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Created September 4, 2015 14:14
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m2t R2014b PR759: Octave 3.8 (converted...) vs 4.0 (new)
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19.8358 2.55754\\
19.3459 5.07309\\
18.5383 7.50534\\
17.4264 9.81435\\
16.0283 11.9622\\
14.367 13.9137\\
12.4698 15.6366\\
10.3679 17.1029\\
8.09567 18.2883\\
5.69055 19.1734\\
3.192 19.7436\\
0.641032 19.9897\\
-1.92046 19.9076\\
-4.45042 19.4986\\
-6.9073 18.7694\\
-9.25077 17.732\\
-11.4423 16.4034\\
-13.446 14.8056\\
-15.2289 12.9646\\
-16.7618 10.9107\\
-18.0194 8.67767\\
-18.9811 6.30216\\
-19.6312 3.82317\\
-19.9589 1.2814\\
-19.9589 -1.2814\\
-19.6312 -3.82317\\
-18.9811 -6.30216\\
-18.0194 -8.67767\\
-16.7618 -10.9107\\
-15.2289 -12.9646\\
-13.446 -14.8056\\
-11.4423 -16.4034\\
-9.25077 -17.732\\
-6.9073 -18.7694\\
-4.45042 -19.4986\\
-1.92046 -19.9076\\
0.641032 -19.9897\\
3.192 -19.7436\\
5.69055 -19.1734\\
8.09567 -18.2883\\
10.3679 -17.1029\\
12.4698 -15.6366\\
14.367 -13.9137\\
16.0283 -11.9622\\
17.4264 -9.81435\\
18.5383 -7.50534\\
19.3459 -5.07309\\
19.8358 -2.55754\\
20 -4.89859e-15\\
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4.95895 0.639386\\
4.83647 1.26827\\
4.63458 1.87634\\
4.35659 2.45359\\
4.00707 2.99055\\
3.59175 3.47841\\
3.11745 3.90916\\
2.59196 4.27571\\
2.02392 4.57206\\
1.42264 4.79334\\
0.797999 4.93591\\
0.160258 4.99743\\
-0.480115 4.9769\\
-1.1126 4.87464\\
-1.72683 4.69234\\
-2.31269 4.433\\
-2.86058 4.10086\\
-3.3615 3.70139\\
-3.80723 3.24114\\
-4.19044 2.72767\\
-4.50484 2.16942\\
-4.74528 1.57554\\
-4.9078 0.955793\\
-4.98973 0.320351\\
-4.98973 -0.320351\\
-4.9078 -0.955793\\
-4.74528 -1.57554\\
-4.50484 -2.16942\\
-4.19044 -2.72767\\
-3.80723 -3.24114\\
-3.3615 -3.70139\\
-2.86058 -4.10086\\
-2.31269 -4.433\\
-1.72683 -4.69234\\
-1.1126 -4.87464\\
-0.480115 -4.9769\\
0.160258 -4.99743\\
0.797999 -4.93591\\
1.42264 -4.79334\\
2.02392 -4.57206\\
2.59196 -4.27571\\
3.11745 -3.90916\\
3.59175 -3.47841\\
4.00707 -2.99055\\
4.35659 -2.45359\\
4.63458 -1.87634\\
4.83647 -1.26827\\
4.95895 -0.639386\\
5 -1.22465e-15\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
10 0\\
9.9179 1.27877\\
9.67295 2.53655\\
9.26917 3.75267\\
8.71319 4.90718\\
8.01414 5.98111\\
7.18349 6.95683\\
6.2349 7.81831\\
5.18393 8.55143\\
4.04783 9.14413\\
2.84528 9.58668\\
1.596 9.87182\\
0.320516 9.99486\\
-0.96023 9.95379\\
-2.22521 9.74928\\
-3.45365 9.38468\\
-4.62538 8.86599\\
-5.72117 8.20172\\
-6.72301 7.40278\\
-7.61446 6.48228\\
-8.38088 5.45535\\
-9.00969 4.33884\\
-9.49056 3.15108\\
-9.81559 1.91159\\
-9.97945 0.640702\\
-9.97945 -0.640702\\
-9.81559 -1.91159\\
-9.49056 -3.15108\\
-9.00969 -4.33884\\
-8.38088 -5.45535\\
-7.61446 -6.48228\\
-6.72301 -7.40278\\
-5.72117 -8.20172\\
-4.62538 -8.86599\\
-3.45365 -9.38468\\
-2.22521 -9.74928\\
-0.96023 -9.95379\\
0.320516 -9.99486\\
1.596 -9.87182\\
2.84528 -9.58668\\
4.04783 -9.14413\\
5.18393 -8.55143\\
6.2349 -7.81831\\
7.18349 -6.95683\\
8.01414 -5.98111\\
8.71319 -4.90718\\
9.26917 -3.75267\\
9.67295 -2.53655\\
9.9179 -1.27877\\
10 -2.44929e-15\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
15 0\\
14.8769 1.91816\\
14.5094 3.80482\\
13.9038 5.62901\\
13.0698 7.36076\\
12.0212 8.97166\\
10.7752 10.4352\\
9.35235 11.7275\\
7.77589 12.8271\\
6.07175 13.7162\\
4.26791 14.38\\
2.394 14.8077\\
0.480774 14.9923\\
-1.44035 14.9307\\
-3.33781 14.6239\\
-5.18048 14.077\\
-6.93807 13.299\\
-8.58175 12.3026\\
-10.0845 11.1042\\
-11.4217 9.72343\\
-12.5713 8.18302\\
-13.5145 6.50826\\
-14.2358 4.72662\\
-14.7234 2.86738\\
-14.9692 0.961053\\
-14.9692 -0.961053\\
-14.7234 -2.86738\\
-14.2358 -4.72662\\
-13.5145 -6.50826\\
-12.5713 -8.18302\\
-11.4217 -9.72343\\
-10.0845 -11.1042\\
-8.58175 -12.3026\\
-6.93807 -13.299\\
-5.18048 -14.077\\
-3.33781 -14.6239\\
-1.44035 -14.9307\\
0.480774 -14.9923\\
2.394 -14.8077\\
4.26791 -14.38\\
6.07175 -13.7162\\
7.77589 -12.8271\\
9.35235 -11.7275\\
10.7752 -10.4352\\
12.0212 -8.97166\\
13.0698 -7.36076\\
13.9038 -5.62901\\
14.5094 -3.80482\\
14.8769 -1.91816\\
15 -3.67394e-15\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
20 0\\
19.8358 2.55754\\
19.3459 5.07309\\
18.5383 7.50534\\
17.4264 9.81435\\
16.0283 11.9622\\
14.367 13.9137\\
12.4698 15.6366\\
10.3679 17.1029\\
8.09567 18.2883\\
5.69055 19.1734\\
3.192 19.7436\\
0.641032 19.9897\\
-1.92046 19.9076\\
-4.45042 19.4986\\
-6.9073 18.7694\\
-9.25077 17.732\\
-11.4423 16.4034\\
-13.446 14.8056\\
-15.2289 12.9646\\
-16.7618 10.9107\\
-18.0194 8.67767\\
-18.9811 6.30216\\
-19.6312 3.82317\\
-19.9589 1.2814\\
-19.9589 -1.2814\\
-19.6312 -3.82317\\
-18.9811 -6.30216\\
-18.0194 -8.67767\\
-16.7618 -10.9107\\
-15.2289 -12.9646\\
-13.446 -14.8056\\
-11.4423 -16.4034\\
-9.25077 -17.732\\
-6.9073 -18.7694\\
-4.45042 -19.4986\\
-1.92046 -19.9076\\
0.641032 -19.9897\\
3.192 -19.7436\\
5.69055 -19.1734\\
8.09567 -18.2883\\
10.3679 -17.1029\\
12.4698 -15.6366\\
14.367 -13.9137\\
16.0283 -11.9622\\
17.4264 -9.81435\\
18.5383 -7.50534\\
19.3459 -5.07309\\
19.8358 -2.55754\\
20 -4.89859e-15\\
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2.42705 1.76336\\
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0 0\\
2.35114 3.23607\\
1.23607 3.80423\\
0 0\\
1.23607 3.80423\\
2.44929e-16 4\\
0 0\\
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1.23607 -3.80423\\
2.35114 -3.23607\\
0 -0\\
2.35114 -3.23607\\
3.23607 -2.35114\\
0 -0\\
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0 -0\\
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table[row sep=crcr] {%
x y\\
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19.3459 5.07309\\
18.5383 7.50534\\
17.4264 9.81435\\
16.0283 11.9622\\
14.367 13.9137\\
12.4698 15.6366\\
10.3679 17.1029\\
8.09567 18.2883\\
5.69055 19.1734\\
3.192 19.7436\\
0.641032 19.9897\\
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-4.45042 19.4986\\
-6.9073 18.7694\\
-9.25077 17.732\\
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-13.446 14.8056\\
-15.2289 12.9646\\
-16.7618 10.9107\\
-18.0194 8.67767\\
-18.9811 6.30216\\
-19.6312 3.82317\\
-19.9589 1.2814\\
-19.9589 -1.2814\\
-19.6312 -3.82317\\
-18.9811 -6.30216\\
-18.0194 -8.67767\\
-16.7618 -10.9107\\
-15.2289 -12.9646\\
-13.446 -14.8056\\
-11.4423 -16.4034\\
-9.25077 -17.732\\
-6.9073 -18.7694\\
-4.45042 -19.4986\\
-1.92046 -19.9076\\
0.641032 -19.9897\\
3.192 -19.7436\\
5.69055 -19.1734\\
8.09567 -18.2883\\
10.3679 -17.1029\\
12.4698 -15.6366\\
14.367 -13.9137\\
16.0283 -11.9622\\
17.4264 -9.81435\\
18.5383 -7.50534\\
19.3459 -5.07309\\
19.8358 -2.55754\\
20 -4.89859e-15\\
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10 0\\
9.9179 1.27877\\
9.67295 2.53655\\
9.26917 3.75267\\
8.71319 4.90718\\
8.01414 5.98111\\
7.18349 6.95683\\
6.2349 7.81831\\
5.18393 8.55143\\
4.04783 9.14413\\
2.84528 9.58668\\
1.596 9.87182\\
0.320516 9.99486\\
-0.96023 9.95379\\
-2.22521 9.74928\\
-3.45365 9.38468\\
-4.62538 8.86599\\
-5.72117 8.20172\\
-6.72301 7.40278\\
-7.61446 6.48228\\
-8.38088 5.45535\\
-9.00969 4.33884\\
-9.49056 3.15108\\
-9.81559 1.91159\\
-9.97945 0.640702\\
-9.97945 -0.640702\\
-9.81559 -1.91159\\
-9.49056 -3.15108\\
-9.00969 -4.33884\\
-8.38088 -5.45535\\
-7.61446 -6.48228\\
-6.72301 -7.40278\\
-5.72117 -8.20172\\
-4.62538 -8.86599\\
-3.45365 -9.38468\\
-2.22521 -9.74928\\
-0.96023 -9.95379\\
0.320516 -9.99486\\
1.596 -9.87182\\
2.84528 -9.58668\\
4.04783 -9.14413\\
5.18393 -8.55143\\
6.2349 -7.81831\\
7.18349 -6.95683\\
8.01414 -5.98111\\
8.71319 -4.90718\\
9.26917 -3.75267\\
9.67295 -2.53655\\
9.9179 -1.27877\\
10 -2.44929e-15\\
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20 0\\
19.8358 2.55754\\
19.3459 5.07309\\
18.5383 7.50534\\
17.4264 9.81435\\
16.0283 11.9622\\
14.367 13.9137\\
12.4698 15.6366\\
10.3679 17.1029\\
8.09567 18.2883\\
5.69055 19.1734\\
3.192 19.7436\\
0.641032 19.9897\\
-1.92046 19.9076\\
-4.45042 19.4986\\
-6.9073 18.7694\\
-9.25077 17.732\\
-11.4423 16.4034\\
-13.446 14.8056\\
-15.2289 12.9646\\
-16.7618 10.9107\\
-18.0194 8.67767\\
-18.9811 6.30216\\
-19.6312 3.82317\\
-19.9589 1.2814\\
-19.9589 -1.2814\\
-19.6312 -3.82317\\
-18.9811 -6.30216\\
-18.0194 -8.67767\\
-16.7618 -10.9107\\
-15.2289 -12.9646\\
-13.446 -14.8056\\
-11.4423 -16.4034\\
-9.25077 -17.732\\
-6.9073 -18.7694\\
-4.45042 -19.4986\\
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0.641032 -19.9897\\
3.192 -19.7436\\
5.69055 -19.1734\\
8.09567 -18.2883\\
10.3679 -17.1029\\
12.4698 -15.6366\\
14.367 -13.9137\\
16.0283 -11.9622\\
17.4264 -9.81435\\
18.5383 -7.50534\\
19.3459 -5.07309\\
19.8358 -2.55754\\
20 -4.89859e-15\\
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nan nan\\
1 0\\
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nan nan\\
2 0\\
2 -0.361781\\
nan nan\\
3 0\\
3 -0.802472\\
nan nan\\
4 0\\
4 -0.494013\\
nan nan\\
5 0\\
5 0.199893\\
nan nan\\
6 0\\
6 0.630877\\
nan nan\\
7 0\\
7 0.46186\\
nan nan\\
8 0\\
8 -0.0831109\\
nan nan\\
9 0\\
9 -0.485261\\
nan nan\\
10 0\\
10 -0.416671\\
nan nan\\
11 0\\
11 0.00204916\\
nan nan\\
12 0\\
12 0.364301\\
nan nan\\
13 0\\
13 0.365269\\
nan nan\\
14 0\\
14 0.051319\\
nan nan\\
15 0\\
15 -0.265843\\
nan nan\\
16 0\\
16 -0.312465\\
nan nan\\
17 0\\
17 -0.0837105\\
nan nan\\
18 0\\
18 0.187301\\
nan nan\\
19 0\\
19 0.26149\\
nan nan\\
20 0\\
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nan nan\\
21 0\\
21 -0.125937\\
nan nan\\
22 0\\
22 -0.214373\\
nan nan\\
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16 -0.312465\\
17 -0.0837105\\
18 0.187301\\
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20 0.100632\\
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22 -0.214373\\
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25 0.172245\\
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25 0\\
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nan nan\\
3 0\\
3 -1.15021\\
nan nan\\
4 0\\
4 -0.798362\\
nan nan\\
5 0\\
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nan nan\\
6 0\\
6 1.29609\\
nan nan\\
7 0\\
7 1.06984\\
nan nan\\
8 0\\
8 -0.217061\\
nan nan\\
9 0\\
9 -1.42894\\
nan nan\\
10 0\\
10 -1.3834\\
nan nan\\
11 0\\
11 0.00767085\\
nan nan\\
12 0\\
12 1.5376\\
nan nan\\
13 0\\
13 1.73825\\
nan nan\\
14 0\\
14 0.275355\\
nan nan\\
15 0\\
15 -1.60826\\
nan nan\\
16 0\\
16 -2.13131\\
nan nan\\
17 0\\
17 -0.643785\\
nan nan\\
18 0\\
18 1.62412\\
nan nan\\
19 0\\
19 2.5565\\
nan nan\\
20 0\\
20 1.10928\\
nan nan\\
21 0\\
21 -1.56522\\
nan nan\\
22 0\\
22 -3.00405\\
nan nan\\
23 0\\
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nan nan\\
24 0\\
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nan nan\\
25 0\\
25 3.45964\\
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7 1.06984\\
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9 -1.42894\\
10 -1.3834\\
11 0.00767085\\
12 1.5376\\
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14 0.275355\\
15 -1.60826\\
16 -2.13131\\
17 -0.643785\\
18 1.62412\\
19 2.5565\\
20 1.10928\\
21 -1.56522\\
22 -3.00405\\
23 -1.68279\\
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25 3.45964\\
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1 0\\
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nan nan\\
2 0\\
2 -0.361781\\
nan nan\\
3 0\\
3 -0.802472\\
nan nan\\
4 0\\
4 -0.494013\\
nan nan\\
5 0\\
5 0.199893\\
nan nan\\
6 0\\
6 0.630877\\
nan nan\\
7 0\\
7 0.46186\\
nan nan\\
8 0\\
8 -0.0831109\\
nan nan\\
9 0\\
9 -0.485261\\
nan nan\\
10 0\\
10 -0.416671\\
nan nan\\
11 0\\
11 0.00204916\\
nan nan\\
12 0\\
12 0.364301\\
nan nan\\
13 0\\
13 0.365269\\
nan nan\\
14 0\\
14 0.051319\\
nan nan\\
15 0\\
15 -0.265843\\
nan nan\\
16 0\\
16 -0.312465\\
nan nan\\
17 0\\
17 -0.0837105\\
nan nan\\
18 0\\
18 0.187301\\
nan nan\\
19 0\\
19 0.26149\\
nan nan\\
20 0\\
20 0.100632\\
nan nan\\
21 0\\
21 -0.125937\\
nan nan\\
22 0\\
22 -0.214373\\
nan nan\\
23 0\\
23 -0.106507\\
nan nan\\
24 0\\
24 0.0790559\\
nan nan\\
25 0\\
25 0.172245\\
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nan nan\\
3 0\\
3 -1.15021\\
nan nan\\
4 0\\
4 -0.798362\\
nan nan\\
5 0\\
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nan nan\\
6 0\\
6 1.29609\\
nan nan\\
7 0\\
7 1.06984\\
nan nan\\
8 0\\
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nan nan\\
9 0\\
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nan nan\\
10 0\\
10 -1.3834\\
nan nan\\
11 0\\
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nan nan\\
12 0\\
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nan nan\\
13 0\\
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nan nan\\
14 0\\
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nan nan\\
15 0\\
15 -1.60826\\
nan nan\\
16 0\\
16 -2.13131\\
nan nan\\
17 0\\
17 -0.643785\\
nan nan\\
18 0\\
18 1.62412\\
nan nan\\
19 0\\
19 2.5565\\
nan nan\\
20 0\\
20 1.10928\\
nan nan\\
21 0\\
21 -1.56522\\
nan nan\\
22 0\\
22 -3.00405\\
nan nan\\
23 0\\
23 -1.68279\\
nan nan\\
24 0\\
24 1.40832\\
nan nan\\
25 0\\
25 3.45964\\
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4 -0.798362\\
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7 1.06984\\
8 -0.217061\\
9 -1.42894\\
10 -1.3834\\
11 0.00767085\\
12 1.5376\\
13 1.73825\\
14 0.275355\\
15 -1.60826\\
16 -2.13131\\
17 -0.643785\\
18 1.62412\\
19 2.5565\\
20 1.10928\\
21 -1.56522\\
22 -3.00405\\
23 -1.68279\\
24 1.40832\\
25 3.45964\\
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0.4 1.49182\\
0.45 1.56831\\
0.5 1.64872\\
0.55 1.73325\\
0.6 1.82212\\
0.65 1.91554\\
0.7 2.01375\\
0.75 2.117\\
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0.2 2.9402\\
0.27 2.89131\\
0.35 2.81812\\
0.43 2.7269\\
0.52 2.60346\\
0.61 2.45894\\
0.71 2.27509\\
0.82 2.04666\\
0.95 1.74505\\
1.09 1.38746\\
1.26 0.917451\\
1.5 0.212212\\
1.92 -1.02645\\
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2.49 -2.38536\\
2.59 -2.55507\\
2.68 -2.68603\\
2.77 -2.79525\\
2.85 -2.87336\\
2.93 -2.93309\\
3 -2.96998\\
3.07 -2.99232\\
3.14 -3\\
3.2 -2.99488\\
3.27 -2.9753\\
3.34 -2.94115\\
3.41 -2.89258\\
3.49 -2.81975\\
3.57 -2.72889\\
3.66 -2.60583\\
3.75 -2.46168\\
3.85 -2.2782\\
3.96 -2.05015\\
4.09 -1.74893\\
4.23 -1.39169\\
4.4 -0.921999\\
4.64 -0.216977\\
5.06 1.02196\\
5.24 1.51041\\
5.39 1.8808\\
5.52 2.16791\\
5.63 2.38246\\
5.73 2.55257\\
5.82 2.6839\\
5.91 2.79351\\
5.99 2.87198\\
6.07 2.93209\\
6.14 2.9693\\
6.21 2.99197\\
6.28 2.99998\\
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0.26827 1.3077\\
0.308884 1.3619\\
0.355648 1.42711\\
0.409492 1.50605\\
0.471487 1.60237\\
0.542868 1.72093\\
0.625055 1.86835\\
0.719686 2.05379\\
0.828643 2.29021\\
0.954095 2.59632\\
1.09854 2.99979\\
1.26486 3.54258\\
1.45635 4.29026\\
1.67683 5.34859\\
1.9307 6.89432\\
2.223 9.23496\\
2.55955 12.93\\
2.94705 19.0497\\
3.39322 29.7617\\
3.90694 49.7465\\
4.49843 89.8762\\
5.17947 177.589\\
5.96362 389.017\\
6.86649 959.573\\
7.90604 2713.63\\
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12.0679 174194\\
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21.2095 1.6262e+09\\
24.4205 4.03368e+10\\
28.1177 1.62688e+12\\
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37.2759 1.54431e+16\\
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56.8987 5.13776e+24\\
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100 2.68812e+43\\
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2.91 0.229528\\
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3.48 -0.331985\\
3.65 -0.486787\\
3.79 -0.603918\\
3.92 -0.702146\\
4.04 -0.782336\\
4.15 -0.845984\\
4.25 -0.894989\\
4.35 -0.935053\\
4.44 -0.963131\\
4.53 -0.983413\\
4.62 -0.995735\\
4.71 -0.999997\\
4.8 -0.996165\\
4.89 -0.984269\\
4.98 -0.964405\\
5.07 -0.936736\\
5.17 -0.897111\\
5.27 -0.848522\\
5.37 -0.791455\\
5.48 -0.719572\\
5.6 -0.631267\\
5.73 -0.5254\\
5.88 -0.39235\\
6.06 -0.221337\\
6.28 -0.0031853\\
scale only axis,
xmin= 0,
every outer y axis line/.append style={mycolor2},
every y tick label/.append style={font=\color{mycolor2}},
ymin= -3,
ymax= 3,
axis x line*=bottom,
axis y line*=right
\addplot [color=mycolor2,solid,forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
0 3\\
0.06 2.9946\\
0.13 2.97469\\
0.2 2.9402\\
0.27 2.89131\\
0.35 2.81812\\
0.43 2.7269\\
0.52 2.60346\\
0.61 2.45894\\
0.71 2.27509\\
0.82 2.04666\\
0.95 1.74505\\
1.09 1.38746\\
1.26 0.917451\\
1.5 0.212212\\
1.92 -1.02645\\
2.1 -1.51454\\
2.25 -1.88452\\
2.38 -2.17121\\
2.49 -2.38536\\
2.59 -2.55507\\
2.68 -2.68603\\
2.77 -2.79525\\
2.85 -2.87336\\
2.93 -2.93309\\
3 -2.96998\\
3.07 -2.99232\\
3.14 -3\\
3.2 -2.99488\\
3.27 -2.9753\\
3.34 -2.94115\\
3.41 -2.89258\\
3.49 -2.81975\\
3.57 -2.72889\\
3.66 -2.60583\\
3.75 -2.46168\\
3.85 -2.2782\\
3.96 -2.05015\\
4.09 -1.74893\\
4.23 -1.39169\\
4.4 -0.921999\\
4.64 -0.216977\\
5.06 1.02196\\
5.24 1.51041\\
5.39 1.8808\\
5.52 2.16791\\
5.63 2.38246\\
5.73 2.55257\\
5.82 2.6839\\
5.91 2.79351\\
5.99 2.87198\\
6.07 2.93209\\
6.14 2.9693\\
6.21 2.99197\\
6.28 2.99998\\
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