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Created April 28, 2017 17:49
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; some initialization and interrupt redirect setup
sei ; set interrupt disable flag
jsr init_screen ; clear the screen
jsr init_text ; write lines of text
jsr sid_init ; init music routine now
ldy #$7f ; $7f = %01111111
sty $dc0d ; Turn off CIAs Timer interrupts
sty $dd0d ; Turn off CIAs Timer interrupts
lda $dc0d ; cancel all CIA-IRQs in queue/unprocessed
lda $dd0d ; cancel all CIA-IRQs in queue/unprocessed
lda #$01 ; Set Interrupt Request Mask...
sta $d01a ; ...we want IRQ by Rasterbeam
lda #<irq ; point IRQ Vector to our custom irq routine
ldx #>irq
sta $314 ; store in $314/$315
stx $315
lda #$00 ; trigger first interrupt at row zero
sta $d012
lda $d011 ; Bit#0 of $d011 is basically...
and #$7f ; ...the 9th Bit for $d012
sta $d011 ; we need to make sure it is set to zero
cli ; clear interrupt disable flag
jmp * ; infinite loop
; custom interrupt routine
irq dec $d019 ; acknowledge IRQ
jsr colwash ; jump to color cycling routine
jsr play_music ; jump to play music routine
jmp $ea81 ; return to kernel interrupt routine
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