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Created September 9, 2014 09:27
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Tree erasure
data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : Tree Z a
Node : Tree ln a -> a -> Tree rn a -> Tree (ln + (S rn)) a
insert : Ord a => a -> Tree n a -> Tree (S n) a
insert val Leaf = Node Leaf val Leaf
insert val (Node l x r) with (val <= x)
insert val (Node l x r) | True = Node (insert val l) x r
insert val (Node l x r) | False ?= {tree_right} Node l x (insert val r)
tree_right a constrarg val ln rn l x r value =
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc ln (S rn) in value
flatten : Tree n a -> Vect n a
flatten Leaf = []
flatten (Node l x r) = flatten l ++ x :: flatten r
insertThings : Tree n String -> IO (Exists (\n' => Tree n' String))
insertThings x = do putStr ": "
val_in <- getLine
let val = trim val_in
if val == "" then return (evidence _ x)
else insertThings (insert val x)
main : IO ()
main = do evidence _ t <- insertThings Leaf
print (flatten t)
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