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Last active June 28, 2019 20:23
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Array the 2-D Irregular Sample Space for 8-Direction Random Walk

A 2D Random Walk: Array the 2-D Irregular Sample Space for 8-Direction Random Walk

If the 2-D sample space is not regular, it may cause asymmetry in probability during a random walk. This algorithm rearranges the sample space to a new array with nRow rows and nCol columns.

How it Works

m = 2;
funcLogic = @(data1, data2) ((0 <= data1 + data2) & (data1 + data2 <= m));

Irregular sample space caused by the above condition:

(0, 3)
(0, 2) (1, 2)
(0, 1) (1, 1) (2, 1) 
(0, 0) (1, 0) (2, 0) (3, 0)

Permute the sample space in one dimension randomly, using getCellSampleSpace2dim.

(0, 2) (0, 3) (2, 0) (3, 0) (1, 1) (0, 0) (2, 1) (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1)

Arrange the sample space to an array with 2 rows and 3 columns, using arrangeSampleSpace2dim.

(0, 2) (0, 3) (2, 0) (3, 0) (1, 1) 
(0, 0) (2, 1) (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1)

Plot the Result in 3-D Histogram

The result using this algorithm. There is no obvious asymmetry except volatility caused by simulation.


The result using simple step-wise random walk. There is some obvious asymmetry. Besides, the result is affected by the initial position.


% Major Functions File for Array the 2-D Irregular Sample Space for 8-Direction Random Walk
% Author: Edward J. Xu,
% Date: 190616
% Version: 1.0
% ######################################################################################################################
function [cellSampleSpace] = getCellSampleSpace2dim(vecData1, vecData2, n1, n2, funcLogic)
cellSampleSpace = {};
for i = 1:n1
for j = 1:n2
if funcLogic(vecData1(i), vecData2(j))
cellSampleSpace{end + 1} = [vecData1(i), vecData2(j)];
cellSampleSpace = cellSampleSpace(randperm(length(cellSampleSpace)));
function [cellArraySSpace] = arrangeSampleSpace2dim(cellSampleSpace, nRow)
nCol = length(cellSampleSpace) / nRow;
if mod(nCol, 1) ~= 0
error("nRow is impossible!!!")
cellArraySSpace = {};
k = 1;
for i = 1:nRow
for j = 1:nCol
cellArraySSpace(i, j) = cellSampleSpace(k);
k = k + 1;
function [vecCandidate] = loopRandWalk2Dim(cellArraySSpace, vecPre)
[m, n] = size(cellArraySSpace);
% Find where vecPre is
where = 1;
while ~isequal(cellArraySSpace{where}, vecPre)
where = where + 1;
[x, y] = returnPosition(where, m, n);
% disp(x)
% disp(y)
if cellArraySSpace{x, y} ~= cellArraySSpace{where}
error("Error when trying to find where the x is.")
% Random Walk
x = loopRandWalk(x, m, 1);
y = loopRandWalk(y, n, 1);
% disp(x)
% disp(y)
vecCandidate = [cellArraySSpace{x, y}];
% Test File for Array the 2-D Irregular Sample Space for 8-Direction Random Walk
% Author: Edward J. Xu,
% Date: 190616
% Version: 1.0
% ######################################################################################################################
function testRandomWalk2dim()
m = 10;
nRow = 6;
nSample = 100000;
vecData1 = [0:1:m];
vecData2 = [0:1:m];
n1 = length(vecData1);
n2 = length(vecData2);
funcLogic = @(data1, data2) ((0 <= data1 + data2) & (data1 + data2 <= m));
% Get `cellArraySSpace`
cellSampleSpace = getCellSampleSpace2dim(vecData1, vecData2, n1, n2, funcLogic);
cellArraySSpace = arrangeSampleSpace2dim(cellSampleSpace, nRow);
% Simulation
sState_1(1).x = cellArraySSpace{randi(length(cellArraySSpace))};
sState_2(1).x = cellArraySSpace{randi(length(cellArraySSpace))};
for i = 2:nSample
sState_1(i).x = loopRandWalk2dim(cellArraySSpace, sState_1(i - 1).x);
sState_2(i).x = loopRandWalk2dimStepByStep(m, sState_2(i - 1).x);
% Plot the final result
vecX1_1 = zeros(nSample, 1);
vecX2_1 = zeros(nSample, 1);
vecX1_2 = zeros(nSample, 1);
vecX2_2 = zeros(nSample, 1);
for i = 1:nSample
vecX1_1(i) = sState_1(i).x(1);
vecX2_1(i) = sState_1(i).x(2);
vecX1_2(i) = sState_2(i).x(1);
vecX2_2(i) = sState_2(i).x(2);
plotHistgram2dimRaw(vecX1_1, vecX2_1, m, 'RandWalk2dim_1');
plotHistgram2dimRaw(vecX1_2, vecX2_2, m, 'RandWalk2dim_2');
function [x] = loopRandWalk2dimStepByStep(m, xPre)
x1 = loopRandWalk(xPre(1), m, 0);
x2 = loopRandWalk(xPre(2), m - x1, 0);
x = [x1, x2];
function [ fig ] = plotHistgram2dimRaw(vecX1, vecX2, m, strFileName)
% Plot the histogram of RNG result and return the vector of values
fig = figure("Visible", "off");
fig = histogram2(vecX1, vecX2, [-0.5:1:(m + 0.5)], [-0.5:1:(m + 0.5)], 'FaceColor', 'flat');
saveas(fig, [pwd '/images/test/', strFileName, '.png']);
saveas(fig, [pwd '/images/test/', strFileName, '.fig']);
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