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Forked from thomasnield/
Last active October 25, 2016 20:44
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from rx import Observable, Observer
from collections import defaultdict
users = [
{ "id" : 0, "name" : "Hero" },
{ "id" : 1, "name" : "Dunn" },
{ "id" : 2, "name" : "Sue" },
{ "id" : 3, "name" : "Chi" },
{ "id" : 4, "name" : "Thor" },
{ "id" : 5, "name" : "Clive" },
{ "id" : 6, "name" : "Hicks" },
{ "id" : 7, "name" : "Devin" },
{ "id" : 8, "name" : "Kate" },
{ "id" : 9, "name" : "Klein" },
friendships = [
interests = [
(0, "Hadoop"), (0, "Big Data"), (0, "HBase"), (0, "Java"),
(0, "Spark"), (0, "Storm"), (0, "Cassandra"),
(1, "NoSQL"), (1, "MongoDB"), (1, "Cassandra"), (1, "HBase"),
(1, "Postgres"), (2, "Python"), (2, "scikit-learn"), (2, "scipy"),
(2, "numpy"), (2, "statsmodels"), (2, "pandas"), (3, "R"), (3, "Python"),
(3, "statistics"), (3, "regression"), (3, "probability"),
(4, "machine learning"), (4, "regression"), (4, "decision trees"),
(4, "libsvm"), (5, "Python"), (5, "R"), (5, "Java"), (5, "C++"),
(5, "Haskell"), (5, "programming languages"), (6, "statistics"),
(6, "probability"), (6, "mathematics"), (6, "theory"),
(7, "machine learning"), (7, "scikit-learn"), (7, "Mahout"),
(7, "neural networks"), (8, "neural networks"), (8, "deep learning"),
(8, "Big Data"), (8, "artificial intelligence"), (9, "Hadoop"),
(9, "Java"), (9, "MapReduce"), (9, "Big Data")
# returns an Observable emitting friends of a given user
def get_friends(user):
return (Observable.from_(friendships)
.filter(lambda friendship: friendship[0] == user["id"] or friendship[1] == user["id"])
.flat_map(lambda friendship: Observable.from_(friendship))
.filter(lambda user_id: user_id != user["id"])
.flat_map(lambda friend_id: Observable.from_(users).filter(lambda user: user["id"] == friend_id)))
# emit friends for "Chi"
print("Friends of \"Chi\"")
# get a count of each user's friends, and order by reverse rank
print("\r\nUsers and friend counts, sorted descending")
.flat_map(lambda user: get_friends(user).count().map(lambda ct: (user["name"], ct)))
.map(lambda list: sorted(list,key=lambda t: t[1],reverse=True))
.flat_map(lambda list: Observable.from_(list))
# get mutual friend for Hero and Sue
print("\r\nMutual friends of Hero and Sue")
def get_mutual_friends(user, other_user):
return (get_friends(other_user)
.filter(lambda foaf: foaf["id"] != user["id"])
.flat_map(lambda foaf: get_friends(user)
.filter(lambda user_friend: user_friend["id"] == foaf["id"]).count()
.filter(lambda ct: ct > 0).map(lambda b: foaf)
hero = users[0]
chi = users[3]
# rank friends of Chi by mutual friend count
print("\r\nRanked friends of Chi by mutual friend count")
.flat_map(lambda friend: get_mutual_friends(chi,friend).count().map(lambda ct: (friend["name"], ct)))
.map(lambda list: sorted(list,key=lambda t: t[1],reverse=True))
.flat_map(lambda list: Observable.from_(list))
# finding common interests
def data_scientists_who_like(target_interest):
return (Observable.from_(interests)
.filter(lambda applied_interest: applied_interest[1] == target_interest)
.map(lambda applied_interest: applied_interest[0])
.flat_map(lambda user_id: Observable.from_(users).filter(lambda user: user["id"] == user_id)))
def interests_for_data_scientist(user):
return (Observable.from_(interests)
.filter(lambda applied_interest: applied_interest[0] == user["id"])
.map(lambda applied_interest: applied_interest[1]))
def common_interests_between(user, other_user):
return (interests_for_data_scientist(user)
.flat_map(lambda interest: interests_for_data_scientist(other_user)
.filter(lambda other_interest: interest == other_interest)
def common_interest_count(user):
return (Observable.from_(users)
.filter(lambda other_user: other_user["id"] != user["id"])
.flat_map(lambda other_user: common_interests_between(user,other_user).
.map(lambda ct: (other_user["name"],ct))
.map(lambda list: sorted(list, key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True))
.flat_map(lambda list: Observable.from_(list)))
print("\r\nCommon interest counts for Chi")
# Friends of "Chi"
# {'id': 1, 'name': 'Dunn'}
# {'id': 2, 'name': 'Sue'}
# {'id': 4, 'name': 'Thor'}
# Users and friend counts, sorted descending
# ('Dunn', 3)
# ('Sue', 3)
# ('Chi', 3)
# ('Clive', 3)
# ('Kate', 3)
# ('Hero', 2)
# ('Thor', 2)
# ('Hicks', 2)
# ('Devin', 2)
# ('Klein', 1)
# Mutual friends of Hero and Chi
# {'id': 1, 'name': 'Dunn'}
# {'id': 2, 'name': 'Sue'}
# Ranked friends of Chi by mutual friend count
# ('Dunn', 1)
# ('Sue', 1)
# ('Thor', 0)
# Common interest rank for Chi by count
# ('Clive', 2)
# ('Hicks', 2)
# ('Sue', 1)
# ('Thor', 1)
# ('Hero', 0)
# ('Dunn', 0)
# ('Devin', 0)
# ('Kate', 0)
# ('Klein', 0)
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