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Created May 20, 2015 08:42
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A pom template, use for- set file encoding- compile java 8, target java 7 jvm- embed manifests with jenkins build info into jar and war- configure enforcer plugin- define various commonly used libs + versions (slf4j, logback, logstash, spring, spring-cloud, hystrix, rxjava, dropwizard, concordion, wiremock, guava, jolokia)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
A default pom template - use for
- set file encoding
- compile java 8, target java 7 jvm
- embed manifests with jenkins build info into jar and war
- configure enforcer plugin
- define various commonly used libs + versions (spring, spring-cloud, hystrix, dropwizard, concordion, wiremock, guava, jolokia)
<!-- JENKINS vars for embedding into manifest - taken from -->
library versions
<spring.version>4.1.6.RELEASE </spring.version>
<!-- dev support -->
before upgrading json-path, make sure it's compatible with spring-test's JsonPathExpectationsHelper
json-path 1.0.0 changed the signature of JsonPath.compile() which causes spring-test 4.1.x to break
<!-- new -->
<!-- RxJava -->
<!-- including this doesn't work with target java 7/animal sniffer due to java 8 stream deps -->
Dropwizard Metrics
dependencies apply to **ALL** modules, so be careful what to add here!
<!-- standard logging deps -->
<!-- arguments to pass through to the forked release build -->
<!--<arguments>-Djira.username=${jira.username} -Djira.password=${jira.password} -Djira.url=${jira.url}</arguments>-->
compile java 1.8, target java 1.7
-> NOTE: need to set compiler plugin to source/target 1.8!
<message>No Snapshots dependencies allowed!</message>
<!-- Use new org.javassist instead -->
<!-- Use new org.aspectj instead -->
<!-- Ban usage of other logging frameworks. If there are
3rd party frameworks using them, they should be picked
up via the slf4j bridges -->
<!-- Ban Spring frameworks older than 3.1 -->
<!-- TODO, this may need to change to be more specific as not
all spring sub modules follow the 3.2.X naming yet-->
<!-- Should rather be using javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1 -->
<!-- Mandate use of Spring and Slf4j for consistency -->
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