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Last active July 30, 2016 14:34
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Bash Script to Split eCamm Call Recorder Skype files (sides of recorded conversation)
# Rudimentary bash script to split Call Recorder files for import into Logic Pro X
# Files are saved as M4A (MP4 Audio) files, which are readily importable
# into Logic Pro X.
# Script should work with most formats FFMPEG recognizes, really.
# REMEMBER Call Recorder does this annoying thing of saving your file with the name of
# the other people in the call. So if "Eduo" and "Alex" are the participants, then Eduo's
# audio will be called "Alex LOCAL" and Alex's Audio will be called "Eduo LOCAL".
# Using the -r switch will produce also REMOTE files with the "other side" of the
# conversation. Useful for alignment purposes.
# 2015-03-06 - Changed conversion to remux, to drastically reduce processing times. For
# Call Recorder files resulting M4A can be imported directly into LPX without conversion.
# Script path
PWD=$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )
# Only dependency is FFMPEG CLI, please change the path accordingly.
# Default FFMPEG location is in the same path as the script, under a directory called
# ffmpeg.cli
# FFMPEG CLI Binary path
FFMPEG="${PWD}/ffmpeg.cli/ffmpeg"; ## Get from or
while getopts ":ryh" opt; do
case ${opt} in
r) DOREMOTE=1 ;;
y) OVW="y" ;;
h) echo "";echo "Usage: $0 [-r|y|h] [file(s)]"; echo " -r Generate all tracks, not only the first one"; echo " -y Overwrite targets if necessary"; echo " -h Show this help text"; echo " File(s) optional. If not will process full dir. Mind your Ps and Qs (Paths and Quoted strings)";echo "";exit ;;
\?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2; exit ;;
echo ""
echo "Process Call Recorder Files into M4A with FFMPEG for Logic Pro X import"
echo ""
echo "Use -h for help"
#echo " $0"
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
ls -1 *.{mov,m4a,wav,aif,aiff,mp3} 2>/dev/null > "${TEMPLIST}"
ls -1 "$@" | grep -E 'm4a|mov|wav|mp3|aif|aiff' 2>/dev/null > "${TEMPLIST}"
> cmds
cat "${TEMPLIST}" | while read MOV
# echo 'echo "Will process '${MOV}'"' >> cmds
CDATE=$(stat -f "%Sm" -t "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S" "${MOV}")
echo 'echo ""' >> cmds
echo 'echo "------------------------------------------------"' >> cmds
echo 'echo "FILE: '${MOV}'"' >> cmds
echo 'echo "---> PROCESSING..."' >> cmds
echo 'echo " - Original File Creation date: '${CDATE}'"' >> cmds
#echo " Temporary info storedWill save in $TEMPFILE"
"${FFMPEG}" -i "${MOV}" 2> "${TEMPFILE}"
CREATION=$(grep creation_time "${TEMPFILE}"|head -n1|cut -f2- -d:|sed -e's/^ //g'); #echo "Creation is $CREATION"
DURATION=$(grep Duration "${TEMPFILE}"|head -n1|cut -f2- -d:|cut -f1 -d,|sed -e's/ //g'); #echo "Duration is $DURATION"
ISON=$(echo "${MOV}"|grep -c " on ")
if [[ ${ISON} -eq 1 ]]
NAMES="guest_"$(expr "${MOV}" : '^\(.*\) on .*')
echo 'echo " Analyzing file..."' >> cmds
echo 'echo " - New Name Prefix: '${NAMES}'"' >> cmds
NEWFILEPRE=$(echo "${NAMES}-${CREATION}-${DURATION}"|sed -e's/:/_/g')
echo 'echo " - Final Name: '${NEWFILEPRE}'"' >> cmds
grep Stream "${TEMPFILE}" |grep Audio | while read stream
MAP=$(echo ${stream}|cut -f2 -d#|cut -f1 -d\()
#echo 'echo "MAP is '${MAP}'"' >> cmds
echo 'echo " Extracting/Convering Audio Tracks..."' >> cmds
REMOTE=$(echo ${MAP}|cut -f2 -d:)
if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]
[ ${DOREMOTE} -eq 1 ] && echo "echo \" - Audio [$SUF] - Extracting and Converting Stream [${MAP}]\"" >> cmds
NEWNAME=$(echo "${NEWFILEPRE}-${SUF}.m4a"|sed -e's/ -/-/g' -e's/- /-/g')
# #[ ${DOREMOTE} -eq 1 ] && echo \"${FFMPEG}\" -\"${OVW}\" -i \"${MOV}\" -loglevel panic -strict -2 -map \"${MAP}\" -movflags +faststart -ar 44100 -c:a aac -ac 1 \"${NEWNAME}\" </dev/null >> cmds
[ ${DOREMOTE} -eq 1 ] && echo \"${FFMPEG}\" -\"${OVW}\" -i \"${MOV}\" -loglevel panic -strict -2 -map \"${MAP}\" -vn -c:a copy \"${NEWNAME}\" </dev/null >> cmds
echo "echo \" - Audio [$SUF] - Extracting and Converting Stream [${MAP}]\"" >> cmds
NEWNAME=$(echo "${NEWFILEPRE}-${SUF}.m4a"|sed -e's/ -/-/g' -e's/- /-/g')
# echo \"${FFMPEG}\" -\"${OVW}\" -i \"${MOV}\" -loglevel panic -strict -2 -map \"${MAP}\" -movflags +faststart -ar 44100 -c:a aac -ac 1 \"${NEWNAME}\" </dev/null >> cmds
echo \"${FFMPEG}\" -\"${OVW}\" -i \"${MOV}\" -loglevel panic -strict -2 -map \"${MAP}\" -vn -c:a copy \"${NEWNAME}\" </dev/null >> cmds
. ./cmds
echo "------------------------------------------------"
rm cmds
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I'm curious why you don't drag and drop mov file directly into Logic Pro from Finder and let Logic do the conversion? Doing it this way brings in both sides of the conversation and you can choose whether to have two tracks or one.

The only problem I've found so far is that the imported tracks are SMPTE Locked (you can't move them horizontally) which you can unlock by right clicking the track and then selecting "SMPTE Lock" and then unlock.

I see that File --> Import --> Audio of the mov file only imports one side of the conversation... is that's why you created this script?

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