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Last active September 25, 2023 10:27
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This is an implementation of the blocking method of Jonsson (PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98, 043304 (2018)) in Julia. It takes an array as input and will output the estimated error of the mean value using rigorous blocking arguments.
function blockjonsson(a::AbstractArray)
d = log2(length(a))
x = copy(a)
if (d - floor(d)) != 0
@info "Warning: Data size = $(floor(2^d)), is not a power of 2."
@info "Truncating data to $(2^floor(d))."
x = x[1:(2^round(Int, floor(d)))]
d = round(Int, floor(d))
n = 2^d
s = zeros(d)
gamma = zeros(d)
mu = mean(x)
for i in 1:d
n = length(x)
gamma[i] = sum((x[1:(n - 1)] .- mu) .* (x[2:n] .- mu)) / n
s[i] = var(x)
x = (x[1:2:end] .+ x[2:2:end]) ./ 2.0
# Observator
range_d = reverse!(collect(1:d))
twopowers = fill(2.0, length(range_d))
M = reverse!(cumsum(reverse!((gamma ./ s) .^ 2 .* (twopowers .^ range_d))))
k_val = 0
for k in 1:d
if M[k] < q[k]
k_val = k - 1
if k_val >= d - 1
println("Warning: Use more data")
sem = sqrt(s[k_val + 1] / 2^(d - k_val))
return sem
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