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Last active April 18, 2019 09:11
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merge sort, totally, no cheating
import Control.WellFounded
import Data.List
smaller : List a -> List a -> Type
smaller xs ys = LT (length xs) (length ys)
ltS : LTE (S x) y -> LTE x y
ltS (LTESucc x) = lteSuccRight x
ltTrans : LTE n m -> LTE m p -> LTE n p
ltTrans LTEZero y = LTEZero
ltTrans (LTESucc x) (LTESucc y) = LTESucc (ltTrans x y)
ltZimpossible : (x : smaller xs []) -> Accessible smaller xs
ltZimpossible LTEZero impossible
ltZimpossible (LTESucc _) impossible
smallerAcc : (ys : List a) -> smaller xs ys -> Accessible smaller xs
smallerAcc [] x = ltZimpossible x
smallerAcc (y :: ys) (LTESucc x)
= Access (\val, p => smallerAcc ys (ltTrans p x))
data Split : List a -> Type where
SplitNil : Split []
SplitOne : Split [x]
SplitPair : Split (x :: xs ++ y :: ys)
splitHelp : (head : a) ->
(xs : List a) ->
(counter : List a) -> Split (head :: xs)
splitHelp head [] counter = SplitOne
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [] = SplitPair {xs = []} {ys = xs}
splitHelp head (x :: xs) [y] = SplitPair {xs = []} {ys = xs}
splitHelp head (x :: xs) (_ :: _ :: ys)
= case splitHelp head xs ys of
SplitOne => SplitPair {xs = []} {ys = []}
SplitPair {xs} {ys} => SplitPair {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys = ys}
split : (xs : List a) -> Split xs
split [] = SplitNil
split (x :: xs) = splitHelp x xs xs
data SplitRec : List a -> Type where
SplitRecNil : SplitRec []
SplitRecOne : SplitRec [x]
SplitRecPair : Lazy (SplitRec xs) -> Lazy (SplitRec ys) -> SplitRec (xs ++ ys)
lengthSuc : (xs : List a) -> (y : a) -> (ys : List a) ->
length (xs ++ (y :: ys)) = S (length (xs ++ ys))
lengthSuc [] _ _ = Refl
lengthSuc (x :: xs) y ys = cong (lengthSuc xs y ys)
lengthLT : (xs : List a) -> (ys : List a) ->
LTE (length xs) (length (ys ++ xs))
lengthLT xs [] = lteRefl
lengthLT xs (x :: ys) = lteSuccRight (lengthLT _ _)
smallerLeft : (ys : List a) -> (y : a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length ys))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerLeft [] y zs = LTESucc (LTESucc LTEZero)
smallerLeft (z :: ys) y zs = LTESucc (smallerLeft ys _ _)
smallerRight : (ys : List a) -> (zs : List a) ->
LTE (S (S (length zs))) (S (length (ys ++ (y :: zs))))
smallerRight {y} ys zs = rewrite lengthSuc ys y zs in
(LTESucc (LTESucc (lengthLT _ _)))
splitRecFix : (xs : List a) -> ((ys : List a) -> smaller ys xs -> SplitRec ys) ->
SplitRec xs
splitRecFix xs srec with (split xs)
splitRecFix [] srec | SplitNil = SplitRecNil
splitRecFix [x] srec | SplitOne = SplitRecOne
splitRecFix (x :: (ys ++ (y :: zs))) srec | SplitPair
= let left = srec (x :: ys) (smallerLeft ys y zs)
right = srec (y :: zs) (smallerRight ys zs) in
SplitRecPair left right
splitRec : (xs : List a) -> SplitRec xs
splitRec [] = SplitRecNil
splitRec (x :: xs) = accInd splitRecFix (x :: xs) (smallerAcc (x :: x :: xs) lteRefl)
-- Show all the splits for all the recursive calls, to demonstrate they really
-- are split in half
showDivisions : (xs : List a) -> List (List a)
showDivisions xs with (splitRec xs)
showDivisions [] | SplitRecNil = []
showDivisions [x] | SplitRecOne = [[x]]
showDivisions (ys ++ zs) | (SplitRecPair ysrec zsrec) =
(ys ++ zs) :: showDivisions ys | ysrec ++
showDivisions zs | zsrec
mergeSort : Ord a => List a -> List a
mergeSort xs with (splitRec xs)
mergeSort [] | SplitRecNil = []
mergeSort [x] | SplitRecOne = [x]
mergeSort (ys ++ zs) | SplitRecPair ysrec zsrec
= merge (mergeSort ys | ysrec)
(mergeSort zs | zsrec)
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