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Last active July 28, 2016 00:56
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Neto connector code for Workato SDK
title: 'Neto',
connection: {
fields: [
name: 'domain',
control_type: 'subdomain',
url: '',
optional: false
name: 'api_key',
control_type: 'password', optional: false
authorization: {
type: 'custom_auth',
credentials: ->(connection) {
headers('NETOAPI_KEY': connection['api_key'])
object_definitions: {
customer: {
fields: ->() {
{ name: 'ID' },
{ name: 'EmailAddress', control_type: 'email' },
{ name: 'Username' },
{ name: 'DateUpdated' }
test: ->(connection) {
post("https://#{connection['domain']}").headers('NETOAPI_ACTION': 'GetCustomer')
actions: {
get_users: {
input_fields: ->(object_definitions) {
execute: ->(connection, input) {
payload = {
"filter" => {
"DateUpdatedFrom" => ( - 1.days).utc.strftime("%F %T"),
"Page" => 0,
"Limit" => 10
"OutputSelector" => ["Username","ID"]
post("https://#{connection['domain']}", payload).headers('NETOAPI_ACTION': 'GetCustomer')
output_fields: ->(object_definitions) {
triggers: {
updated_customer: {
description: 'Updated <span class="provider">customer</span> in <span class="provider">Neto</span>',
type: :paging_desc,
input_fields: ->() {
name: 'since',
type: :timestamp,
hint: 'Defaults to customer updated after the recipe is first started'
poll: ->(connection, input, page) {
page ||= 0
limit = 10
updated_since = input['since'] ||
payload = {
"filter" => {
"DateUpdatedFrom" => (updated_since).utc.strftime("%F %T"),
"Page" => page,
"Limit" => limit
"OutputSelector" => ["Username", "ID", "EmailAddress", "DateUpdated"]
customers = post("https://#{connection['domain']}", payload).
headers('NETOAPI_ACTION': 'GetCustomer')['Customer']
events: customers,
next_page: ((page + 1) unless customers.length < limit)
document_id: ->(customer) {
sort_by: ->(customer) {
output_fields: ->(object_definitions) {
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