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Last active November 7, 2022 20:57
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# License: Eclipse Public License - v 2.0 (
# Updated on November 7, 2022
# Python routine for copying a complete directory structure up to Dropbox.
# Uses Python SDK for API v2
import dropbox
import os
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from dropbox.files import WriteMode
from dropbox.exceptions import ApiError
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add OAuth2 access token here.
# You can generate one for yourself in the App Console.
# See <>
TOKEN = '<token>'
# Do not end with a slash: otherwise the Dropbox path will not have
# a root slash with lcFullPath.replace(TOP_FOLDER, '')
TOP_FOLDER = '/backup/current'
SEPARATOR = '============================================================================================='
# You cannot upload more than 150 MB of file contents per request. I decided to cap the limit
# at 100 Megs . . . just because.
CHUNK_SIZE = 96 * 1024 * 1024
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def upload_to_dropbox():
loDropbox = dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN)
for lcSubDir, laDirNames, laFiles in os.walk(TOP_FOLDER):
for lcFile in laFiles:
lcFullPath = os.path.join(lcSubDir, lcFile)
lcDropboxPath = lcFullPath.replace(TOP_FOLDER, '')
print('Uploading ' + lcFullPath + ' to ' + lcDropboxPath)
lnFileSize = os.path.getsize(lcFullPath)
with open(lcFullPath, 'rb') as loFileHandle:
if (lnFileSize <= CHUNK_SIZE):
loData =
loDropbox.files_upload(loData, lcDropboxPath, dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite)
print('Size of ', "{:,}".format(lnFileSize), ' greater than ', "{:,}".format(CHUNK_SIZE), ' so implementing upload session.')
upload_session_start_result = loDropbox.files_upload_session_start(
lnSessionID = upload_session_start_result.session_id
loCursor = dropbox.files.UploadSessionCursor(lnSessionID, offset=loFileHandle.tell())
loCommit = dropbox.files.CommitInfo(path=lcDropboxPath, mode=dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite)
while (loFileHandle.tell() < lnFileSize):
if ((lnFileSize - loFileHandle.tell()) <= CHUNK_SIZE):
ignore = loDropbox.files_upload_session_finish(, loCursor, loCommit)
loDropbox.files_upload_session_append_v2(, loCursor)
loCursor.offset = loFileHandle.tell()
except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as loErr:
print('Error in uploading ' + lcFullPath)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Good explanation on __main__ from
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Timer from
loStartTime = time.time()
loElapsedTimeSeconds = time.time() - loStartTime
print("Uploading took: %s (hours:minutes:seconds)" % timedelta(seconds=round(loElapsedTimeSeconds)))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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