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Created October 13, 2016 14:47
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iMacro : linkedin visite profil group members
// Auto-visit profiles of group members on Linkedin with iMacros
// Configure :
// - email linkedin
// - password linkedin
// - proxy (option)
// To learn more about iMacros:
// 1. Variables Initialization
var macro, proxy, linkedinEmail, linkedinPassword, linkedinGroup, i, j;
macro = '';
proxy = '';
linkedinEmail = '';
linkedinPassword = 'your_password';
// Page "members" du groupe
linkedinGroup = ''
// 2. Macro Initialization
macro += 'CODE:' + '\n';
macro += 'SET !TIMEOUT_STEP 2' + '\n';
macro += 'SET !TIMEOUT_TAG 2' + '\n';
macro += 'SET !TIMEOUT_PAGE 45' + '\n';
macro += 'SET !ERRORIGNORE YES' + '\n';
// 3. Clear Cookies, Cache and Set a Proxy
macro += "CLEAR" + "\n";
if (proxy !== "") {
macro += "PROXY ADDRESS=" + proxy + "\n";
// 4. Linkedin Sign In
macro += 'TAB T=1' + '\n';
macro += 'TAB CLOSEALLOTHERS' + '\n';
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=1' + '\n';
macro += 'URL GOTO=' + '\n';
macro += 'TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=ACTION: ATTR=ID:session_key-login CONTENT=' + linkedinEmail + '\n';
macro += 'TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:PASSWORD FORM=ACTION: ATTR=ID:session_password-login CONTENT=' + linkedinPassword + '\n';
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=2' + '\n';
// 5. Auto-Visit & Close Profiles
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=2' + '\n';
macro += 'URL GOTO=' + linkedinGroup + '\n';
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=1' + '\n';
var iA = 1;
var iB = 10;
for (i = 1; i <= 25; i++) {
for (j = iA; j <= iB; j++) {
macro += 'EVENT TYPE=CLICK SELECTOR="li.member-view:nth-child(' + j + ') > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > figure:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)" BUTTON=0 MODIFIERS="ctrl"' + '\n';
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=2' + '\n';
iA = iB+1;
iB = iA+9
macro += 'TAB T=2' + '\n';
for (j = 1; j <= 10; j++) {
macro += 'TAB CLOSE' + '\n';
macro += 'URL GOTO=javascript:window.scrollBy(0,10000)' + '\n';
macro += 'WAIT SECONDS=10' + '\n';
// 6. Run The Macro
iimDisplay("iMacro est en cours de travail.");
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Hi, If I run the script it working until opening of the group. After that there is happening nothing. Do you have an idea to let it run? Best, Thomas

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