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Created August 23, 2018 07:30
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cloudformation template to create shadowsocks ec2 instance
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09",
"Description" : "AWS CloudFormation Template ShadowSocks_Single_Instance: Create a ShadowSocks server using a single EC2 instance.",
"Parameters" : {
"KeyName": {
"Description" : "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance",
"Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair."
"ShadowSocksPassword" : {
"Description" : "Password for ShadowSocks. Must be at least 8 printable characters except double quoutes and backslash.",
"Type" : "String",
"NoEcho": "true",
"MinLength" : "8",
"MaxLength" : "50",
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be at least 8 printable characters except double quoutes and backslash.",
"AllowedPattern" : "^(?=.*\\p{Print})(?!.*[\\x5C\\x22]).{8,50}$"
"ShadowSocksServerPort": {
"Description" : "ShadowSocks Server TCP Port",
"Type": "Number",
"Default" : "8388",
"MinValue": "1150",
"MaxValue": "65535"
"InstanceType" : {
"Description" : "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Type" : "String",
"Default" : "t2.micro",
"AllowedValues" : [ "t1.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium", "t2.large", "m1.small", "m1.medium", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge", "m3.2xlarge", "m4.large", "m4.xlarge", "m4.2xlarge", "m4.4xlarge", "m4.10xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "c3.large", "c3.xlarge", "c3.2xlarge", "c3.4xlarge", "c3.8xlarge", "c4.large", "c4.xlarge", "c4.2xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c4.8xlarge", "g2.2xlarge", "g2.8xlarge", "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge", "r3.8xlarge", "i2.xlarge", "i2.2xlarge", "i2.4xlarge", "i2.8xlarge", "d2.xlarge", "d2.2xlarge", "d2.4xlarge", "d2.8xlarge", "hi1.4xlarge", "hs1.8xlarge", "cr1.8xlarge", "cc2.8xlarge", "cg1.4xlarge"],
"ConstraintDescription" : "must be a valid EC2 instance type."
"SSHLocation" : {
"Description" : " The IP address range that can be used to SSH to the EC2 instances",
"Type": "String",
"MinLength": "9",
"MaxLength": "18",
"Default": "",
"AllowedPattern": "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})",
"ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x."
"Mappings" : {
"AWSInstanceType2Arch" : {
"t1.micro" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"t2.nano" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"t2.micro" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"t2.small" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"t2.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"t2.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m1.small" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m1.medium" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m1.large" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"m3.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m4.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"m4.10xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c1.medium" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"c1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "PV64" },
"c3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c4.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"c4.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"g2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVMG2" },
"g2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVMG2" },
"r3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"r3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"r3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"r3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"r3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"i2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"i2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"i2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"i2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"d2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"d2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"d2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"d2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"hi1.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"hs1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"cr1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" },
"cc2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }
"AWSInstanceType2NATArch" : {
"t1.micro" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"t2.nano" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"t2.micro" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"t2.small" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"t2.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"t2.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m1.small" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m1.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m1.large" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"m3.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m4.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"m4.10xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c1.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"c1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATPV64" },
"c3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c4.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"c4.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"g2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVMG2" },
"g2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVMG2" },
"r3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"r3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"r3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"r3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"r3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"i2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"i2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"i2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"i2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"d2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"d2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"d2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"d2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"hi1.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"hs1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"cr1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" },
"cc2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }
"AWSRegionArch2AMI" : {
"us-east-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-2a69aa47", "HVM64" : "ami-97785bed", "HVMG2" : "ami-0a6e3770"},
"us-west-2" : {"PV64" : "ami-7f77b31f", "HVM64" : "ami-f2d3638a", "HVMG2" : "ami-ee15a196"},
"us-west-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-a2490dc2", "HVM64" : "ami-824c4ee2", "HVMG2" : "ami-0da4a46d"},
"eu-west-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-4cdd453f", "HVM64" : "ami-d834aba1", "HVMG2" : "ami-af8013d6"},
"eu-west-2" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-403e2524", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"eu-west-3" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-8ee056f3", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"eu-central-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-6527cf0a", "HVM64" : "ami-5652ce39", "HVMG2" : "ami-1d58ca72"},
"ap-northeast-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-3e42b65f", "HVM64" : "ami-ceafcba8", "HVMG2" : "ami-edfd658b"},
"ap-northeast-2" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-863090e8", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"ap-northeast-3" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-83444afe", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"ap-southeast-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-df9e4cbc", "HVM64" : "ami-68097514", "HVMG2" : "ami-c06013bc"},
"ap-southeast-2" : {"PV64" : "ami-63351d00", "HVM64" : "ami-942dd1f6", "HVMG2" : "ami-85ef12e7"},
"ap-south-1" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-531a4c3c", "HVMG2" : "ami-411e492e"},
"us-east-2" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-f63b1193", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"ca-central-1" : {"PV64" : "NOT_SUPPORTED", "HVM64" : "ami-a954d1cd", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"sa-east-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-1ad34676", "HVM64" : "ami-84175ae8", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"cn-north-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-77559f1a", "HVM64" : "ami-cb19c4a6", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"},
"cn-northwest-1" : {"PV64" : "ami-80707be2", "HVM64" : "ami-3e60745c", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}
"Resources" : {
"ShadowSocksServerInstance": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Metadata" : {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : {
"config" : {
"packages" : {
"yum" : {
"git" : [],
"gcc" : []
"files" : {
"/etc/shadowsocks.json" : {
"content" : { "Fn::Join" : [ "", [
" \"server\":\"\",\n",
" \"server_port\":", { "Ref" : "ShadowSocksServerPort" }, ",\n",
" \"local_port\":1080,\n",
" \"password\":\"", { "Ref" : "ShadowSocksPassword" }, "\",\n",
" \"timeout\":600,\n",
" \"method\":\"xchacha20-ietf-poly1305\",\n",
" \"fast_open\": true\n",
"mode" : "000644",
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root"
"/etc/init.d/shadowsocks" : {
"content" : { "Fn::Join" : [ "", [
"# Provides: shadowsocks\n",
"# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog\n",
"# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog\n",
"# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\n",
"# Default-Stop: 0 1 6\n",
"# Short-Description: start shadowsocks\n",
"# Description: start shadowsocks\n",
"### END INIT INFO\n",
" /usr/local/bin/ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start\n",
" /usr/local/bin/ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d stop\n",
"case \"$1\" in\n",
" start",
" ;;\n",
" stop\n",
" ;;\n",
" stop\n",
" start\n",
" ;;\n",
" echo \"Usage: $0 {start|restart|stop}\"\n",
" exit 1\n",
" ;;\n",
"mode" : "000755",
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root"
"/etc/cfn/cfn-hup.conf" : {
"content" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"stack=", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackId" }, "\n",
"region=", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "\n"
"mode" : "000400",
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root"
"/etc/cfn/hooks.d/cfn-auto-reloader.conf" : {
"content": { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"action=/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
" --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" },
" --resource ShadowSocksServerInstance ",
" --configsets InstallAndRun ",
" --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "\n",
"mode" : "000400",
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root"
"commands" : {
"01_install_shadowsocks" : {
"command" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", ["pip install --upgrade git+"]]}
"02_optimize_shadowsocks" : {
"command" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"echo -e \"* soft nofile 51200\\n* hard nofile 51200\" >> /etc/security/limits.conf\n",
"ulimit -n 51200",
"echo -e \"fs.file-max = 51200\\nnet.core.rmem_max = 67108864\\nnet.core.wmem_max = 67108864\\nnet.core.netdev_max_backlog = 250000\\nnet.core.somaxconn = 4096\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 0\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 1200\\nnet.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 8192\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 5000\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_fastopen = 3\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_mem = 25600 51200 102400\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 67108864\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 67108864\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing = 1\\nnet.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = hybla\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf\n",
"sysctl -p\n"
"03_install_libsodium" : {
"command" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"git clone --branch stable\n",
"cd libsodium\n",
"make install\n",
"echo -e \"/usr/local/lib\n\" >> /etc/\n",
"services" : {
"sysvinit" : {
"shadowsocks" : { "enabled" : "true", "ensureRunning" : "true",
"files" : ["/etc/shadowsocks.json", "/usr/local/lib/"]},
"cfn-hup" : { "enabled" : "true", "ensureRunning" : "true",
"files" : ["/etc/cfn/cfn-hup.conf", "/etc/cfn/hooks.d/cfn-auto-reloader.conf"]}
"Properties": {
"ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" },
{ "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSInstanceType2Arch", { "Ref" : "InstanceType" }, "Arch" ] } ] },
"InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "InstanceType" },
"SecurityGroups" : [ {"Ref" : "ShadowSocksServerSecurityGroup"} ],
"KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" },
"UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"#!/bin/bash -xe\n",
"yum update -y aws-cfn-bootstrap\n",
"# Install the files and packages from the metadata\n",
"/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v ",
" --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" },
" --resource ShadowSocksServerInstance ",
" --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "\n",
"# Signal the status from cfn-init\n",
"/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e $? ",
" --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" },
" --resource ShadowSocksServerInstance ",
" --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "\n"
"CreationPolicy" : {
"ResourceSignal" : {
"Timeout" : "PT5M"
"ShadowSocksServerSecurityGroup" : {
"Type" : "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
"Properties" : {
"GroupDescription" : "Enable ShadowSocks access port",
"SecurityGroupIngress" : [
{"IpProtocol" : "tcp", "FromPort" : { "Ref" : "ShadowSocksServerPort"}, "ToPort" : { "Ref" : "ShadowSocksServerPort"}, "CidrIp" : ""},
{"IpProtocol" : "tcp", "FromPort" : "22", "ToPort" : "22", "CidrIp" : { "Ref" : "SSHLocation"}}
"Outputs" : {
"ShadowSocksURI" : {
"Description" : "URI for newly created ShadowSocks stack",
"Value" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", ["ss://xchacha20-ietf-poly1305:", {"Ref": "ShadowSocksPassword"}, "@", { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "ShadowSocksServerInstance", "PublicDnsName" ]}, ":", {"Ref": "ShadowSocksServerPort"}]] }
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