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Created September 30, 2010 01:55
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Coordinates : NSObject {
double _x;
double _y;
double _z;
+ (double)geocentricLatitude:(double)geographic_latitude;
+ (double)geographicLatitude:(double)geocentric_latitude;
+ (Coordinates *)withIntersection:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2:(Coordinates *)geo3:(Coordinates *)geo4;
+ (Coordinates *)withScale:(Coordinates *)geo scale:(double)scale;
+ (Coordinates *)withCrossNormalize:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2;
+ (Coordinates *)withAntipode:(Coordinates *)geo;
+ (double)radiansToMeters:(double)rad;
+ (double)metersToRadians:(double)m;
- (Coordinates *)initWithCoords:(double)lon:(double)lat;
- (Coordinates *)initWithXYZ:(double)x:(double)y:(double)z;
- (double)distanceRadians:(Coordinates *)b;
- (double)distanceMeters:(Coordinates *)b;
- (double)distanceToLineSegment:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2;
- (double)distanceToLinestring:(NSArray *)polyine;
- (BOOL)hitTest:(NSArray *)polygon;
- (double)distanceToPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon;
- (double)crossLength:(Coordinates *)b;
- (double)dot:(Coordinates *)b;
- (double)x;
- (double)y;
- (double)z;
#import "Coordinates.h"
#import <math.h>
#import <float.h>
@implementation Coordinates
static double F = (1.0 - 1.0 / 298.257223563)*(1.0 - 1.0 / 298.257223563);
static double EQ_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
+ (double)geocentricLatitude:(double)geographic_latitude {
return atan(tan(geographic_latitude) * F);
+ (double)geographicLatitude:(double)geocentric_latitude {
return atan(tan(geocentric_latitude) / F);
+ (Coordinates *)withIntersection:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2:(Coordinates *)geo3:(Coordinates *)geo4 {
Coordinates *geo_cross1 = [Coordinates withCrossNormalize:geo1:geo2];
Coordinates *geo_cross2 = [Coordinates withCrossNormalize:geo3:geo4];
return [Coordinates withCrossNormalize:geo_cross1:geo_cross2];
+ (Coordinates *)withAntipode:(Coordinates *)geo {
return [Coordinates withScale:geo scale:-1.0];
+ (Coordinates *)withScale:(Coordinates *)geo scale:(double)scale {
double x = [geo x] * scale;
double y = [geo y] * scale;
double z = [geo z] * scale;
Coordinates *coords = [[Coordinates alloc] initWithXYZ:x:y:z];
[coords autorelease];
return coords;
+ (Coordinates *)withCrossNormalize:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2 {
double x = ([geo1 y] * [geo2 z]) - ([geo1 z] * [geo2 y]);
double y = ([geo1 z] * [geo2 x]) - ([geo1 x] * [geo2 z]);
double z = ([geo1 x] * [geo2 y]) - ([geo1 y] * [geo2 x]);
double L = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
Coordinates *coords = [[Coordinates alloc] initWithXYZ:x/L:y/L:z/L];
[coords autorelease];
return coords;
+ (double)radiansToMeters:(double)rad {
return rad * EQ_RADIUS;
+ (double)metersToRadians:(double)m {
return m / EQ_RADIUS;
- (Coordinates *)initWithCoords:(double)lon:(double)lat {
Coordinates *s = [self init];
double theta = lon * M_PI / 180.0;
double rlat = [Coordinates geocentricLatitude:(lat * M_PI / 180)];
double c = cos(rlat);
_x = c * cos(theta);
_y = c * sin(theta);
_z = sin(rlat);
return s;
- (Coordinates *)initWithXYZ:(double)x:(double)y:(double)z {
Coordinates *s = [self init];
_x = x;
_y = y;
_z = z;
return s;
- (double)crossLength:(Coordinates *)b {
double x = (_y * [b z]) - (_z * [b y]);
double y = (_z * [b x]) - (_x * [b z]);
double z = (_x * [b y]) - (_y * [b x]);
return sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
- (double)distanceRadians:(Coordinates *)b {
return atan2([b crossLength:self], [b dot:self]);
- (double)distanceMeters:(Coordinates *)b {
return [Coordinates radiansToMeters:[self distanceRadians:b]];
- (double)distanceToLineSegment:(Coordinates *)geo1:(Coordinates *)geo2 {
Coordinates *p2 = [Coordinates withCrossNormalize:geo1:geo2];
Coordinates *ip = [Coordinates withIntersection:geo1:geo2:self:p2];
double d = [geo1 distanceMeters:geo2];
double d1p = [geo1 distanceMeters:ip];
double d2p = [geo2 distanceMeters:ip];
if ((d > d1p) && (d >= d2p))
return [self distanceMeters:ip];
Coordinates *ip_antipode = [Coordinates withAntipode:ip];
d1p = [geo1 distanceMeters:ip_antipode];
d2p = [geo2 distanceMeters:ip_antipode];
if ((d > d1p) && (d >= d2p))
return [self distanceMeters:ip_antipode];
return MIN([geo1 distanceMeters:self], [geo2 distanceMeters:self]);
- (double)distanceToLinestring:(NSArray *)polyline {
double d = DBL_MAX;
int i;
for (i=0;i<[polyline count] - 1;i++) {
Coordinates *l1 = [polyline objectAtIndex:i];
Coordinates *l2 = [polyline objectAtIndex:i+1];
double db = [self distanceToLineSegment:l1:l2];
if (db < d)
d = db;
return d;
- (BOOL)hitTest:(NSArray *)polygon {
int i;
int counter = 0;
for (i=0;i<[polygon count] - 1;i++) {
Coordinates *p1 = [polygon objectAtIndex:i];
Coordinates *p2 = [polygon objectAtIndex:i+1];
double p1x = [p1 x];
double p1y = [p1 y];
double p2x = [p2 x];
double p2y = [p2 y];
if (_y > MIN(p1y, p2y)) {
if (_y <= MAX(p1y, p2y)) {
if (_x <= MAX(p1x, p2x)) {
if (p1y != p2y) {
double xinters = (_y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x;
if (p1x == p2x || _x <= xinters)
return (counter % 2 != 0);
- (double)distanceToPolygon:(NSArray *)polygon {
if ([self hitTest:polygon])
return 0.0;
return [self distanceToLinestring:polygon];
- (double)x {
return _x;
- (double)y {
return _y;
- (double)z {
return _z;
- (double)dot:(Coordinates *)b {
return (_x * [b x]) + (_y * [b y]) + (_z * [b z]);
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