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Last active October 4, 2022 07:38
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  • Save eegeeZA/5d79a6da7b4fb7385d1fb8029d8e7712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save eegeeZA/5d79a6da7b4fb7385d1fb8029d8e7712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add to your Azure Pipelines (VSTS) task for closing your `release` and `hotfix` branches as per GitFlow recommendations
# Variables
$repoURL = "" # or ""
$sourceBranch = ("$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH" -replace "refs/heads/")
$tagName = ($sourceBranch -replace ".*/(v.*)", '$1') # or $(Get-Date -Format yyy-MM-dd)
$userEmail = ""
$userName = "Example"
Write-Host "##[debug] repoURL: $repoURL"
Write-Host "##[debug] sourceBranch: $sourceBranch"
Write-Host "##[debug] tagName: $tagName"
Write-Host "##[debug] userEmail: $userEmail"
Write-Host "##[debug] userName: $userName"
# Enhance logging of Git errors and create folder as working directory
Write-Host "##[debug] redirecting all Git output to Azure logs"
Write-Host "##[command] New-Item -Path $sourceBranch -ItemType Directory; Set-Location $sourceBranch"
New-Item -Path $sourceBranch -ItemType Directory; Set-Location $sourceBranch
# Checkout repository
Write-Host "##[command] git clone $repoURL ."
git clone $repoURL .
## if using Azure Repos then enable OAuth access on task and use the lines below
# Write-Host "##[command] git clone -c http.extraheader=`"AUTHORIZATION: bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN`" $repoURL ."
# git clone -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN" $repoURL .
# Configure user details for Git commit
Write-Host "##[command] git config `"$userEmail`""
git config "$userEmail"
Write-Host "##[command] git config `"$userName`""
git config "$userName"
# Verify branch exists
$remoteBranches = (git branch -r).Trim().Split()
Write-Host "##[debug] remoteBranches:`n$remoteBranches"
if ($remoteBranches -notmatch $sourceBranch) {
Write-Host "##[warning] skipping merge because '$sourceBranch' not found"
Exit 0
# Merge into master and tag
Write-Host "##[command] git checkout master"
git checkout master
Write-Host "##[command] git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/$sourceBranch"
git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/$sourceBranch
Write-Host "##[command] git tag -m `"deployed $(Get-Date -Format yyy-MM-dd)`" $tagName"
git tag -m "deployed $(Get-Date -Format yyy-MM-dd)" $tagName
Write-Host "##[command] git push origin master"
git push origin master
Write-Host "##[command] git push origin $tagName"
git push origin $tagName
# Merge into develop or release(s)/hotfix(s)
$destinationRegex = "origin/((release|hotfix)/v[.0-9]+).*"
$remoteBranches = ($remoteBranches -replace $sourceBranch, 'ignore-current-branch')
if ($remoteBranches -notmatch $destinationRegex) {
Write-Host "##[debug] git checkout develop"
git checkout develop
Write-Host "##[command] git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/master"
git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/master
Write-Host "##[command] git push origin develop"
git push origin develop
else {
Write-Host "##[debug] found release(s)/hotfix(s) branches, skipping 'develop'"
foreach ($destinationBranch in $remoteBranches -match $destinationRegex) {
$destinationBranch = ($destinationBranch -replace "origin/(.*)", '$1')
Write-Host "##[command] git checkout $destinationBranch"
git checkout $destinationBranch
Write-Host "##[command] git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/master"
git merge --no-ff --no-edit origin/master
Write-Host "##[command] git push origin $destinationBranch"
git push origin $destinationBranch
# Cleanup old branch
Write-Host "##[debug] deleting '$sourceBranch' from origin"
Write-Host "##[command] git push origin -d $sourceBranch"
git push origin -d $sourceBranch
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