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Created September 5, 2017 13:50
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moment-date-adapter.ts A DateAdapter fully working with Angular material 2
import {DateAdapter} from '@angular/material';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import {Inject, LOCALE_ID} from '@angular/core';
export class MomentDateAdapter extends DateAdapter<moment.Moment> {
constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID)locale: any) {
getYear(date: moment.Moment): number {
return date.year();
getMonth(date: moment.Moment): number {
return date.month();
getDate(date: moment.Moment): number {
getDayOfWeek(date: moment.Moment): number {
return date.get('weekYear');
getMonthNames(style): string[] {
if ('long' === style) {
return moment.months();
} else if ('narrow' === style || 'short' === style) {
return moment.monthsShort();
getDateNames(): string[] {
return [
'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17',
'18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31'
getDayOfWeekNames(style): string[] {
if ('long' === style) {
return moment.weekdays();
} else if ('narrow' === style) {
return moment.weekdaysMin();
} else if ('short' === style) {
return moment.weekdaysShort();
getYearName(date: moment.Moment): string {
return '' + date.year();
getFirstDayOfWeek(): number {
return 1;
getNumDaysInMonth(date: moment.Moment): number {
return date.daysInMonth();
clone(date: moment.Moment): moment.Moment {
return date.clone();
createDate(year: number, month: number, date: number): moment.Moment {
return moment.utc([year, month, date]);
today(): moment.Moment {
return moment().utc().startOf('day');
parse(value: any, parseFormat: any): any | moment.Moment {
let m = moment.utc(value, moment.localeData().longDateFormat('L'));
if (!m.isValid()) {
m = moment.utc(value, parseFormat, true);
if (!m.isValid()) {
m = moment.utc(value);
if (m.isValid()) {
return m;
} else {
return null;
format(date: moment.Moment, displayFormat: any): string {
if (! {
return date ? moment.utc(date).format('MMM YYYY') : '';
} else {
return date ? moment.utc(date).format('L') : '';
addCalendarYears(date: moment.Moment, years: number): moment.Moment {
return date.clone().add(years, 'years');
addCalendarMonths(date: moment.Moment, months: number): moment.Moment {
return date.clone().add(months, 'months');
addCalendarDays(date: moment.Moment, days: number): moment.Moment {
return date.clone().add(days, 'days');
getISODateString(date: moment.Moment): string {
return date.toISOString();
isDateInstance(obj: any): boolean {
return moment.isMoment(obj) || null === obj;
isValid(date: moment.Moment): boolean {
if (date) {
return date.isValid();
return false;
setLocale(locale: any): void {
this.locale = locale;
compareDate(first: moment.Moment, second: moment.Moment): number {
return first.diff(second);
sameDate(first: any | moment.Moment, second: any | moment.Moment): boolean {
return first && second && (typeof first === typeof second) && (first as moment.Moment).isSame((second as moment.Moment));
clampDate(date: moment.Moment, min?: any | moment.Moment, max?: any | moment.Moment): moment.Moment {
if (min && date.isBefore(min)) {
return min;
} else if (max && date.isAfter(max)) {
return max;
} else {
return date;
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