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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Get subdirectories asynchronously
var fs = require('fs');
module.exports = function getSubDirectories( dir )
var deferred = new Promise();
var dirs = [], count = 0;
fs.readdir(dir, function(err, files)
if (err) deferred.error(err);
if (!files.length) return deferred.resolve([]);
files.forEach(function( file )
stat(dir, function(err, fileInfo)
if (err) deferred.error(err);
if (fileInfo.isDirectory())
if (count === files.length)
return dirs;
var Rx = require('rx'),
fs = require('fs'),
readdir = Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback(fs.readdir),
stat = Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback(fs.statS);
Array.prototype.toObservable = function()
return Rx.Observable.fromAarray(this);
module.exports = function getSubDirectoriesRx(param)
return readdir(param)
return files
return stat(file)
.filter(function(fileInfo) {
return fileInfo.isDirectory()
.map(function() { return file })
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ghost commented Jan 8, 2015

Here's a version that uses only rx for mapping: (coffeescript)

Rx = require "rx"
fs = require "fs"

readdir = Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback fs.readdir
stat = Rx.Observable.fromNodeCallback (pathName, cb) ->
    fs.stat pathName, (err, stats) ->
        stats.pathName = pathName
        cb err, stats

dirObservable = (dirPath) ->
    readdir dirPath
        .flatMap (items) -> Rx.Observable.from items
        .flatMap (item) -> stat item
        .filter (stats) -> stats.isDirectory()
        .map (stats) -> stats.pathName

module.exports = dirObservable

if not module.parent
    path = require "path"
    dirobs = dirObservable path.resolve __dirname, ".."
    dirobs.subscribe (data) -> console.log data

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