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Edwin Hu edwinhu

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edwinhu /
Created August 5, 2021 20:44
S&P 500 Constituents from CRSP
proc sql;
create table out.sp500 as
select distinct a.permno,,
c.ncusip as CUSIP,
from crsp.msf a,
edwinhu /
Last active April 22, 2020 02:44
get and section adv2 brochure item 11s
# curl to get all of the zip files of PDFs
curl[1-112].zip -o "/data/hue/adv2/"
# list files
unzip -l
# awk extract the part I care about
unzip -p 103705_325511_1_20200131.pdf | pdftotext - - | awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1};/^item 11/,/^item 12/'
# build an index
for f in *.zip
edwinhu / extract.R
Last active September 30, 2019 22:12
extract functions for bife and feglm
extract.bife <- function(model) {
s <- summary(model)
names <- rownames(s$coefmat_beta)
co <- s$coef[, 1]
se <- s$coef[, 2]
tstat <- s$coef[, 3]
pval <- s$coef[, 4]
aic <- s$AIC
bic <- s$BIC
edwinhu /
Created September 10, 2018 20:37
Get all COMPUSTAT names
/* The goal of this code is to identify all gvkeys in Compustat,
and to estimate approximate start/end dates for these gvkeys */
proc sql;
/* All NA Companies */
create table comp_name_range as
select *
/* Company files contains all NA gvkeys */
(select gvkey, ein, cik,
UPCASE(COMPBL(PRXCHANGE('s/[\W_]+/ /',-1,conm))) as conm,
edwinhu / GET_FFDATA.SAS
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Macro to download and parse the Fama French Factors
/*******************READ ME*********************************************
* - Macro to download and parse the Fama French Factors -
* SAS VERSION: 9.4.0
* DATE: 2014-03-06
* AUTHOR: eddyhu at the gmails
****************END OF READ ME******************************************/
%macro GET_FFDATA(file=F-F_Research_Data_Factors,
edwinhu /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Macro to [Helmert transform]( (forward mean-difference) panel data
/*******************READ ME*********************************************
* - Macro to Helmert transform (forward mean-difference) panel data -
* SAS VERSION: 9.4.0
* DATE: 2013-05-05
* AUTHOR: eddyhu at the gmails
****************END OF READ ME******************************************/
%macro HELMERT(dsetin = &syslast.,
edwinhu / header.ipynb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
My IPython Header
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