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Created November 9, 2014 13:19
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(* combine multiple lambdoc extensions, UNTESTED *)
module type Ext = sig
module Monad : Lambdoc_reader.Extension.MONAD
type linkdata_t
type imagedata_t
type extinldata_t
type extblkdata_t
include Lambdoc_reader.Extension.S with module Monad := Monad and
type linkdata_t := linkdata_t and
type imagedata_t := imagedata_t and
type extinldata_t := extinldata_t and
type extblkdata_t := extblkdata_t
include Lambdoc_writer.Extension.S with module Monad := Monad and
type linkdata_t := linkdata_t and
type imagedata_t := imagedata_t and
type extinldata_t := extinldata_t and
type extblkdata_t := extblkdata_t
module Combine(E1: Ext)(E2: Ext with type rconfig_t = E1.rconfig_t and
type wconfig_t = E1.wconfig_t and
module Monad = E1.Monad) : Ext = struct
type linkdata_t = E1.linkdata_t * E2.linkdata_t
type imagedata_t = E1.imagedata_t * E2.imagedata_t
type extinldata_t = E1.extinldata_t * E2.extinldata_t
type extblkdata_t = E1.extblkdata_t * E2.extblkdata_t
type rconfig_t = E1.rconfig_t
type wconfig_t = E1.wconfig_t
module Monad = E1.Monad
open Monad
let bind_okay a f =
bind a (function | `Okay v -> f v | `Error _ as e -> return e)
let combine a b =
bind_okay a (fun l1 ->
bind_okay b (fun l2 -> return (`Okay (l1, l2))))
let extinldefs = BatList.append E1.extinldefs E2.extinldefs
let extblkdefs = BatList.append E1.extblkdefs E2.extblkdefs
let read_link ?rconfig href =
combine (E1.read_link ?rconfig href) (E2.read_link ?rconfig href)
let read_image ?rconfig href =
combine (E1.read_image ?rconfig href) (E2.read_image ?rconfig href)
let read_extinl ?rconfig ident inl =
combine (E1.read_extinl ?rconfig ident inl)
(E2.read_extinl ?rconfig ident inl)
let read_extblk ?rconfig ident block =
combine (E1.read_extblk ?rconfig ident block)
(E2.read_extblk ?rconfig ident block)
let write_link ?wconfig href (link1, link2) =
bind (E1.write_link ?wconfig href link1) (function
| (h, None) when h = href ->
E2.write_link ?wconfig href link2
| r -> return r)
let write_image ?wconfig href (img1, img2) =
bind (E1.write_image ?wconfig href img1) (function
| h when h = href ->
E2.write_image ?wconfig href img2
| r -> return r)
let write_extinl ?wconfig ident inl (data1,data2) =
if List.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = ident) E1.extinldefs then
E1.write_extinl ?wconfig ident inl data1
E2.write_extinl ?wconfig ident inl data2
let write_extblk ?wconfig ident blk (data1,data2) =
if List.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = ident) E1.extblkdefs then
E1.write_extblk ?wconfig ident blk data1
E2.write_extblk ?wconfig ident blk data2
(* combine multiple lambdoc extensions, UNTESTED *)
open Lambdoc_reader.Extension
module type Ext = sig
module Monad : MONAD
type linkdata_t
type imagedata_t
type extinldata_t
type extblkdata_t
include S with module Monad := Monad and
type linkdata_t := linkdata_t and
type imagedata_t := imagedata_t and
type extinldata_t := extinldata_t and
type extblkdata_t := extblkdata_t
include Lambdoc_writer.Extension.S with module Monad := Monad and
type linkdata_t := linkdata_t and
type imagedata_t := imagedata_t and
type extinldata_t := extinldata_t and
type extblkdata_t := extblkdata_t
open Lambdoc_core
open Basic
module ExtMonad : MONAD = struct
include Lwt
let iter = Lwt_list.iter_p
module type LinkExt = sig
type linkdata_t
val read_link: Href.t -> linkdata_t result_t ExtMonad.t
val write_link: Href.t -> linkdata_t -> (Href.t * Inline.seq_t option) ExtMonad.t
module type ImageExt = sig
type imagedata_t
val read_image: Href.t -> imagedata_t result_t ExtMonad.t
val write_image: Href.t -> imagedata_t -> Href.t ExtMonad.t
module type InlineExt = sig
type extinldata_t
val def : Extcomm.syninl_t * bool
val read_extinl : Extcomm.extinl_t -> extinldata_t result_t ExtMonad.t
val write_extinl : Extcomm.extinl_t -> extinldata_t -> Inline.seq_t ExtMonad.t
module type BlockExt = sig
type extblkdata_t
val def : Extcomm.synblk_t * Blkcat.t list
val read_extblk : Extcomm.extblk_t -> extblkdata_t result_t ExtMonad.t
val write_extblk : Extcomm.extblk_t -> extblkdata_t -> Block.frag_t ExtMonad.t
let combine extimages extlinks
extblocks =
let merge assoclst =
List.fold_left (fun accum (k, v) ->
match BatMap.add_carry k v accum with
| _, Some _ ->
failwith ("Extension already registered for " ^ k)
| map, None -> map) BatMap.empty assoclst in
let ext_inlines = merge extinlines
and ext_blocks = merge extblocks in
(module struct
type linkdata_t = Lambdoc_core.Basic.Href.t * Lambdoc_core.Inline.seq_t option
type imagedata_t = Href.t
type extinldata_t = Inline.seq_t
type extblkdata_t = Block.frag_t
type rconfig_t
type wconfig_t
module Monad = ExtMonad
let result_of f v = Monad.bind (f v) (fun r -> Monad.return (`Okay r))
let bind_ok a f =
Monad.bind a (function
| `Okay v -> f v
| `Error _ as e -> Monad.return e)
let bind_okay a f =
bind_ok a (result_of f)
let extinldefs = (fun (k, m) ->
let module I = (val m : InlineExt) in
k, I.def) (BatMap.bindings ext_inlines)
let read_extinl ?rconfig ident inl =
let module M = (val BatMap.find ident ext_inlines : InlineExt) in
bind_okay (M.read_extinl inl) (M.write_extinl inl)
let write_extinl ?wconfig _ _ v = Monad.return v
let extblkdefs = (fun (k, m) ->
let module I = (val m : BlockExt) in
k, I.def) (BatMap.bindings ext_blocks)
let read_extblk ?rconfig ident blk =
let module M = (val BatMap.find ident ext_blocks : BlockExt) in
bind_okay (M.read_extblk blk) (M.write_extblk blk)
let write_extblk ?wconfig _ _ v = Monad.return v
let read_image ?rconfig href =
let f m href =
let module M = (val m : ImageExt) in
bind_okay (M.read_image href) (M.write_image href)
List.fold_left (fun accum m ->
bind_ok accum (f m)) (Monad.return (`Okay href)) extimages
let write_image ?wconfig _ img = Monad.return img
let read_link ?rconfig href =
let f m (href,desc) =
match desc with
| Some _ -> Monad.return (`Okay (href, desc))
| None ->
let module M = (val m : LinkExt) in
bind_okay (M.read_link href) (M.write_link href)
List.fold_left (fun accum m ->
bind_ok accum (f m)) (Monad.return (`Okay (href, None))) extlinks
let write_link ?wconfig _ link = Monad.return link
end : Ext)
open Extcomm
open Mlorg.Inline
let (%>) = BatPervasives.(%>)
let image_extensions = [".png"; ".jpg"; ".jpeg"; ".gif"; ".bmp"]
let lamb_of_org_inline = object(self)
inherit [Inline.seq_t] Mlorg.Inline.bottomUp as super
method bot = []
method combine = BatList.concat
method! inline = function
| Emphasis (`Bold, l) ->
[ Inline.bold (self#inlines l) ]
| Emphasis ((`Italic | `Underline), l) ->
[ Inline.emph (self#inlines l) ]
| Entity e ->
[ Inline.entity e.Mlorg.Entity.unicode ]
| Break_Line ->
[ Inline.linebreak () ]
| Link link ->
let href = string_of_url link.url in
(* TODO: Search _ *)
if List.exists (String.ends_with href)
(image_extensions) then
[ Inline.glyph href (asciis link.label)]
[ href (Some (self#inlines link.label)) ]
| Plain str -> [ Inline.plain str ]
| i -> super#inline i
open Mlorg.Block
let lamb_of_org_block = object(self)
inherit [Block.frag_t] Mlorg.Block.bottomUp as super
method bot = []
method combine = BatList.concat
method! inline i = [ Block.paragraph (lamb_of_org_inline#inline i) ]
method! inlines l = [ Block.paragraph (lamb_of_org_inline#inlines l)]
method! block = function
| Paragraph il -> self#inlines il
| Heading h ->
let level = Basic.Level.section h.level in
let order = failwith "TODO" in
[lamb_of_org_inline#inlines h.title |>
Heading.section (Label.Auto "") order Heading.Mainbody level |>
Block.heading ]
| Table t ->
let rows = t.rows in
let colspec = (fun _ -> Tabular.Center, Tabular.Normal) rows.(0).(0) in
(* TODO: alignment *)
let map f a = Array.to_list ( f a) in
let map_cell l =
Tabular.make_cell None (Some (lamb_of_org_inline#inlines l)) in
[match map (map (map map_cell %> Tabular.make_row) %> Tabular.make_group) rows with
| thead :: body ->
Tabular.make colspec ~thead body |> Block.tabular
| [] -> Tabular.make colspec [] |> Block.tabular
| b -> super#block b
module Monad = struct
type 'a t = 'a
let return x = x
let fail exc = raise exc
let bind t f = f t
let catch f g = try f () with exc -> g exc
let iter = List.iter
type linkdata_t = unit
type imagedata_t = unit
type extinldata_t = unit
type extblkdata_t = [ `Org of Mlorg.Block.t list ]
type rconfig_t = unit
type wconfig_t = unit
let find_user name =
(* Insert code to check if user actually exists in the system *)
`Okay (`User name)
let linkify_user name =
(* Insert code to create a link to the user's home page *)
let extinldefs = [] (* We do not define any custom inline commands *)
let extblkdefs =
("org", (`Synblk_simraw, [`Embeddable_blk; `Figure_blk]));
let read_link ?rconfig href = (`Okay ())
let read_image ?rconfig href = (`Okay ())
let read_extinl ?rconfig tag extcomm =
assert false (* This should never be called, because we haven't defined any custom inline commands *)
let read_extblk ?rconfig tag extcomm = match (tag, extcomm) with
| ("org", Extblk_simraw txt) ->
let _, blocks = BatIO.lines_of (BatIO.input_string txt) |>
Mlorg.Syntaxes.Org.Parser.parse in
`Okay (`Org blocks)
| _ ->
assert false (* This should never be called *)
let write_link ?wconfig href _ = (href, None)
let write_image ?wconfig href _ = href
let write_extinl ?wconfig tag extinl data =
assert false (* This should never be called, because we haven't defined any custom inline commands *)
let write_extblk ?wconfig tag extblk data = match (tag, extblk, data) with
| ("org", _, `Org blocks) ->
(lamb_of_org_block#blocks blocks)
| _ -> assert false
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