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Created January 14, 2014 20:11
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#!/usr/local/lib python2.7
# -- convert Dokuwiki page syntax to reStructured Text
# pandoc (ext.program)
# pages pages/tutorials/tutorial-part-4-2.txt (single file)
# pages (directory tree)
# takes .txt files with Dokuwiki syntax, and converts them to
# corresponding .rst markup. You either run it on a single file or an entire
# directory tree. In the single-file invocation output is written to STDOUT,
# for directory trees, .rst files will be created corresponding to the input
# file paths. The first argument to the script is always a root directory
# from which e.g. internal links are calculated.
# For embedded HTML in Dokuwiki files it relies on the pandoc [1] program to
# convert it to reST.
# After the conversion the resulting .rst markup most likely needs some
# finishing touches to get the desired rendering.
# There is probably some legacy junk code in it, stemming from the time when we
# ported the entire manual from Dokuwiki to reST.
# [1]
import sys, os, re, codecs
from pyparsing import *
# -- transform stuff ------------------------
def convertToRst(opening,closing):
def conversionParseAction(s,l,t):
return opening + wikiMarkup.transformString(t[0]) + closing
return conversionParseAction
ns12 = ":1.2:"
headLevel = 0
def internalLink(url):
# wiki links are all-lowercase
url = url.lower()
# manual url
if url.find(ns12)>-1:
url = url[url.find(ns12)+len(ns12):]
if currentInput.endswith("index.txt"):
url = "pages/" + url
# wiki url
if url.startswith(".:"):
url = url[2:]
if url.startswith("."):
url = url[1:]
if (url.startswith(":") or url.startswith("documentation") or
if url.startswith(":"):
url = url[1:]
url = "http*//" + url
# this covers not everything, e.g. "lowleveloverview" -> documentation/lowleveloverview
url = url.replace(":", "/")
url = url.replace("*", ":")
base, ext = os.path.splitext(url)
if not ext:
#url += ".html"
return url
fileset = set(())
def absolutizeUrl(url, withext=False):
# generator_config_articles#packages_key -> pages/tool/generator_config_article#packages_key
# force all-lowercase
url = url.lower()
if url.find('#')>-1: # strip fragment id
fragment = url[url.find('#'):]
base = url[:url.find('#')]
fragment = ""
base = url
for knownbase in fileset:
if knownbase.endswith(base):
return knownbase + fragment
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(dirroot):
for file in files:
fbase,ext = os.path.splitext(file)
fullbase = os.path.join(root, fbase)
if withext:
fullbase += ext
fullbase = fullbase.lower()
fullbase = os.path.normpath(fullbase) # get rid of leading "./"
if fullbase.endswith(base):
return fullbase + fragment
eout(" could not absolutize url: %s" % url)
return url
def convertToRst_A(s,l,t):
i = t[0].find("|")
if i>-1:
url = t[0][:i]
text= t[0][i+1:]
url = t[0]
text= ""
text = text.strip()
url = url.strip()
# Handle url
if url.startswith("http://"):
return '`%s <%s>`_' % (text,url)
# handle intrawiki link
url = internalLink(url)
# intrawiki link could be turned into an external link
if url.startswith("http://"):
return '`%s <%s>`_' % (text,url)
# decide about link keyword
if url.find('#')>-1: # we have a document fragment identifier
keyword = "ref"
if url.startswith('#'): # have to use the full label
path,ext = os.path.splitext(currentInput)
url = path + url
url = absolutizeUrl(url)
else: # entire document link
keyword = "doc"
# put together with text
if text:
return ':%s:`%s <%s>`' % (keyword,text,url)
return ':%s:`%s`' % (keyword,url)
def convertToRst_I(s,l,t):
import random
# split text and url
i = t[0].find("|")
if i>-1:
url = t[0][:i]
text= t[0][i+1:]
url = t[0]
text= ""
text = text.strip()
# remove trailing artifacts
url = re.sub(r'\?.*$', '', url)
# Handle url
if url.startswith("http://"):
# handle document:1.2:
elif url.find(ns12)>-1:
url = internalLink(url)
url = absolutizeUrl(url, withext=True)
if url.startswith("pages/"):
url = "/" + url # need to 'absolutize' internal img refs,
#raise ParseFatalException(s,l,"invalid URL link reference: " + t[0])
#print >> sys.stderr, ("invalid image reference: " + t[0])
#return t[0]
pass # should do as is
# TODO: if the image ref is within the text flow, ret will break the text!
# (which is not often the case)
# Handle text
if not text:
text = "image" + str(random.choice(range(1000)))
if text.find(ns12)>-1:
text = internalLink(text) # make the alt string look like the img uri
ret = "|%s|\n\n.. |%s| image:: %s\n\n" % (text,text,url)
else : # .pdf, .zip, ...
if text:
ret = ':doc:`%s <%s>`' % (text,url)
ret = ':doc:`%s`' % url
return ret
wikiNoChars = re.compile(r'["\')(?!]')
def wikianchor(txt):
txt = txt.lower()
txt = wikiNoChars.sub('',txt,)
txt = txt.replace(" ", "_")
return txt
def convertHeading(linechar):
mylevel = [x[1] for x,y in linechars.items() if y==linechar][0]
mylevel = int(mylevel)
def parseAction(s,l,t):
global headLevel
# insert intermediate heading?
if headLevel > 0 and mylevel - headLevel > 1: # new header skips a level
# insert intermediate headers to assure consistency
prehead = ""
for i in range(1, mylevel - headLevel):
lchar = linechars["h"+str(headLevel+i)]
prehead += "\nXXX\n" + 3 * lchar + "\n\n"
prehead = ""
headLevel = mylevel
txt = t[0].strip()
# create jump label
path,ext = os.path.splitext(currentInput)
anchor = wikianchor(txt)
label = "\n.. _" + path + "#" + anchor + ":\n\n"
# put it together
txt = prehead + label + txt + "\n" + linechar * len(txt)
return txt
return parseAction
def reindentBlock(s,n):
s1 = s.split('\n')
s1 = [(n * ' ') + line for line in s1]
s1 = "\n".join(s1)
return s1
def convertCodeBlock(s,l,t):
# t = [ 'code', ['javascript'], False, 'qx.Class.define(....)', '</code>']
# TODO: the next leaves the :: on a line of its own, where it should be
# appended to the previous paragraph!
if len(t) < 5:
code = t[2]
code = t[3]
res = "\n::\n\n"
res += reindentBlock(code, 4)
res += "\n"
return res
def convertTable(s,l,t):
def makeline(fields, colwids):
s = ""
for field, colwid in zip(fields,colwids):
s += field + " " * (colwid - len(field))
s += " "
s += '\n'
return s
# t = ['header', '\nfirst row\nsecond row\n...', '\n\n']
# split fields
header = t[0].split('^')[1:-1]
colcnt = len(header)
rows = []
for row in t[1].split('\n')[1:]:
maxcols = []
# get longest field for each row
for colidx in range(colcnt):
maxcol = 0
for row in [header] + rows:
fieldlen = len(row[colidx])
if fieldlen > maxcol:
maxcol = fieldlen
# construct separator
seps = []
for colwid in maxcols:
seps.append(colwid * "=")
sep = " ".join(seps)
# put it together
ret = sep + '\n'
ret += makeline(header,maxcols)
ret += sep + '\n'
for row in rows:
ret += makeline(row,maxcols)
ret += sep + '\n\n\n'
return ret
def convertNoteBlock(s,l,t):
# t = [ 'code', ['javascript'], False, 'qx.Class.define(....)', '</code>']
# TODO: the next leaves the :: on a line of its own, where it should be
# appended to the previous paragraph!
if len(t) < 5:
code = t[2]
code = t[3]
res = "\n.. note::\n\n"
res += reindentBlock(wikiMarkup.transformString(code), 4)
res += "\nxxx\n" # make sure the note is closed
return res
def eout(s):
print >> sys.stderr, s
def convertHtml(i):
def htmlBlock(s,l,t,):
import subprocess
eout(" converting HTML with pandoc")
# preprocess
s = t[i]
s = "<html>" + s + "</html>"
s = s.replace("&nbsp;", " ")
p = subprocess.Popen(['pandoc', '--from=html', '--to=rst'],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ret = p.communicate(s)[0]
# postprocess
ret = ret.replace(os.linesep, "\n")
if ret.endswith("\n"):
ret = ret[:-1]
#ret = ret.decode('ascii', 'replace')
#eout("%r" % ret)
return ret
return htmlBlock
# these are the sphinx recommended heading ornaments
linechars = {
"h1" : "#",
"h2" : "*",
"h3" : "=",
"h4" : "-",
"h5" : "^",
"h6" : '"'
italicized1= QuotedString("//").setParseAction(convertToRst("*","*"))
italicized2= QuotedString("__").setParseAction(convertToRst("*","*"))
boldItalic = QuotedString("***").setParseAction(convertToRst("**","**")) # have to chose one
boldItalic = QuotedString("**//",endQuoteChar="//**").setParseAction(convertToRst("**","**")) # have to chose one
urlRef = QuotedString("[[",endQuoteChar="]]").setParseAction(convertToRst_A)
#h1 - haven't really used part headings so far
h2 = QuotedString("======").setParseAction(convertHeading(linechars["h2"]))
h3 = QuotedString("=====").setParseAction(convertHeading(linechars["h3"]))
h4 = QuotedString("====").setParseAction(convertHeading(linechars["h4"]))
h5 = QuotedString("===").setParseAction(convertHeading(linechars["h5"]))
h6 = QuotedString("==").setParseAction(convertHeading(linechars["h6"]))
code = QuotedString("''").setParseAction(convertToRst("``","``"))
myHtmlBlock = convertHtml(0)
html = QuotedString("<html>", endQuoteChar="</html>").setParseAction(myHtmlBlock)
imgRef = QuotedString("{{",endQuoteChar="}}").setParseAction(convertToRst_I)
br = Literal(r'\\ ').setParseAction(replaceWith(""))
htmlOpen,htmlClose = makeHTMLTags("html")
htmlEmb = htmlOpen + SkipTo(htmlClose) + htmlClose
#myHtmlBlock = functools.partial(htmlBlock, i=2)
myHtmlBlock = convertHtml(2)
codeOpen, codeClose = makeHTMLTags("code")
codeBlock = codeOpen + SkipTo(codeClose, ) + codeClose
noteOpen, noteClose = makeHTMLTags("note")
noteBlock = noteOpen + SkipTo(noteClose, ) + noteClose
tableOpen, tableClose = Regex(r'^\^.*\^$', re.M), Literal("\n\n").leaveWhitespace()
tableBlock = tableOpen + SkipTo(tableClose) + tableClose
wikiMarkup = (
italicized1 |
italicized2 |
boldItalic |
urlRef | imgRef |
h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 |
code | codeBlock |
noteBlock |
html | br |
# -- file handling ---------------------------
txtEnd = re.compile("\.txt$", re.I)
imgEnd = re.compile("\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)", re.I)
repeatedNewlines = LineEnd() + OneOrMore(LineEnd())
def rmEmptyLines(s):
return repeatedNewlines.transformString(s)
def transform(path):
global headLevel
global currentInput
print "transforming: %s" % path
headLevel = 0 # reset heading level for new document
currentInput = path
wikiInput =, "rU", "utf-8").read()
rstString = wikiMarkup.transformString(wikiInput)
# first pass leaves many blank lines, collapse these down
rstString = rmEmptyLines(rstString)
if len(rstString)>0:".rst", path), "w", "utf-8").write(rstString)
def main(path):
global dirroot
dirroot = path
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path):
for file in (f for f in files if f.endswith(".txt")):
if __name__ == "__main__":
wikiInput = ""
if len(sys.argv)>1:
if len(sys.argv)>2:
if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]):
currentInput = sys.argv[2]
dirroot = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1]) or '.'
wikiInput =[2], "rU", "utf-8").read()
elif os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
wikiInput = """
Here is a simple Wiki input:
//This is in italics.//
__This is also in italics.__
**This is in bold!**
***This is in bold italics!***
Here's a URL to [[|qooxdoo's homepage]]
if wikiInput:
res = wikiMarkup.transformString(wikiInput)
res = rmEmptyLines(res)
print res.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
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