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Created March 31, 2017 18:10
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from random import randint, sample
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
Position = namedtuple('Position', ['i', 'j', 'val'])
class GameInstance(object):
def __init__(self, m, n, M=None):
#TODO Flag for heuristic/clockwise/deterministic stepping
# Random preferable for simulation, but deterministic needed for testing
self.m = m
self.n = n
if M is not None:
self.__original__ = M
self.M = self.__original__
self.stack = []
self.position = None
def __boundary_has_opening__(self):
""" Returns True if input matrix has opening in boundary
orig = self.__original__
top = all(x == 1 for x in orig[0])
bottom = all(x == 1 for x in orig[-1])
ends = chain.from_iterable((row[0], row[-1]) for row in orig[1:-1])
ends = all(x == 1 for x in ends)
return not (top and bottom and ends)
def __random_matrix__(self):
m = self.m
n = self.n
M = [[]] * m
for i in range(m):
M[i] = [None] * n
for j in range(n):
if sample((0,1), 1)[0]:
M[i][j] = 1
self.__original__ = M
def __verify_matrix__(self):
orig = self.__original__
if len(orig) != self.m:
raise ValueError("Input matrix M does not have m={} rows"
if not all(len(row) == self.n for row in orig):
raise ValueError("Input matrix M does not have n={} columns"
def complete(self):
""" Return True when no moves are available or matrix is an island
if not self.__boundary_has_opening__():
return True
elif self.position is None:
return False
# Nontrivial boundary and game initialized
has_neighbors = bool(self.neighbors())
has_stack = bool(self.stack)
return not (has_neighbors or has_stack)
def mark(self, i=None, j=None, val=0):
i = self.position.i if i is None else i
j = self.position.j if j is None else j
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("Start not set. Either set start or provide coordinates to mark.")
self.M[i][j] = val
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Cannot mark ({}, {}) with value {}"
.format(i, j, val))
def neighbors(self, i=None, j=None):
""" Construct and return Neighborhood of point if point is exists
if not self.position_exists(i, j):
raise ValueError("Position ({}, {}) does not exist in a {} x {} matrix"
.format(i, j, self.m, self.n))
if (i is None) != (j is None):
# Only one coordinate provided
raise ValueError("Cannot get neighbors of a column or row")
if i == j == None and self.position is None:
# Both None
raise ValueError("Cannot retrieve neighbors. Either set start or provide coordinates to mark.")
i, j, _ = self.position
nbhd = Neighborhood()
# Keep things ordered clockwise for consistency in code
# Top
if i > 0: = Position(i-1, j, self.M[i-1][j])
# Right
if j < self.n-1:
nbhd.right = Position(i, j+1, self.M[i][j+1])
# Bottom
if i < self.m-1:
nbhd.bottom = Position(i+1, j, self.M[i+1][j])
# Left
if j > 0:
nbhd.left = Position(i, j-1, self.M[i][j-1])
return nbhd
def position_exists(self, i=None, j=None):
""" Return validity of input coordinates.
i = i if i is not None else 0
j = j if j is not None else 0
i_okay = 0 <= i < self.m
j_okay = 0 <= j < self.n
return i_okay and j_okay
def set_start(self, i=None, j=None):
""" Set a starting position, random if no inputs specified.
if not self.position_exists(i, j):
raise ValueError("Cannot start at position ({}, {}) in {} x {} matrix"
.format(i, j, self.m, self.n))
if i is None or j is None:
return self.random_start(i, j)
# Deterministic start
if self.M[i][j]:
raise ValueError("Cannot start in 1-valued position ({}, {})"
.format(i, j))
self.mark(i, j)
self.position = Position(i, j, 0)
def __random_coord__(self):
return randint(0, self.m), randint(0, self.n)
def random_start(self, i=None, j=None):
if not self.position_exists(i, j):
raise ValueError("Cannot start at position ({}, {}) in {} x {} matrix"
.format(i, j, self.m, self.n))
if not self.__boundary_has_opening__():
# We're only setting the start
# There's no error to throw,
# as a complete game should just complete immediately
self.position = None
val = True
while val is not None:
i_r = randint(0, self.m - 1) if i is None else i
j_r = randint(0, self.n - 1) if j is None else j
val = self.M[i_r][j_r]
self.mark(i_r, j_r)
self.position = Position(i_r, j_r, 0)
def reset(self):
# Reset M
self.M = self.__original__
def show_simulation(self, steps=None, pause=False):
for state in self.simulate(steps):
if pause:
#_ = raw_input()
_ = input()
def step(self):
nb = self.neighbors()
population= len(nb)
if population > 1:
if population:
self.position = nb.next_free()
elif self.stack:
self.position = self.stack.pop()
# No population, no stack => complete => do nothing
def __str__(self):
def lines():
for row in self.M:
row = ('x' if x is None else str(x) for x in row)
line = ' '.join(row) + '\n'
yield line
i,j,_ = self.position if self.position is not None else None, None, None
if self.position is None:
pos_str = 'Position:\tNone\n'
pos_str = 'Position:\t({}, {})\n'.format(self.position.i, self.position.j)
return pos_str + ''.join(lines())
def gif(self, fname, steps=None):
sim = self.simulate(steps)
frames = [state.__gif_frame__() for state in sim]
first, rest = frames[0], frames[1:]
if fname[-4:] != '.gif':
raise ValueError('Filename is not a .gif')
with open(fname, 'w') as f:, save_all=True, append_images=rest)
def __gif_frame__(self):
im ="RGB", (self.m, self.n), None)
x, y, _ = self.position
pos = x * self.n + y
flat_M_RGB = list(colorify(x) for x in chain.from_iterable(self.M))
# Paint current position red
flat_M_RGB[pos] = (256,0,0)
size = (self.m * 100, self.n * 100)
im = im.transform(size, Image.EXTENT, (0,0, size[0], size[1]))
return im
def simulate(self, steps=None):
if self.complete():
if self.position is None:
if steps is None:
while not self.complete():
yield self
for i in range(steps):
yield self
yield self
class Neighborhood(object):
def __init__(self): = None
self.right = None
self.bottom = None
self.left = None
def free(self):
""" Returns a list of all free neighbors.
return [p for p in self.items() if p.val is None]
def items(self):
""" Returns a list of all existing neighbors.
A None value in the list denotes an off-matrix position.
l = [, self.right, self.bottom, self.left]
return [x for x in l if x is not None]
def next_free(self):
""" Returns Position of next free neighbor wrt clockwise heuristic
free =
return free[0] if free else None
def __len__(self):
""" Returns number of unmarked neighbors
Note that defining __len__ allows truthiness checks
in which a length of 0 implies the neighborhood is falsey
return len(
def colorify(x):
if x is None:
# Unvisited, unwalled - Black
return (0,0,0)
if x == 1:
# Walled - White
return (256,256,256)
if x == 0:
# Visited - Grey
return (128,128,128)
# Error - Blue
return (0,0,256)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unit = GameInstance(1, 1, [[1]])
assert unit.complete()
two_by_two = GameInstance(2, 2, [[1,1],[1,1]])
assert two_by_two.complete()
m = 4
n = 6
M = [[None, None, None, 1, None, 1],
[None, None, 1, None, 1, 1],
[None, None, None, 1, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None]]
#game = GameInstance(m, n, M)
game = GameInstance(10, 10)
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