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This software is the Arduino Uno firmware of a project called "Arduino Uno Port Control". The aim of this project is to control the digital I/O pins of Arduino Uno from an Android device. The android app can be downloaded from Google Play Store.
byte lineEnding = 0x0A;
//Data array that the received info from android app is recorded. Every byte corresponds to a digital pin.
byte readBuffer[15]; //For example readBuffer[5] is for digital pin 5.
byte defaultByte = 0x10; //On start all arduino digital pins must be input for electrical protection.
//Pins 0 and 1 are used for serial comminations. So read
void setup() {
for (int i=0; i < sizeof(readBuffer)-1 ; ++i) {
readBuffer[i] = defaultByte;}
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 14) {
Serial.readBytesUntil(lineEnding, (char*) readBuffer, 15);
for (int i=2; i < sizeof(readBuffer)-1 ; i++ ) {
if( bitRead(readBuffer[i], 4 )) { pinMode(i,INPUT);} else { pinMode(i,OUTPUT);}
for (int i=2; i < sizeof(readBuffer)-1 ; i++ ) {
if( bitRead(readBuffer[i], 0 )) { digitalWrite(i,HIGH);} else { digitalWrite(i,LOW);}
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Hey it works fine.
Thank you...

-a noob arduino hobbyist enjoying your code :-)

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asus246 commented Nov 27, 2018

moge dostac

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Thank you

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