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Created July 13, 2009 23:09
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id: (function(){
var types = {
string: function(id, nocash, doc){
id = doc.getElementById(id);
return (id) ? types.element(id, nocash) : null;
element: function(el, nocash){
if (!nocash && !el.$family && !(/^object|embed$/i).test(el.tagName)){
var proto = Element.Prototype;
for (var p in proto) el[p] = proto[p];
return el;
object: function(obj, nocash, doc){
if (obj.toElement) return types.element(obj.toElement(doc), nocash);
return null;
types.textnode = types.whitespace = types.window = types.document = $arguments(0);
return function(el, nocash, doc){
if (el && el.$family && el.uid) return el;
var type = $type(el);
return (types[type]) ? types[type](el, nocash, doc || document) : null;
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