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Last active October 10, 2022 09:24
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In no particular order - OS tags refer to issues only present when using that OS.

The Good


  • Shift+RMB force-opens a context menu
  • Customization
  • Context menu allows opening an iframe's url directly
  • [Windows] Tab scrolling (toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling)


  • Automatically adds search engines for visited sites
  • Cancelling URLbar input refocuses the page

The Bad


  • Less compatible
  • Alt+Return on the new tab page replaces the current tab, instead of opening a new tab
  • As of recent-ish, tab navigation on google is unresponsive for a solid second after results appear (certainly intentional)
  • Cancelling URLbar input keeps the focus on the URLbar, making going back to controlling the page with the keyboard fiddly
  • [Linux] No VDPAU (Nvidia) Video Acceleration
  • [Linux] Dotfile in home (.mozilla), contains actual data & is finnicky when spoofing $HOME.
  • [Linux] Credential autofill is unusably clunky in bspwm
  • [Linux] Can't screen-share a single monitor - Fails and makes the monitor in question unresponsive to mouse input
  • [Linux] In bspwm with tiled mode, the context menu is moved up and to the left in proportion to the border size, causing accidental clicks


  • Has no pure-CSS way to know window focus (:-window-inactive)
  • No customization, ugly
  • Cannot hold Ctrl+T or Ctrl+W to open/close multiple tabs
  • No proper way of force-opening a context menu
  • No option in the context menu to open an iframe's url directly
  • [Linux] No VDPAU (Nvidia) Video Acceleration
  • [Linux] Dotfile in home (.pki), doesn't contain actual data, but likes to keep reappearing.
  • [Linux] Changing focus to another desktop doesn't properly relay the focus loss to the focused tab (ex: discord notifications don't get made, and false unreads happen)
  • [Linux] Disabling EWMH fullscreen requires resizing the window to fix cropping
  • [Linux] Slow scrolling
  • [Linux] No autoscroll
  • [Linux] can't drag tabs/links to another monitor on bspwm, can only right click -> send to window.
  • [Windows] No tab scrolling


  • Basically everything from chrome
  • No side-scrolling for both normal webpages, and images (Arrow Keys & Shift+Scroll)
  • Scrollwheel is ignored on some videos (ex: fullscreen youtube)


  • full-screen-api.ignore-widgets Fixes no-EWMH fullscreen on firefox

Sidenote; a couple extension recommendations:

  • uBlock Origin -- Indeed very popular, but I still have to shill it to far too many people.
  • Scroll Anywhere -- Replaces autoscroll, acts like you grabbed the scrollbar but is actually convienent.
  • Purple Ads Blocker -- Blocks ads on twitch
  • FastForward -- Skip redirect links. Makes right click -> copy link on google useful, and many other things.
  • Reddit Enhancement Suite -- Makes reddit usable.
  • SponsorBlock -- Skip integrated ads/credits/interaction reminders in youtube videos
  • Return Youtube Dislike
  • Notifier for Gmail / Gmail Notifier™
  • ViolentMonkey -- Userscript Injector
  • Stylus -- CSS Injector

(I have ~27 extensions, ~29 custom stylesheets, and ~18 userscripts... Most are minor fixes hence not mentioned here)

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