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Last active December 13, 2018 13:38
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Incrément: A Scheme based on an enhanced EDN-like reader
;; Incrément: A Scheme based on an enhanced EDN-like reader
;; Edwin Watkeys, Thunk NYC Corp.
;; <>
;; 13 December 2018
(import (scheme red)
(chibi ast) (chibi io) (chibi match)
(chibi parse) (chibi show) (chibi test)
(srfi 99 records inspection)
(srfi 111) (srfi 113) (srfi 128))
(define (debug message x)
(show #t message x nl)
(define i7t-comparator (make-default-comparator))
(define sym-char-set
(let ((cs (char-set-delete char-set:graphic
#\# #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\' #\` #\,)))
(define post-sign-sym-char-set
(let ((cs (char-set-delete sym-char-set
#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5
#\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\.)))
(define first-sym-char-set
(let ((cs (char-set-delete sym-char-set #\+ #\-
#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5
#\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\.)))
(define (in-char-set? cs)
(lambda (ch) (char-set-contains? cs ch)))
(define i7ttrue
(list '__TRUE))
(define i7tfalse
(list '__FALSE))
(define i7tnil
(list '__NIL))
(define (i7tlambda . o)
(apply list '__LAMBDA o))
(define (i7tmap . o)
(apply list '__MAP o))
(define (i7tvector . o)
(apply list '__VEC o))
(define (i7tset . o)
(apply list '__SET o))
(define (i7tlist . o)
(apply list '__LIST o))
(define (i7tkw . o)
(apply list '__KW o))
(define-grammar i7t
(i7t-discardable ((: "#_" ,i7t-space ,i7t-datum ,i7t-space)))
(i7t-space ((* (or ,(parse-char char-whitespace?) #\, ,i7t-discardable))))
(i7t-num ((or (-> n (: ,(parse-char char-numeric?)
(* (or ,(parse-char char-numeric?)
#\. #\- #\+ #\e #\E))))
(-> n (: (or #\. #\- #\+)
(+ (or ,(parse-char char-numeric?)
#\. #\- #\+ #\e #\E)))))
(string->number (list->string (apply cons n)))))
((: #\' (-> d ,i7t-datum))
(i7tlist 'quote d)))
((: #\: (-> s (+ ,(parse-char sym-char-set))))
(i7tkw (apply string s))))
((-> s (: (or #\+ #\-)
(+ ,(parse-char post-sign-sym-char-set))
(* ,(parse-char sym-char-set))))
(apply string (car s) (concatenate (cdr s))))
((-> s (or #\+ #\-)) (string s))
((-> s (: ,(parse-char first-sym-char-set)
(* ,(parse-char sym-char-set))))
(apply string (car s) (cadr s))))
(i7t-str ((: ,(parse-char #\")
(-> s (* ,(parse-not-char #\")))
,(parse-char #\"))
(list->string s)))
(i7t-seq-el ((: ,i7t-space (-> el ,i7t-datum)) el))
(i7t-lambda ((: "#(" ,i7t-space (-> el ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
(-> els (* ,i7t-seq-el)) ,i7t-space ")")
(apply i7tlambda (cons el els)))
((: "#(" ,i7t-space ")") (i7tlambda)))
(i7t-set ((: "#{" ,i7t-space (-> el ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
(-> els (* ,i7t-seq-el)) ,i7t-space "}")
(apply i7tset el els))
((: "#{" ,i7t-space "}") (i7tset)))
(i7t-vec ((: "[" ,i7t-space (-> el ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
(-> els (* ,i7t-seq-el)) ,i7t-space "]")
(apply i7tvector el els))
((: "[" ,i7t-space "]") (i7tvector)))
(i7t-list ((: "(" ,i7t-space (-> el ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
(-> els (* ,i7t-seq-el)) ,i7t-space ")")
(apply i7tlist el els))
((: "(" ,i7t-space ")") (i7tlist)))
(i7t-map-el ((: ,i7t-space (-> k ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
,i7t-space (-> v ,i7t-datum)) (list k v)))
(i7t-map ((: "{" ,i7t-space (-> k ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
,i7t-space (-> v ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space
(-> els (* ,i7t-map-el)) ,i7t-space "}")
(apply i7tmap k v (concatenate els)))
((: "{" ,i7t-space "}") (i7tmap)))
(i7t-atom ("true" i7ttrue)
("false" i7tfalse)
("nil" i7tnil)
((-> k ,i7t-keyword) k)
((-> n ,i7t-num) n)
((-> s ,i7t-str) s)
((-> s ,i7t-sym) (string->symbol s)))
(i7t-datum ((or ,i7t-quoted ,i7t-atom
,i7t-vec ,i7t-list ,i7t-map
,i7t-set ,i7t-sym ,i7t-lambda)))
(i7t-object ((: ,i7t-space (-> o ,i7t-datum) ,i7t-space) o)))
(define (parse-i7t source . o)
(let ((index (if (pair? o) (car o) 0)))
(parse i7t-object source index)))
(define-syntax test-i7t
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expected i7t-string)
(test expected (parse-i7t i7t-string)))
((_ equal expected i7t-string)
(test-equal equal expected (parse-i7t i7t-string)))))
(define (run-tests)
(test-i7t 42 "42")
(test-i7t 42.3 "42.3")
(test-i7t 'e20 "e20")
(test-i7t (i7tvector) "[]")
(test-i7t (i7tvector 0 1 2 3 42) "[0 1 2 3 42]")
(test-i7t (i7tlist) "()")
(test-i7t (i7tlist 0 1 2 3 42) "(0 1 2 3 42)")
(test-i7t (i7tlist #t #f i7tnil) "#_blorg (true #_0.32 false nil) #_:->")
(test-i7t (i7tset 0 1 2 42) "#{0 1 2 42}")
(test-i7t (i7tmap "foo" 0 "bar" 42) "{\"foo\" 0 \"bar\" 42}")
(test-i7t (i7tkw "foo") ":foo")
(test-i7t 42 "#_:foo 42")
(test-i7t (i7tlist 1 2 3 (i7tlist 4 5 6)) "(1 2 #_true #_() 3 (4 #_\"blah\" 5 6))")
(test-i7t (i7tlambda + %1 1) "#(+ %1 1)")
(test-end) (if #f #f))
(define (vector-drop v index)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(let loop ((i 0) (xs '()))
((>= i n) (reverse-list->vector xs))
((< i index) (loop (+ i 1) xs))
(else (loop (+ i 1) (cons (vector-ref v i) xs)))))))
(define (vector-split-at v index)
(let ((n (vector-length v)))
(let loop ((i 0) (xs '()) (ys '()))
((>= i n) (values (reverse-list->vector xs) (reverse-list->vector ys)))
((< i index) (loop (+ i 1) (cons (vector-ref v i) xs) ys))
(else (loop (+ i 1) xs (cons (vector-ref v i) ys)))))))
(define (*-ref col i)
(cond ((list? col) (list-ref col i))
((vector? col) (vector-ref col i))
(else (error (show #f "Unknown sequential collection " col)))))
(define (*-drop col i)
(cond ((list? col) (drop col i))
((vector? col) (vector-drop col i))
(else (error (show #f "Unknown sequential collection " col)))) )
(define (*-length col)
(cond ((list? col) (length col))
((vector? col) (vector-length col))
(else (error (show #f "Unknown sequential collection " col)))))
(define (*-empty? col)
(= (*-length col) 0))
(define (seq-accessor a i) `(*-ref ,a ,i))
(define (rest-accessor a skip) `(*-drop ,a ,skip))
(define (destructure accessor var bindings)
(match var
('_ bindings)
((? symbol? x)
(cons `(,x ,accessor) bindings))
(('__VEC as ...)
(make-bindings as '_ '_ accessor bindings))))
;; TODO:
;; * Handle map derefs
;; * Connect to TRANSLATE-I7T, destructuring each arg
;; * Count args
(define (make-args n)
(map (lambda (i) (string->symbol (show #f "__arg" i))) (iota n)))
(define (make-bindings arg-names rest-name as-name parent-accessor bindings)
(let* ((n (*-length arg-names))
(arg-accessors (map (lambda (i) (seq-accessor parent-accessor i))
(iota (+ n 1))))
(arg-bindings (fold destructure bindings arg-accessors arg-names))
(rest-binding (destructure (rest-accessor parent-accessor n)
rest-name arg-bindings))
(as-bindings (destructure parent-accessor as-name rest-binding)))
(define (build-lambda arg-names rest-name as-name body)
(let* ((root-accessor (if (equal? as-name '_) '__args as-name))
(bindings (make-bindings arg-names rest-name '_ root-accessor '())))
(cond ((*-empty? bindings)
`(lambda () (let ((,root-accessor '())) ,@body)))
`(lambda ,root-accessor (let (,@bindings) ,@body))))))
(define (optimize-sexp sexp)
(ast->sexp (optimize (analyze sexp))))
(define (lambda-clause args expr exprs)
(let ((body (cons (translate-i7t expr) (map translate-i7t exprs))))
(match args
(('& rest)
`(,rest (apply ,(build-lambda '() rest '_ body) rest)))
((a1 ... '& rest ('__KW "as") as)
`(,as (apply ,(build-lambda a1 rest as body) ,as)))
((a1 ... ('__KW "as") as)
(let ((arg-names (make-args (*-length a1))))
`(,arg-names (,(build-lambda a1 '_ as body) ,@arg-names))))
((a1 ... '& rest)
`(__args (apply ,(build-lambda a1 rest '__args body) __args)))
((a1 ...)
(let ((arg-names (make-args (*-length a1))))
`(,arg-names (,(build-lambda a1 '_ '_ body) ,@arg-names))))
`(() ((build-lambda '() '_ '_ body)))))))
(define (make-applicable procish)
(cond ((procedure? procish) procish)
((string? procish) (lambda (i) (string-ref procish i)))
((vector? procish) (lambda (i) (vector-ref procish i)))
((list? procish) (lambda (i) (list-ref procish i)))
((hash-table? procish)
(lambda (k . o)
(let ((default (if (pair? o) (car o) i7tnil)))
(hash-table-ref/default procish k default))))
(else (error (show #f "Non-applicable object " (written procish))))))
(define i7t-quote-level (make-parameter 0))
(define-syntax enquoted
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e1 e2 ...)
(parameterize ((i7t-quote-level (+ (i7t-quote-level) 1)))
e1 e2 ...))))
(define (should-quote?)
(> (i7t-quote-level) 0))
(define-record-type <nil> (construct-nil) nil?)
(define nil (construct-nil))
(define (translate-i7t form)
(match form
(('__LIST 'define name value)
`(define ,name ,(translate-i7t value)))
(('__LIST 'define-proc name
('__LIST ('__VEC a1s ...) e1s e2s ...) ...)
(let* ((as-name '__args)
(n (*-length a1s))
(placeholder-arg-names (make-args n)))
`(define ,name (match-lambda* ,@(map lambda-clause a1s e1s e2s)))))
(('__LIST 'define-proc name ('__VEC a1 ...) e1 e2 ...)
`(define ,name (lambda ,@(lambda-clause a1 e1 e2))))
(('__LAMBDA ('__LIST ('__VEC a1s ...) e1s e2s ...) ...)
`(match-lambda* ,@(map lambda-clause a1s e1s e2s)))
(('__LAMBDA ('__VEC a1 ...) e1 e2 ...)
`(lambda ,@(lambda-clause a1 e1 e2)))
(('__LIST 'quote a)
(enquoted (translate-i7t a)))
(('__LIST proc a1 ...)
(if (should-quote?)
`(list ,(translate-i7t proc) ,@(map translate-i7t a1))
`((make-applicable ,(translate-i7t proc)) ,@(map translate-i7t a1))))
(('__VEC e1 ...)
`(vector ,@(map translate-i7t e1)))
(('__MAP e1 ...)
`(let ((m (make-hash-table i7t-comparator)))
(hash-table-set! m ,@(map translate-i7t e1))
((? symbol? sym) (if (should-quote?) `(quote ,sym) sym))
((? number? num) num)
((? string? str) str)
(('__TRUE) #t)
(('__FALSE) #f)
(('__NIL) nil)
(() '())
(#f (error "Parse error"))
(x (error (show #f "Unknown object " (written x))))))
(define (read-file-i7t filename)
(let* ((stream (file->parse-stream filename))
(i7t-exprs (parse-fold i7t-object cons '() stream 0)))
(reverse! i7t-exprs)))
(define (expand-file-i7t filename)
(map translate-i7t (read-file-i7t filename)))
(define (load-i7t filename)
(let ((exprs (expand-file-i7t filename)))
(for-each (lambda (expr) (eval expr)) exprs)))
(define inc-all
(lambda #0=(__arg0)
((lambda __args
(let ((xs (*-ref __args 0)))
((make-applicable map)
(lambda args
(apply (lambda args
(let ((rest (*-drop args 1))
(x (*-ref (*-ref args 0) 0)))
((make-applicable show) #t
"rest args: " rest ", all args: " args nl)
((make-applicable +) x 1)))
((make-applicable iota) 100))))
. #0#)))
(define v1 '[foo bar (snafu blorg)])
(define beverages '{scotch laphroig rye bulleit
vodka no-thanks beer pilsner
water tap wine (bordeux red)})
(define-proc add
([] 0)
([a] a)
([a b] (+ a b))
([a b c] (+ a b c))
([a b c d & e] (apply + a b c d e)))
(define-proc sine
[theta] (sin theta))
(define-proc inc-all [xs]
(map #([[x] & rest :as args]
(show true "rest args: " rest ", all args: " args nl)
(+ x 1))
xs (iota 100)))
(define-proc pick [col & offsets]
(map #([i] (col i)) offsets))
(show true (pick beverages 'scotch 'water 'wine) nl)
(show true (pick v1 2) nl)
(show true (inc-all '([0] [1] [2] [3])) nl)
> (load "i7t.scm")
WARNING: importing already defined binding: set?
WARNING: importing already defined binding: set?
> (load-i7t "test.i7t")
(laphroig tap (bordeux red))
((snafu blorg))
rest args: (0), all args: (#(0) 0)
rest args: (1), all args: (#(1) 1)
rest args: (2), all args: (#(2) 2)
rest args: (3), all args: (#(3) 3)
(1 2 3 4)
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