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Created September 28, 2010 01:37
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Get geographic distances
# A Pythonofication of
# Originally in Javascript by Bill Chadwick
import sys
import math
import re
from urllib import urlopen
import json
from pprint import pprint
import plistlib
class Coordinates(object):
F = (1.0 - 1.0 / 298.257223563)**2
EQ_RADIUS = 6378137.0; # WGS84 Equatorial Radius in Meters
def __init__(self, lon, lat):
theta = lon * math.pi / 180.0
rlat = self.geocentric_latitude(lat * math.pi / 180.0)
c = math.cos(rlat)
self.x = c * math.cos(theta)
self.y = c * math.sin(theta)
self.z = math.sin(rlat)
# Class methods
def geocentric_latitude(cls, geographic_latitude):
return math.atan(math.tan(geographic_latitude) * cls.F)
def geographic_latitude(cls, geocentric_latitude):
return math.atan(math.tan(geocentric_latitude) / cls.F)
def get_intersection(cls, geo1, geo2, geo3, geo4):
'''Returns the two antipodal points of intersection of two great circles
defined by the arcs geo1 to geo2 and geo3 to geo4. Returns a point as a Geo,
use .antipode to get the other point'''
geo_cross1 = geo1.cross_normalize(geo2)
geo_cross2 = geo3.cross_normalize(geo4)
return geo_cross1.cross_normalize(geo_cross2)
def radians_to_meters(cls, rad):
return rad * cls.EQ_RADIUS
def meters_to_radians(cls, m):
return m / cls.EQ_RADIUS
# Properties
def latitude_radians(self):
return self.geographic_latitude(math.atan2(self.z,
math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)))
def longitude_radians(self):
return math.atan2(self.y, self.x)
def latitude(self):
return self.latitude_radians * 180.0 / math.pi
def longitude(self):
return self.longitude_radians * 180.0 / math.pi
def antipode(self):
return self.scale(-1.0)
# Methods
def __str__(self):
return '%f, %f' % (self.longitude, self.latitude)
def dot(self, b):
return (self.x * b.x) + (self.y * b.y) + (self.z * b.z)
def cross_length(self, b):
x = (self.y * b.z) - (self.z * b.y)
y = (self.z * b.x) - (self.x * b.z)
z = (self.x * b.y) - (self.y * b.x)
return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
def scale(self, s):
r = Coordinates(0,0)
r.x = self.x * s
r.y = self.y * s
r.z = self.z * s
return r
def cross_normalize(self, b):
x = (self.y * b.z) - (self.z * b.y)
y = (self.z * b.x) - (self.x * b.z)
z = (self.x * b.y) - (self.y * b.x)
L = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
r = Coordinates(0,0)
r.x = x / L
r.y = y / L
r.z = z / L
return r
def distance_radians(self, b):
return math.atan2(b.cross_length(self),
def distance(self, b):
return self.radians_to_meters(self.distance_radians(b))
def distance_to_line_segment(self, geo1, geo2):
p2 = geo1.cross_normalize(geo2)
ip = self.get_intersection(geo1, geo2, self, p2)
d = geo1.distance(geo2)
d1p = geo1.distance(ip)
d2p = geo2.distance(ip)
if d >= d1p and d >= d2p:
return self.distance(ip)
ip = ip.antipode
d1p = geo1.distance(ip)
d2p = geo2.distance(ip)
if d >= d1p and d >= d2p:
return self.distance(ip)
return min(geo1.distance(self), geo2.distance(self))
def distance_to_linestring(self, polyline):
d = sys.maxint
c = polyline
for l1, l2 in [(c[i], c[i+1]) for i in xrange(len(c) - 1)]:
dp = self.distance_to_line_segment(l1, l2)
if dp < d:
d = dp;
return d
def hit_test(self, polygon):
counter = 0
c = polygon
n = len(p)
for p1, p2 in [(c[i], c[i+1]) for i in xrange(len(c) - 1)]:
if self.y > min(p1.y, p2.y):
if self.y <= max(p1.y, p2.y):
if self.x <= max(p1.x, p2.x):
if p1.y != p2.y:
xinters = (self.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) / \
(p2.y-p1.y) + p1.x
if p1.x == p2.x or self.x <= xinters:
counter += 1
return counter % 2 != 0
def distance_to_polygon(self, polygon):
if self.hit_test(polygon):
return 0.0
return self.distance_to_linestring(polygon)
class Shape(object):
def __init__(self, coordinates, name=None): = name
self._coordinates = [Coordinates(lon, lat) for lon, lat in coordinates]
def coordinates(self):
return self._coordinates
class Linestring(Shape):
def __init__(self, coordinates, name=None):
if len(coordinates) < 2:
raise TypeError, "Need at least two points for a line."
Shape.__init__(self, coordinates, name)
class Polygon(Shape):
def __init__(self, coordinates, name=None):
if len(coordinates) < 3:
raise TypeError, "Need at least three points for a polygon."
if coordinates[0] != coordinates[-1]:
raise TypeError, "Polygon coordinates must start and end with the same one"
Shape.__init__(self, coordinates, name)
class Point(Shape):
def __init__(self, coordinates, name=None):
if len(coordinates) != 1:
raise TypeError, "A point is one set of coordinates"
Shape.__init__(self, coordinates, name)
class ShapeFactory(object):
def __init__(self):
self.wkt_pattern = re.compile('^\s*(\w+)\s*\(+(.*?)\)+$')
self.shape_classes = {"POINT" : Point,
"POLYGON" : Polygon,
"LINESTRING" : Linestring}
def __call__(self, wkt, name=None):
shape, coords = self.wkt_pattern.match(wkt).groups()
cls = self.shape_classes[shape]
return cls([[float(c) for c in b.strip().split(' ')] \
for b in coords.split(',')], name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
jdata = urlopen(
features = json.loads(jdata)['features']
points = {}
cpoints = {}
for f in features:
if f['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
coords = f['geometry']['coordinates']
points[f['properties']['name']] = coords
cpoints[f['properties']['name']] = Coordinates(*coords)
plistlib.writePlist(points, 'points.plist')
lines = {}
clines = {}
for f in features:
if f['geometry']['type'] == 'LineString':
coords = f['geometry']['coordinates']
lines[f['properties']['name']] = coords
clines[f['properties']['name']] = \
[Coordinates(*c) for c in coords]
plistlib.writePlist(lines, 'lines.plist')
polys = {}
cpolys = {}
for f in features:
if f['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':
coords = f['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
polys[f['properties']['name']] = coords
cpolys[f['properties']['name']] = \
[Coordinates(*c) for c in coords]
plistlib.writePlist(polys, 'polygons.plist')
for name, point in cpoints.items():
for n, p in cpoints.items():
print '%s -> %s: %f' % (name, n, point.distance(p))
for n, l in clines.items():
print '%s -> %s: %f' % (name, n, point.distance_to_linestring(l))
for n, p in cpolys.items():
print '%s -> %s: %f' % (name, n, point.distance_to_polygon(p))
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