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Edwin Del Bosque edwindelbosque

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resolve: `gatsby-plugin-google-analytics`,
options: {
// The property ID; the tracking code won't be generated without it
// Defines where to place the tracking script - `true` in the head and `false` in the body
head: false,
// Setting this parameter is optional
anonymize: true,
// Setting this parameter is also optional
edwindelbosque /
Last active December 2, 2019 22:33
Application for job mentorship program.

Job Mentorship Application

I. Calendar: Week 3 Overview

Screen Shot 2019-12-02 at 9 55 52 AM

II. Short Answer Responses

Why do you want mentoring in the job search?

Really anything would help, sometimes I need to be pushed a little to get out of my comfort zone and go out there.

How will you hold yourself accountable to balancing time for your job search and following your mentor and group's advice?

edwindelbosque /
Created September 10, 2019 15:03
Outreach plan

Outreach plan

I will reach out through linkedin, maybe go to a few networking events and conferences.

I will go to those few conferences a few times and try to not be clustered with my Turing people, so I have the opportunity to meet new people.

It is about extending your network so hopefully step out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I also look into the mentor database and have already talked to two graduates from 2018 & 2017 and I will probably keep on doing it in the future.

edwindelbosque /
Created August 26, 2019 15:07
Professional Development Story

PD: Storytime

Edwin Del Bosque

Ever since I was little, I've had an interest in building things. At 8 years old when I was living in Guadalajara, I remember how excited I was to be in the computer room. At the time, we didn't have internet in the house, and so the computer was rendered useless. But even though I didn't know what the internet was, I would enthusiastically explore every little corner of the pre-installed software on the computer most days out of the week. As I grew older, I grew interested in video-editing, photo-editing, and then music production. I watched countless tutorials to learn, and to solve problems. I became bewitched perfecting the little details of the things I worked on. I have always been curious about software development and the ability to create anything I wanted to make, almost like creating a new world using a set of rules: the colors, the design, the functionality, the animations. It leads me to believe that our own creativity is the only limitation in the creative an

edwindelbosque /
Created August 19, 2019 20:39
DTR FitLit (Edwin & Vanessa)

DTR: Define the Relationship

Vanessa & Edwin

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

  • Learn the files talk to each other.
  • Getting to be better at handling array.prototypes and methods.
  • Learn to manipulate data more efficiently.
  • Learn to design the UI/UX of a working application.
  • Be more efficient when writing a robust TDD.
edwindelbosque /
Last active July 30, 2019 03:51
PD Agile Reflection

For our group we decided to work little by little on new features and not move on until all features or functions were working fully without any errors.

We implemented mostly agile practices for this project and it felt nice to maybe work slower, but with a more solid workflow and solid foundations. At the end it paid off much more.

I want to keep using agile practices from now on when it is available, it is super efficient in my opninion, and I think as we delve into higher scale projects this will help much more. We saw other teams finishing their projects, but dragging many errors in their final days, and errors were more difficult to track down. However, we didn't have to deal with anything like that. So again, I am a huge fan of doing things right, right off the bat.

edwindelbosque / num-gueeser:jesse&
Created July 1, 2019 22:41
DTR - Num Guesse (Edwin & Jesse)

Project: Number Guesser

Group Member Names: Edwin & Jesse

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):

Become better at using Javascript and conditionals mostly Be better at making websites responsive (mobile & desktop) Meet in person sometimes.

edwindelbosque /
Last active June 12, 2019 06:14
Gear-Up Preparation

Mod 0 Capstone: Gear-Up Preparation

1. What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

Empathy is a crucial part of our lives because it is connected with out innate need for socializing. Being empathetic means to be able to have an open mind, and using that openness to be receptive to receiving new information to which we may or may not agree regardless. Empathy is critical to our lives because we need it to deepen our relationships. That may be with faimily, friends, my partner, co-workers, or really anybody I interact with. Empathy means to be able to understand other people's points of of view and realizing that everybody has something important to say. Empathy has helped me develop my social intelligence, making me more aware that someone else's views are influenced by a different background from mine. It doesn't mean the person is right or wrong, it just adds an extra layer of perspective to the conversation, and to my thoughts.

2. How does empathy help you build better s

edwindelbosque /
Last active June 23, 2019 18:30
Professional Development 05/26/2019

Mod 0 Capstone: Professional Development

Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 7 31 34 PM

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My greatest asset is finding order in disorder, in other words, preparation. I guess I like to consider the good parts of bad situations, and try to make everything a lesson that teaches me to become better the next time in a "trial and error" kind of way. I'm very good at being critical at analyzing situations, both emotionally and rationally, and carefully think about my next step. I like to think that anything is possible if you really put your mind into it, even when others doubt yourself. I know I possess this strength because I can be very anxious of deadlines, presentations, or anything that requires a finalized goal. To avoid my anxiousness I like to prepare really well beforehand, by repeating and polishing the rough edges of whatever