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Last active February 4, 2022 19:34
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(ns tutkain.bytecode
(:require [ :as io]
[tutkain.backchannel :refer [handle respond-to]])
(:import ( PrintWriter StringWriter)
(java.util.spi ToolProvider)
(java.nio.file Files)
(java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defonce javap
(ToolProvider/findFirst "javap")
(defn class-path
[dir qualified-symbol]
(io/file dir
(.replace (namespace qualified-symbol) \. \/)
(munge (name qualified-symbol))
(defn bytecode
(let [outs (StringWriter.)
outp (PrintWriter. outs)
errs (StringWriter.)
errp (PrintWriter. errs)
temp-dir (.toFile (Files/createTempDirectory "tutkain-classes-" (into-array FileAttribute [])))]
(binding [*compile-path* (.getCanonicalPath temp-dir)]
(-> qualified-symbol namespace symbol compile)
(.run ^ToolProvider @javap outp errp (into-array String ["-c" "-l" "-verbose" "-constants" "-private" (class-path temp-dir qualified-symbol)]))
(.toString outs))
(.delete temp-dir)))))
(defmethod handle :bytecode
[{:keys [ns sym] :as message}]
(respond-to message {:bytecode (bytecode (ns-resolve ns sym))}))
(println (bytecode '
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