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Last active October 26, 2017 22:01
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concurrent counting
module Main
import Effects
import Effect.StdIO
import System.Protocol
data Command = Next | SetIncrement | Stop
count : Protocol ['Client, 'Server] ()
count = do cmd <- 'Client ==> 'Server | Command
case cmd of
Next => do 'Server ==> 'Client | Int
Rec count
SetIncrement => do 'Client ==> 'Server | Int
Rec count
Stop => Done
countServer : (c : Int) -> (v : Int) -> (inc : Int) -> (client : PID) ->
Process count 'Server ['Client := client] [] (MsgResult ())
countServer c v inc client
= do OK cmd <- recvFrom 'Client
| abandon InvalidData
case cmd of
Next => do OK () <- sendTo 'Client v
| abandon InvalidData
countServer 0 (v + inc) inc client
SetIncrement => do OK i <- recvFrom 'Client
| abandon InvalidData
rec (countServer 0 v i client)
Stop => return (OK ())
countClient : (server : PID) ->
Process count 'Client ['Server := server] [STDIO] (MsgResult ())
countClient server = do
putStr "More? ('n' to stop) "
x <- getStr
case (trim x /= "n") of
True => let xval : Int = cast (trim x) in
case xval /= 0 of
True => do
OK () <- sendTo 'Server SetIncrement
| abandon InvalidData
OK () <- sendTo 'Server xval
| abandon InvalidData
rec (countClient server)
False => do
OK () <- sendTo 'Server Next
| abandon InvalidData
OK ans <- recvFrom 'Server
| abandon InvalidData
putStrLn (show ans)
rec (countClient server)
False => do OK () <- sendTo 'Server Stop
| abandon InvalidData
return (OK ())
doCount : Process count 'Client [] [STDIO] ()
doCount = do server <- spawn (countServer 0 0 1) []
setChan 'Server server
countClient server
dropChan 'Server
main : IO ()
main = runConc [()] doCount
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