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Last active May 31, 2022 21:15
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Salesforce Code Organization
**Setup salesforce-code repo**
This repo would be used for development. It contains:
- classes
- components
- email
- flowDefinitions
- flows
- objects
- pages
- reportTypes
- reports
- triggers
- workflows
At some point, we can add folders to organize the code inside the classes directory. SF says it is possible, but I'm not sure
what consequences we will encounter.
**Setup saleforce-settings repo**
This is to store custom settings. It would be updated periodically. Might not be needed if
SF does a good job of backing out of a change.
- authproviders
- connectedApps
- customMetadata
- dashboards
- dataSources
- layouts
- liveChatAgentConfig
- liveChatButtons
- managedTopics
- moderation
- namedCredentials
- networks
- pathAssistants
- profile
- roles
- settings
- sites
- tabs
**Do not store**
These are in the current salesforce repo, but I don't think they are needed. It is boilerplate SF settings.
- EmbeddedServiceBranding
- EmbeddedServiceConfig
- EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent
- LeadConvertSettings
- analyticSnapshots
- AnimationRules
- appMenus
- applications
- approvalProcess
- assignmentRules
- audience
- aura
- autoResponseRules
- certs
- channelLayouts
- cleanDataServices
- communities
- contentassets
- corsWhitelistorigins
- cspTrustedSites
- customHelpMenuSections
- customPermissions
- datacategorygroups
- documents
- duplicateRules
- emailservices
- entitlementProcesses
- escalationRules
- flexipages
- globalValueSets
- groups
- homePageLayouts
- installedPackages
- labels
- letterhead
- liveChatDeployments
- managedContentTypes
- matchingRules
- milestoneTypes
- navigationMenus
- networkBranding
- notificationTypeConfig
- notificationTypes
- objectTranslations
- permissionsetgroups
- permissionsets
- platformEventChannelMembers
- presenceUserConfigs
- profilePasswordPolicies
- profileSessionSettings
- queueRoutingConfigs
- queues
- quickActions
- remoteSiteSettings
- serviceChannels
- servicePresenceStatuses
- sharingRules
- sharingSets
- siteDotComSites
- skills
- standardValueSets
- staticresources
- testsuites
- topicsForObjects
- translations
- userCriteria
- wave
- weblinks
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