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Created February 16, 2024 22:35
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#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "casadi/casadi.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace chrono;
using namespace casadi;
int main()
std::vector<bool> discrete = {0,1};
Opti opti = Opti();
MX x = opti.variable();
MX y = opti.variable();
opti.minimize( -3*x-2*y );
opti.subject_to( 4*x+2*y <= 15 );
opti.subject_to( x+2*y <= 8 );
opti.subject_to( x+y <= 5 );
opti.subject_to( x >= 0 );
opti.subject_to( y >= 0 );
casadi::Dict casadiOptions;
casadi::Dict ipoptOptions;
casadiOptions["expand"] = true;
casadiOptions["discrete"] = discrete;
ipoptOptions["print_level"] = 1;
ipoptOptions["linear_solver"] = "mumps";
opti.solver( "bonmin", casadiOptions, ipoptOptions );
auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
casadi::OptiSol sol = opti.solve();
auto stop = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto duration = duration_cast<milliseconds>(stop-start);
cout << sol.value(x) << " " << sol.value(y) << endl;
cout << "Time required for function evaluation (milliseconds): " << duration.count() << endl;
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