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Created February 4, 2022 05:00
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parse_image(image) = gun_digest {
tuple := split(image, "@sha256:")
gun_digest := {
"gun": tuple[0],
"digest": tuple[1]
match[{"msg": msg}] {
input.request.operation == "CREATE"
input.request.kind.kind == "Pod"
input.request.resource.resource == "pods"
docker_io_images := [ container | container := input.request.object.spec.containers[_]
image := container.image
gun_digest := parse_image(image)
startswith(gun_digest.gun, "") ]
count(docker_io_images) > 0
hashes_matched := [ container | container := docker_io_images[_]
image := container.image
gun_digest := parse_image(image)
response := http.send({
"method": "GET",
"url": concat("", ["", gun_digest.gun, ":pull"])
resp := http.send({
"method": "GET",
"headers": {
"Authorization": concat(" ", ["Bearer", response.body.token])
"force_json_decode": true,
"url": concat("", ["", gun_digest.gun, "/_trust/tuf/targets.json"])
hashes := { sha256 | sha256 := hex.encode(base64.decode(resp.body.signed.targets[_].hashes.sha256)) }
hashes[gun_digest.digest] ]
count(hashes_matched) < count(docker_io_images)
msg := sprintf("number of matched hashes %v < number of images %v", [count(hashes_matched), count(docker_io_images)])
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