint, status: *TF_Status): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeviceListMemoryBytes(list: *TF_DeviceList, index: cint, status: *TF_Status): int64 <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeviceListIncarnation(list: *TF_DeviceList, index: cint, status: *TF_Status): uint64 <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Library: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_LoadLibrary(library_filename: cstring, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Library <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetOpList(lib_handle: *TF_Library): TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteLibraryHandle(lib_handle: *TF_Library) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetAllOpList(): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_ApiDefMap: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewApiDefMap(op_list_buffer: *TF_Buffer, status: *TF_Status): *TF_ApiDefMap <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteApiDefMap(apimap: *TF_ApiDefMap) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ApiDefMapPut(api_def_map: *TF_ApiDefMap, text: cstring, text_len: csize, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ApiDefMapGet(api_def_map: *TF_ApiDefMap, name: cstring, name_len: csize, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetAllRegisteredKernels(status: *TF_Status): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_GetRegisteredKernelsForOp(name: cstring, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Buffer <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_UpdateEdge(graph: *TF_Graph, new_src: TF_Output, dst: TF_Input, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global TF_Server: type <cimport, nodecl, forwarddecl> = @record{}
global function TF_NewServer(proto: pointer, proto_len: csize, status: *TF_Status): *TF_Server <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ServerStart(server: *TF_Server, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ServerStop(server: *TF_Server, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ServerJoin(server: *TF_Server, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_ServerTarget(server: *TF_Server): cstring <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_DeleteServer(server: *TF_Server) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_RegisterLogListener(listener: function(cstring)) <cimport, nodecl> end
global function TF_RegisterFilesystemPlugin(plugin_filename: cstring, status: *TF_Status) <cimport, nodecl> end
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freeve4h commented Jul 1, 2022

lua: tensorflow.lua:5: unexpected symbol near ']'

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