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Last active February 11, 2024 14:10
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Create a WordPress site with a SQLite database
# Creates a WordPress site with SQLite as the database. Should be cross platform.
# Create a directory
Write-Host "Creating directory $SiteName."
New-Item $SiteName -ItemType Directory
Push-Location $SiteName
Write-Host "Created directory $SiteName." -ForegroundColor Green
# Download and extract WordPress
Write-Host 'Downloading WordPress.'
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Prevents PowerShell from showing a progress bar that significantly slows download speed
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
Write-Host 'WordPress downloaded.' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'Extracting WordPress.'
Move-Item latest\wordpress\* .
Remove-Item latest -Recurse -Force
Write-Host 'WordPress extracted.' -ForegroundColor Green
# Download and extract SQLite drop-in database replacement
Write-Host 'Downloading wp-sqlite-db.'
git clone --depth 1
Write-Host 'wp-sqlite-db downloaded.' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'Copying wp-sqlite-db.'
Copy-Item .\wp-sqlite-db\src\db.php .\wp-content\ -Force
Remove-Item .\wp-sqlite-db -Recurse -Force
Write-Host 'wp-sqlite-db copied.' -ForegroundColor Green
# Configure wp-config.php (database setup errors out with SQLite for some reason)
Write-Host 'Configuring wp-config.php.'
Copy-Item .\wp-config-sample.php .\wp-config.php
(Get-Content .\wp-config.php | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'put your unique phrase here', (New-Guid) }) | Set-Content .\wp-config.php
Remove-Item .\wp-config-sample.php
Write-Host 'wp-config.php configured.' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'All done.' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host 'Uncomment `extension=pdo_sqlite` and `extension=openssl` in your php.ini if you haven''t already. You can find your php.ini location by running `php --ini`.'
Write-Host "Serve your new WordPress site via `cd $SiteName`, then `php -S"
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