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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Pagination Over EmberJS Store
Ember.FEATURES['ember-routing-drop-deprecated-action-style'] = true
App = Ember.Application.create({})
App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(
page: 5
perPage: 10
start: (->
page = @get("page")
perPage = @get("perPage")
(page - 1) * perPage
).property("page", "perPage")
end: (->
page = @get("page")
perPage = @get("perPage")
page * perPage
).property("page", "perPage")
paginatedContent: (->
page = @get("page")
perPage = @get("perPage")
start = (page - 1) * perPage
end = page * perPage
paginatedContent = @get("content").slice(start, end)
).property("content.[]", "page", "perPage")
pages: (->
result = parseInt(@get('content.length') / @get('perPage'))
++result if @get('content.length') % @get('perPage') > 0
).property('content.[]', 'perPage')
hasPrevious: (-> @get('page') > 1).property('page')
hasNext: (-> @get('page') + 1 < @get('pages')).property('page', 'pages')
showBeforeElipsis: (-> @get('visiblePages.firstObject') > 3).property('visiblePages.[]')
showAfterElipsis: (-> Math.abs(@get('lastPage') - @get('visiblePages.lastObject')) > 2).property('visiblePages.[]', 'lastPage')
visiblePages: (->
pages = @get('pages')
page = @get('page')
limit = 5
limit = pages if pages < 5
finish = (start,limit)-> start + limit - 1
start = page - parseInt(limit / 2)
start = pages - limit + 1 if finish(start,limit) > pages
start = 1 if start < 1
).property('page', 'pages')
goToNextPage: ->
@incrementProperty('page') if @get('hasNext')
goToPreviousPage: ->
@decrementProperty('page') if @get('hasPrevious')
goToPage: (pageNumber)->
@set('page', pageNumber) if pageNumber >= 1 && pageNumber <= @get('lastPage')
@set('page', pageNumber)
App.Index = DS.Model.extend(
firstName: DS.attr("string")
lastName: DS.attr("string")
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend(setupController: (controller, names) ->
@store.pushPayload "index", data
storeData = @store.all("index")
controller.set "model", storeData
App.PaginationPageComponent = Em.Component.extend
isCurrent: (-> @get('currentPage') == @get('page')).property('currentPage', 'page')
tagName: 'li'
classNameBindings: ['isCurrent:disabled']
pageClicked: ->
@sendAction('action', @get('page'))
data = index: [
id: 0
firstName: "Anthony"
lastName: "Mills"
id: 1
firstName: "Briggs"
lastName: "Christian"
id: 2
firstName: "Horn"
lastName: "Nicholson"
id: 3
firstName: "Pierce"
lastName: "Bonner"
id: 4
firstName: "Hillary"
lastName: "Tyler"
id: 5
firstName: "Best"
lastName: "Larson"
id: 6
firstName: "Carole"
lastName: "Goodman"
id: 7
firstName: "Laura"
lastName: "Hendricks"
id: 8
firstName: "Gentry"
lastName: "Livingston"
id: 9
firstName: "Lopez"
lastName: "Tyson"
id: 10
firstName: "Wagner"
lastName: "Duncan"
id: 11
firstName: "Lindsay"
lastName: "Garrison"
id: 12
firstName: "Schroeder"
lastName: "Nichols"
id: 13
firstName: "Hunter"
lastName: "Bolton"
id: 14
firstName: "Stefanie"
lastName: "Reese"
id: 15
firstName: "Crosby"
lastName: "Floyd"
id: 16
firstName: "Geneva"
lastName: "Jacobson"
id: 17
firstName: "Marta"
lastName: "Clay"
id: 18
firstName: "Lila"
lastName: "House"
id: 19
firstName: "Ballard"
lastName: "Barron"
id: 20
firstName: "Davidson"
lastName: "Navarro"
id: 21
firstName: "Cummings"
lastName: "Nguyen"
id: 22
firstName: "Claudette"
lastName: "Warner"
id: 23
firstName: "Kelly"
lastName: "Foley"
id: 24
firstName: "Odonnell"
lastName: "Kramer"
id: 25
firstName: "Mendez"
lastName: "Goff"
id: 26
firstName: "Teri"
lastName: "Foreman"
id: 27
firstName: "Hayes"
lastName: "Durham"
id: 28
firstName: "Emilia"
lastName: "Fitzpatrick"
id: 29
firstName: "Colette"
lastName: "Barnett"
id: 30
firstName: "Chang"
lastName: "Johns"
id: 31
firstName: "Ramos"
lastName: "Klein"
id: 32
firstName: "Sallie"
lastName: "Walton"
id: 33
firstName: "Andrews"
lastName: "Strong"
id: 34
firstName: "Benjamin"
lastName: "Dickerson"
id: 35
firstName: "Tameka"
lastName: "Byrd"
id: 36
firstName: "Cynthia"
lastName: "Rowe"
id: 37
firstName: "Walter"
lastName: "Hamilton"
id: 38
firstName: "Horton"
lastName: "Monroe"
id: 39
firstName: "Heath"
lastName: "Rios"
id: 40
firstName: "Wolf"
lastName: "Bauer"
id: 41
firstName: "Cristina"
lastName: "Ashley"
id: 42
firstName: "Callahan"
lastName: "Mack"
id: 43
firstName: "Wynn"
lastName: "Allen"
id: 44
firstName: "Luella"
lastName: "May"
id: 45
firstName: "Kitty"
lastName: "Ball"
id: 46
firstName: "Jacobs"
lastName: "Skinner"
id: 47
firstName: "Hobbs"
lastName: "Vang"
id: 48
firstName: "Aileen"
lastName: "Strickland"
id: 49
firstName: "Dorsey"
lastName: "Thomas"
id: 50
firstName: "Marguerite"
lastName: "Hunter"
id: 51
firstName: "Valarie"
lastName: "Vega"
id: 52
firstName: "Elma"
lastName: "French"
id: 53
firstName: "Lenora"
lastName: "Palmer"
id: 54
firstName: "Hicks"
lastName: "Chavez"
id: 55
firstName: "Henrietta"
lastName: "Wilkinson"
id: 56
firstName: "Joyce"
lastName: "Flowers"
id: 57
firstName: "Elliott"
lastName: "Edwards"
id: 58
firstName: "Black"
lastName: "Padilla"
id: 59
firstName: "Jeanine"
lastName: "Adams"
id: 60
firstName: "Caldwell"
lastName: "Crane"
id: 61
firstName: "Roberta"
lastName: "Cole"
id: 62
firstName: "Roth"
lastName: "Castillo"
id: 63
firstName: "Peters"
lastName: "Gomez"
id: 64
firstName: "Mcdowell"
lastName: "Pace"
id: 65
firstName: "Mattie"
lastName: "Small"
id: 66
firstName: "Stark"
lastName: "Hatfield"
id: 67
firstName: "Manuela"
lastName: "Kirby"
id: 68
firstName: "Erika"
lastName: "Dillard"
id: 69
firstName: "Holmes"
lastName: "Crawford"
id: 70
firstName: "Dale"
lastName: "Roman"
id: 71
firstName: "Margret"
lastName: "Garrett"
id: 72
firstName: "Shannon"
lastName: "Hickman"
id: 73
firstName: "Georgina"
lastName: "Holloway"
id: 74
firstName: "Hebert"
lastName: "Carter"
id: 75
firstName: "Dolly"
lastName: "Blackwell"
id: 76
firstName: "Crawford"
lastName: "Sheppard"
id: 77
firstName: "Bettye"
lastName: "Carey"
id: 78
firstName: "Goodwin"
lastName: "Lang"
id: 79
firstName: "Clara"
lastName: "Zimmerman"
id: 80
firstName: "Violet"
lastName: "Lowe"
id: 81
firstName: "Floyd"
lastName: "Haynes"
id: 82
firstName: "Maritza"
lastName: "Mathis"
id: 83
firstName: "Kerry"
lastName: "Powers"
id: 84
firstName: "Munoz"
lastName: "Rodriguez"
id: 85
firstName: "Kristine"
lastName: "Mendez"
id: 86
firstName: "Cox"
lastName: "Rosario"
id: 87
firstName: "Raymond"
lastName: "Kane"
id: 88
firstName: "Berger"
lastName: "Pearson"
id: 89
firstName: "Lane"
lastName: "Sargent"
id: 90
firstName: "Aline"
lastName: "Sutton"
id: 91
firstName: "Rose"
lastName: "Prince"
id: 92
firstName: "Spencer"
lastName: "Riley"
id: 93
firstName: "Cross"
lastName: "Ellis"
id: 94
firstName: "Coffey"
lastName: "Bender"
id: 95
firstName: "Olson"
lastName: "Peck"
id: 96
firstName: "Elva"
lastName: "Dale"
id: 97
firstName: "Chandra"
lastName: "Wagner"
id: 98
firstName: "Peck"
lastName: "Howell"
id: 99
firstName: "Luann"
lastName: "Dejesus"
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="description" content="Store paginationFinal" />
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<title>JS Bin</title>
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<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
<h1>ember-latest jsbin</h1>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/pagination-page">
<a {{action "pageClicked"}}>{{page}}</a>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<h2>Index Content:</h2>
<div class="well"> Per page {{perPage}}, gran total {{pages}}, Has previous {{hasPrevious}}, has next {{hasNext}}, current page {{page}} </div>
<ul class="list-group">
{{#each paginatedContent}}
<li class="list-group-item">{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</li>
<div class="btn-toolbar">
<ul class="pagination">
<li {{bind-attr class="hasPrevious::disabled"}}>
<a {{action goToPreviousPage}}>&laquo;</a>
{{#if showBeforeEllipsis}}
{{pagination-page page=1 currentPage=page}}
<li class="disabled"><a>&hellip;</a></li>
{{#each pageNumber in visiblePages}}
{{pagination-page page=pageNumber currentPage=page action="goToPage"}}
{{#if showAfterEllipsis}}
<li class="disabled"><a>&hellip;</a></li>
{{pagination-page page=lastPage currentPage=page}}
<li {{bind-attr class="hasNext::disabled"}}>
<a {{action goToNextPage}}>
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