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Created July 8, 2015 08:21
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m2t c02a6e5 R2014b
% This file was created by matlab2tikz.
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1 0\\
2 1\\
3 1.5\\
4 1\\
5 -1\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 -1.5\\
2 0.5\\
3 1\\
4 0.5\\
5 -0.5\\
% This file was created by matlab2tikz.
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1 1\\
1 20\\
20 20\\
20 1\\
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7 1.29058\\
6.42104 2\\
6.08891 3\\
6.09991 4\\
6.55098 5\\
7 5.20808\\
7.91035 6\\
8 6.02843\\
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9.60052 7\\
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14 7.23347\\
14.4648 7\\
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15.9167 6\\
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17.2714 4\\
17 3.37445\\
16.9239 3\\
16.2888 2\\
16 1.69828\\
15.1313 1\\
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13 3.80203\\
12 3.24193\\
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9 3.97585\\
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9 5.45445\\
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12 7.25244\\
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10 6.11051\\
11 6.65689\\
12 6.7392\\
12.9991 6\\
13 5.99181\\
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13 4.83813\\
12.2069 4\\
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x y\\
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12 4.58999\\
11 4.28975\\
10 4.87043\\
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10 5.15896\\
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11 6.23755\\
12 6.20556\\
12.2778 6\\
12.3945 5\\
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x y\\
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1.04897 12\\
1.23135 13\\
1.74637 14\\
2 14.2959\\
2.77097 15\\
3 15.1329\\
4 15.2397\\
4.27303 15\\
5 14.8707\\
6 14.4038\\
6.46944 14\\
7 13.7462\\
8 13.0027\\
8.00412 13\\
8.65595 12\\
8.38897 11\\
8 10.4303\\
7.75875 10\\
7 9.01646\\
6.97786 9\\
6 8.04785\\
5.8648 8\\
5 7.242\\
4.1398 7\\
4 6.82142\\
3 6.76139\\
2.51857 7\\
2 7.38238\\
1.46033 8\\
1.10698 9\\
1 9.99624\\
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x y\\
7.16059 10\\
7 9.79183\\
6 9.06307\\
5 9.0756\\
4.23242 10\\
4.10659 11\\
4.31231 12\\
5 12.945\\
5.08931 13\\
6 13.2999\\
7 13.0101\\
7.01354 13\\
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7.67812 11\\
7.16059 10\\
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x y\\
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6 10.1746\\
5.42477 11\\
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6 12.1091\\
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6.95067 11\\
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x y\\
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7 6.83901\\
8 6.67534\\
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9 7.02942\\
10 7.6788\\
10.4839 8\\
10.9275 9\\
10.5896 10\\
10 10.8892\\
9 10.8298\\
8.43163 10\\
8 9.53988\\
7.58298 9\\
7 8.05561\\
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6.83102 7\\
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x y\\
7.74005 8\\
8 7.60078\\
9 7.57495\\
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10 8.4346\\
10.2129 9\\
10 9.44877\\
9 9.79047\\
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8 8.52468\\
7.74005 8\\
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x y\\
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14 7.95616\\
15 7.6341\\
16 7.93217\\
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16.768 9\\
16.9852 10\\
16.9753 11\\
16.739 12\\
16.2001 13\\
16 13.3255\\
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15.315 15\\
15 15.8754\\
14.9719 16\\
14.468 17\\
14 17.4967\\
13.3672 18\\
13 18.2625\\
12 18.7023\\
11 18.8662\\
10 18.8666\\
9 18.7018\\
8 18.2501\\
7.66043 18\\
7 17.4101\\
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8 13.6091\\
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9 12.8733\\
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11 12.8039\\
12 12.8729\\
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13 8.88456\\
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x y\\
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14 8.91395\\
15 8.74641\\
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15.8628 11\\
15.3314 12\\
15 12.391\\
14 12.4887\\
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13.4916 10\\
13.9094 9\\
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9 13.4612\\
10 13.2252\\
11 13.3155\\
12 13.4434\\
13 13.5082\\
13.8852 14\\
14 14.2792\\
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14 15.8053\\
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13 17.2915\\
12 17.8524\\
11.3458 18\\
11 18.1005\\
10 18.1014\\
9.65293 18\\
9 17.8515\\
8 17.2598\\
7.72462 17\\
7.20115 16\\
7.34008 15\\
8 14.248\\
8.24991 14\\
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x y\\
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9 13.9664\\
10 13.6469\\
11 13.7153\\
12 13.9418\\
12.1903 14\\
13 14.5118\\
13.3632 15\\
13.2656 16\\
13 16.3609\\
12.3941 17\\
12 17.2578\\
11 17.576\\
10 17.5776\\
9 17.2557\\
8.62381 17\\
8 16.2427\\
7.85162 16\\
7.95245 15\\
8 14.9458\\
8.95321 14\\
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x y\\
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9 14.5202\\
10 14.0761\\
11 14.1301\\
12 14.4973\\
12.6293 15\\
12.5954 16\\
12 16.6183\\
11.2416 17\\
11 17.0881\\
10 17.0906\\
9.75426 17\\
9 16.613\\
8.46051 16\\
8.5172 15\\
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x y\\
9.12448 15\\
10 14.5433\\
11 14.582\\
11.896 15\\
11.9226 16\\
11 16.5449\\
10 16.5513\\
9.08738 16\\
9.12448 15\\
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1 1\\
20 20\\
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0.232995 1.26238\\
0.26827 1.3077\\
0.308884 1.3619\\
0.355648 1.42711\\
0.409492 1.50605\\
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0.625055 1.86835\\
0.719686 2.05379\\
0.828643 2.29021\\
0.954095 2.59632\\
1.09854 2.99979\\
1.26486 3.54258\\
1.45635 4.29026\\
1.67683 5.34859\\
1.9307 6.89432\\
2.223 9.23496\\
2.55955 12.93\\
2.94705 19.0497\\
3.39322 29.7617\\
3.90694 49.7465\\
4.49843 89.8762\\
5.17947 177.589\\
5.96362 389.017\\
6.86649 959.573\\
7.90604 2713.63\\
9.10298 8982.04\\
10.4811 35636.7\\
12.0679 174194\\
13.895 1.08269e+06\\
15.9986 8.87357e+06\\
18.4207 1.00002e+08\\
21.2095 1.6262e+09\\
24.4205 4.03368e+10\\
28.1177 1.62688e+12\\
32.3746 1.14842e+14\\
37.2759 1.54431e+16\\
42.9193 4.36148e+18\\
49.4171 2.8946e+21\\
56.8987 5.13776e+24\\
65.5129 2.83056e+28\\
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100 2.68812e+43\\
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0.74 0.674288\\
0.85 0.75128\\
0.96 0.819192\\
1.06 0.872355\\
1.15 0.912764\\
nan nan\\
1.96 0.925212\\
2.05 0.887362\\
2.15 0.836899\\
2.25 0.778073\\
2.36 0.704411\\
2.47 0.622234\\
2.6 0.515501\\
2.74 0.390885\\
2.91 0.229528\\
3.18 -0.0383979\\
3.46 -0.313054\\
3.62 -0.460366\\
3.76 -0.579738\\
3.88 -0.673111\\
3.99 -0.750228\\
4.1 -0.818277\\
4.2 -0.871576\\
4.3 -0.916166\\
nan nan\\
5.11 -0.921989\\
5.2 -0.883455\\
5.3 -0.832267\\
5.4 -0.772764\\
5.51 -0.698418\\
5.63 -0.607719\\
5.76 -0.499642\\
5.91 -0.364583\\
6.09 -0.191986\\
6.28 -0.0031853\\
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0.45 0.900447\\
0.54 0.857709\\
0.64 0.802096\\
0.74 0.738469\\
0.85 0.659983\\
0.97 0.5653\\
1.1 0.453596\\
1.26 0.305817\\
1.47 0.100626\\
1.91 -0.332736\\
2.07 -0.478727\\
2.21 -0.596557\\
2.33 -0.688344\\
2.44 -0.763815\\
2.54 -0.824435\\
2.64 -0.876818\\
2.73 -0.916485\\
nan nan\\
3.54 -0.92168\\
3.63 -0.883081\\
3.73 -0.831826\\
3.83 -0.772259\\
3.94 -0.697848\\
4.06 -0.607087\\
4.19 -0.498952\\
4.34 -0.363842\\
4.52 -0.191204\\
5.16 0.432813\\
5.3 0.554374\\
5.43 0.657587\\
5.54 0.736317\\
5.65 0.806147\\
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5.85 0.907633\\
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view={ 70}{ 18},
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\addplot3[-Straight Barb,color=mycolor1,solid,point meta={sqrt((\thisrow{u})^2+(\thisrow{v})^2+(\thisrow{w})^2)},quiver={u=\thisrow{u},v=\thisrow{v},w=\thisrow{w},every arrow/.append style={-{Straight Barb[scale length={max(0.01,\pgfplotspointmetatransformed/1000)},scale width={0.5*max(0.01,\pgfplotspointmetatransformed/1000)}]}}}]
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x y z u v w\\
0 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.84\\
0.2 0.3 0.84 0.2 0.3 0.68\\
0.4 0.6 1.36 0.2 0.3 0.36\\
0.6 0.9 1.56 0.2 0.3 0.04\\
0.8 1.2 1.44 0.2 0.3 -0.28\\
1 1.5 1 0.2 0.3 -0.6\\
1.2 1.8 0.24 0.2 0.3 -0.92\\
1.4 2.1 -0.84 0.2 0.3 -1.24\\
1.6 2.4 -2.24 0.2 0.3 -1.56\\
1.8 2.7 -3.96 0.2 0.3 -1.88\\
2 3 -6 0.2 0.3 -2.04\\
% This file was created by matlab2tikz.
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-4 76\\
-3 96\\
-2 99\\
-1 83\\
0 51\\
1 11\\
2 32\\
3 69\\
4 93\\
5 100\\
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-4 1\\
-3 100\\
-2 2\\
-1 100\\
0 3\\
1 100\\
2 4\\
3 100\\
4 4\\
5 100\\
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-5 66\\
-4 99\\
-3 84\\
-2 27\\
-1 43\\
0 92\\
1 95\\
2 52\\
3 17\\
4 77\\
5 100\\
scale only axis,
xmin= 0,
xmax= 100,
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42 -5\\
76 -4\\
96 -3\\
99 -2\\
83 -1\\
51 0\\
11 1\\
32 2\\
69 3\\
93 4\\
100 5\\
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100 -5\\
1 -4\\
100 -3\\
2 -2\\
100 -1\\
3 0\\
100 1\\
4 2\\
100 3\\
4 4\\
100 5\\
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66 -5\\
99 -4\\
84 -3\\
27 -2\\
43 -1\\
92 0\\
95 1\\
52 2\\
17 3\\
77 4\\
100 5\\
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xmin= 0,
xmax= 6,
xtick={1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
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ymax= 20,
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1 1\\
2 1\\
3 1\\
4 4\\
5 4\\
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1 1\\
2 2\\
3 1\\
4 5\\
5 5\\
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1 1\\
2 2\\
3 1\\
4 7\\
5 8\\
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xmin= 0,
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ymax= 6,
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1 1\\
1 2\\
1 3\\
4 4\\
4 5\\
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1 1\\
2 2\\
1 3\\
5 4\\
5 5\\
\addplot[xbar stacked,draw=black,fill=mycolor3,area legend] plot table[row sep=crcr] {%
1 1\\
2 2\\
1 3\\
7 4\\
8 5\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.841471\\
2 0.989358\\
4 0.920026\\
5 -0.61604\\
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ymax= 0.8,
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.540302\\
2 -0.1455\\
3 -0.292139\\
4 0.391857\\
5 0.787715\\
scale only axis,
xmin= 1,
xmax= 5,
ymin= -4,
ymax= 2,
axis background/.style={fill=white}
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 1.55741\\
2 -2.18504\\
3 -0.142547\\
4 1.15782\\
5 -3.38052\\
% This file was created by matlab2tikz.
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.540302\\
2 0.155944\\
3 -0.160557\\
4 -0.416147\\
5 -0.617273\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.841471\\
2 0.987766\\
3 0.987027\\
4 0.909297\\
5 0.786749\\
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xmin= 1,
xmax= 5,
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 1.55741\\
2 6.33412\\
3 -6.14753\\
4 -2.18504\\
5 -1.27456\\
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every y tick label/.append style={font=\color{white!40!black}},
ymax= 100,
ylabel={Magnitude (dB)},
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\addplot [color=mycolor1,solid,line width=1.5pt,forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
1000 0.041843\\
1158.95 0.0562717\\
1318.62 0.07295\\
1479.69 0.0920103\\
1637.62 0.112902\\
1804.08 0.137308\\
1969.22 0.163969\\
2139.59 0.194067\\
2314.01 0.227647\\
2491.13 0.264664\\
2681.81 0.307858\\
2873.81 0.354929\\
3079.56 0.409449\\
3300.03 0.472682\\
3520.03 0.540887\\
3754.69 0.619454\\
4005 0.710123\\
4271.99 0.814983\\
4556.79 0.936559\\
4838.21 1.0671\\
5137.01 1.2177\\
5454.27 1.39204\\
5791.12 1.5947\\
6148.78 1.83138\\
6498.5 2.08632\\
6868.1 2.38379\\
7258.73 2.73328\\
7636.3 3.10999\\
8033.5 3.5538\\
8451.37 4.08216\\
8850.07 4.65622\\
9267.59 5.34628\\
9660.17 6.09767\\
10069.4 7.0153\\
10447.7 8.0222\\
10840.1 9.28486\\
11195.6 10.6971\\
11562.8 12.5561\\
11887.1 14.7387\\
12164.2 17.3032\\
12390.6 20.2969\\
12563.2 23.6904\\
12738.1 29.6729\\
12856.1 39.6724\\
12915.5 59.3667\\
13035.1 32.2247\\
13216.6 24.3179\\
13462.6 19.0345\\
13776.5 14.9103\\
14228.3 10.9473\\
14762.8 7.6057\\
15459.3 4.31588\\
16338.5 1.05845\\
17508.3 -2.46126\\
19737.6 -7.99897\\
22046.7 -13.2523\\
23516.4 -16.7663\\
24739.6 -20.0551\\
25787.6 -23.4065\\
26633.3 -26.8017\\
27254.3 -30.0535\\
27761.5 -33.6649\\
28148.1 -37.6469\\
28540.1 -44.7278\\
28672 -49.2853\\
28804.4 -59.194\\
28937.5 -58.3668\\
29205.6 -44.8508\\
29612.3 -38.227\\
30163.3 -33.7285\\
30866.6 -30.3475\\
31732.3 -27.6765\\
32772.9 -25.5047\\
33847.7 -23.9026\\
35119.3 -22.4984\\
36607 -21.2727\\
38157.6 -20.3015\\
39957.8 -19.4321\\
41842.9 -18.7233\\
44019.4 -18.0817\\
46309 -17.55\\
48942.9 -17.0666\\
51726.6 -16.6621\\
54668.6 -16.3203\\
58044.9 -16.0067\\
61629.7 -15.7411\\
65435.9 -15.5145\\
69477.1 -15.3203\\
74108.8 -15.1411\\
79049.3 -14.9878\\
84319.1 -14.8562\\
89940.2 -14.7429\\
95936.1 -14.645\\
100000 -14.5892\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1000 0.0416839\\
1158.95 0.0560568\\
1318.62 0.0726698\\
1479.69 0.0916547\\
1637.62 0.112463\\
1804.08 0.136769\\
1969.22 0.163321\\
2139.59 0.193292\\
2314.01 0.226728\\
2491.13 0.263582\\
2681.81 0.306583\\
2873.81 0.353437\\
3079.56 0.407698\\
3300.03 0.470621\\
3520.03 0.538478\\
3754.69 0.616629\\
4005 0.706795\\
4271.99 0.811042\\
4556.79 0.931865\\
4838.21 1.06154\\
5137.01 1.21108\\
5454.27 1.3841\\
5791.12 1.58508\\
6148.78 1.8196\\
6498.5 2.07197\\
6868.1 2.36609\\
7258.73 2.71112\\
7671.58 3.11911\\
8070.62 3.5621\\
8490.42 4.08841\\
8890.97 4.65865\\
9310.41 5.34149\\
9749.65 6.17204\\
10162.7 7.08847\\
10593.1 8.22412\\
10991.1 9.48878\\
11404 11.093\\
11778 12.8829\\
12220.4 15.4691\\
12679.5 18.0337\\
12797 18.3376\\
12856.1 18.3868\\
12915.5 18.359\\
13035.1 18.0702\\
13216.6 17.1401\\
13650.1 13.9564\\
14360.1 9.24399\\
15037.6 5.82625\\
15892.8 2.43828\\
16952.3 -0.944824\\
18589.6 -5.25256\\
22457 -13.9587\\
23954.1 -17.4222\\
25316.5 -20.8882\\
26633.3 -24.6465\\
28278.2 -29.0939\\
28672 -29.6456\\
28937.5 -29.8069\\
29071.2 -29.8219\\
29205.6 -29.7946\\
29476.1 -29.6237\\
29886.5 -29.1356\\
30866.6 -27.481\\
32622.2 -24.7072\\
34004.1 -23.0849\\
35444.6 -21.7969\\
37116.7 -20.6564\\
38867.8 -19.7402\\
40889.5 -18.9227\\
43016.4 -18.2544\\
45253.9 -17.6998\\
47827.7 -17.1951\\
50548 -16.7729\\
53422.9 -16.4161\\
56722.3 -16.089\\
60225.4 -15.812\\
63944.9 -15.5758\\
67894.1 -15.3734\\
72420.2 -15.1868\\
77248.1 -15.0273\\
82397.9 -14.8903\\
87890.9 -14.7725\\
93750.2 -14.6707\\
100000 -14.5826\\
scale only axis,
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every x tick label/.append style={font=\color{white!40!black}},
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every y tick label/.append style={font=\color{white!40!black}},
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ytick={-180, -135, -90, -45, 0},
ylabel={Phase (deg)},
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\addplot [color=mycolor1,solid,line width=1.5pt]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
1000 0\\
12856.1 0\\
12915.5 -180\\
28804.4 -180\\
28937.5 0\\
100000 0\\
\addplot [color=mycolor2,solid,line width=1.5pt]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
1000 -0.174165\\
1158.95 -0.202762\\
1324.71 -0.233023\\
1500.29 -0.265637\\
1683.55 -0.300384\\
1880.5 -0.338641\\
2081.22 -0.378732\\
2292.77 -0.422347\\
2514.2 -0.469682\\
2744.34 -0.520923\\
2981.77 -0.576239\\
3224.84 -0.635759\\
3471.69 -0.699551\\
3737.43 -0.772453\\
4005 -0.85083\\
4291.73 -0.941063\\
4577.84 -1.03838\\
4860.56 -1.14263\\
5160.75 -1.26332\\
5479.47 -1.40435\\
5791.12 -1.55703\\
6120.5 -1.7368\\
6438.86 -1.9315\\
6773.78 -2.16243\\
7126.12 -2.43966\\
7462.3 -2.74349\\
7814.35 -3.11161\\
8145.37 -3.51467\\
8490.42 -4.00753\\
8850.07 -4.6207\\
9182.54 -5.30295\\
9527.5 -6.16361\\
9839.95 -7.11982\\
10162.7 -8.3442\\
10495.9 -9.9572\\
10790.3 -11.7983\\
11092.9 -14.2851\\
11351.5 -17.1128\\
11616.2 -21.0207\\
11887.1 -26.6772\\
12108.3 -33.2576\\
12333.6 -42.7769\\
12563.2 -56.6525\\
12915.5 -86.3528\\
13339.1 -119.676\\
13650.1 -134.519\\
13968.4 -143.768\\
14294 -149.743\\
14694.9 -154.455\\
15107 -157.597\\
15530.7 -159.784\\
15966.3 -161.348\\
16414 -162.479\\
16874.4 -163.292\\
17347.6 -163.86\\
17752.1 -164.179\\
18166 -164.378\\
18504.1 -164.457\\
18675.5 -164.471\\
18761.7 -164.472\\
18848.4 -164.469\\
19023 -164.451\\
19287.9 -164.393\\
19646.9 -164.259\\
20105 -163.996\\
20573.7 -163.621\\
21150.7 -163.007\\
21743.9 -162.183\\
22353.7 -161.101\\
22980.6 -159.689\\
23625.1 -157.841\\
24287.6 -155.385\\
24968.8 -152.05\\
25669 -147.379\\
26267.5 -141.915\\
26880 -134.246\\
27506.8 -123.302\\
28148.1 -108.016\\
30724.7 -43.324\\
31586.4 -33.0582\\
32472.2 -26.2249\\
33382.9 -21.4857\\
34477.6 -17.5776\\
35608.3 -14.7644\\
36946 -12.3987\\
38334 -10.6269\\
39774 -9.2557\\
41458.9 -8.04582\\
43215.1 -7.08652\\
45253.9 -6.23161\\
47388.8 -5.53941\\
49853.7 -4.91678\\
52446.9 -4.40343\\
55429.9 -3.93772\\
58582.5 -3.54758\\
62200.5 -3.19086\\
66041.9 -2.88781\\
70444.6 -2.60872\\
75140.8 -2.36867\\
80520.4 -2.14617\\
86285.1 -1.95274\\
92889.8 -1.77247\\
100000 -1.61432\\
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nan nan\\
0 0\\
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nan nan\\
0 0\\
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nan nan\\
0 0\\
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nan nan\\
0 0\\
-4.338 1.19656\\
nan nan\\
0 0\\
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nan nan\\
0 0\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
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nan nan\\
0 -0\\
-4.5 -0\\
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-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
-0 0\\
nan nan\\
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-0.498531 0.0382997\\
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-0.499359 0.025309\\
-0.499642 0.0189237\\
-0.499842 0.0125883\\
-0.49996 0.00628592\\
-0.5 0\\
nan nan\\
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-0.600126 0.799905\\
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nan nan\\
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-1.49808 0.0759271\\
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-1.49988 0.0188578\\
-1.5 0\\
nan nan\\
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-1.98621 0.23448\\
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-1.99596 0.127047\\
-1.99744 0.101236\\
-1.99857 0.0756947\\
-1.99937 0.0503531\\
-1.99984 0.0251437\\
-2 0\\
nan nan\\
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-2.38106 0.761939\\
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-2.4968 0.126545\\
-2.49821 0.0946184\\
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-2.5 0\\
nan nan\\
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-2.99394 0.19057\\
-2.99615 0.151854\\
-2.99785 0.113542\\
-2.99905 0.0755297\\
-2.99976 0.0377155\\
-3 0\\
nan nan\\
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-3.48972 0.268098\\
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-3.49551 0.177163\\
-3.49749 0.132466\\
-3.49889 0.088118\\
-3.49972 0.0440014\\
-3.5 0\\
nan nan\\
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-3.99192 0.254094\\
-3.99487 0.202472\\
-3.99713 0.151389\\
-3.99873 0.100706\\
-3.99968 0.0502874\\
-4 0\\
nan nan\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
-0 -0\\
nan nan\\
-0 -0.5\\
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-0.35624 -0.350846\\
-0.377708 -0.327623\\
-0.395677 -0.305679\\
-0.410745 -0.285112\\
-0.423421 -0.265923\\
-0.434127 -0.24806\\
-0.44321 -0.231441\\
-0.450952 -0.215967\\
-0.457583 -0.201539\\
-0.463287 -0.188057\\
-0.468215 -0.175427\\
-0.47249 -0.163564\\
-0.476212 -0.152388\\
-0.479463 -0.141828\\
-0.482311 -0.131818\\
-0.484811 -0.122302\\
-0.487011 -0.113227\\
-0.488948 -0.104545\\
-0.490655 -0.0962157\\
-0.492159 -0.0881992\\
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-0.499642 -0.0189237\\
-0.499842 -0.0125883\\
-0.49996 -0.00628592\\
-0.5 -0\\
nan nan\\
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-0.661195 -0.750214\\
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-0.868253 -0.496121\\
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-0.977896 -0.209091\\
-0.98131 -0.192431\\
-0.984319 -0.176398\\
-0.986967 -0.160923\\
-0.989293 -0.145943\\
-0.99133 -0.131399\\
-0.993104 -0.11724\\
-0.994638 -0.103417\\
-0.995952 -0.089884\\
-0.997062 -0.0765995\\
-0.99798 -0.0635234\\
-0.998718 -0.050618\\
-0.999284 -0.0378474\\
-0.999683 -0.0251766\\
-0.999921 -0.0125718\\
-1 -0\\
nan nan\\
-1.23223 -0.855335\\
-1.27026 -0.797769\\
-1.30238 -0.744181\\
-1.32963 -0.694323\\
-1.35286 -0.647902\\
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-1.38986 -0.56417\\
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-1.41747 -0.490691\\
-1.42864 -0.457164\\
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-1.46103 -0.339681\\
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-1.48699 -0.197099\\
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-1.49697 -0.0952851\\
-1.49808 -0.0759271\\
-1.49893 -0.056771\\
-1.49952 -0.0377648\\
-1.49988 -0.0188578\\
-1.5 -0\\
nan nan\\
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-1.85315 -0.752226\\
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-1.97393 -0.321846\\
-1.97859 -0.291885\\
-1.98266 -0.262798\\
-1.98621 -0.23448\\
-1.98928 -0.206834\\
-1.9919 -0.179768\\
-1.99412 -0.153199\\
-1.99596 -0.127047\\
-1.99744 -0.101236\\
-1.99857 -0.0756947\\
-1.99937 -0.0503531\\
-1.99984 -0.0251437\\
-2 -0\\
nan nan\\
-2.36245 -0.817819\\
-2.38106 -0.761939\\
-2.39732 -0.709138\\
-2.41156 -0.659092\\
-2.42406 -0.611511\\
-2.43505 -0.566135\\
-2.44474 -0.522727\\
-2.45328 -0.481078\\
-2.4608 -0.440996\\
-2.46742 -0.402308\\
-2.47323 -0.364856\\
-2.47832 -0.328498\\
-2.48276 -0.2931\\
-2.4866 -0.258542\\
-2.48988 -0.22471\\
-2.49265 -0.191499\\
-2.49495 -0.158809\\
-2.4968 -0.126545\\
-2.49821 -0.0946184\\
-2.49921 -0.0629414\\
-2.4998 -0.0314296\\
-2.5 -0\\
nan nan\\
-2.87678 -0.850966\\
-2.89387 -0.79091\\
-2.90887 -0.733814\\
-2.92207 -0.679362\\
-2.93369 -0.627273\\
-2.94393 -0.577294\\
-2.95296 -0.529195\\
-2.9609 -0.482769\\
-2.96788 -0.437828\\
-2.97399 -0.394197\\
-2.97931 -0.35172\\
-2.98391 -0.31025\\
-2.98786 -0.269652\\
-2.99119 -0.229798\\
-2.99394 -0.19057\\
-2.99615 -0.151854\\
-2.99785 -0.113542\\
-2.99905 -0.0755297\\
-2.99976 -0.0377155\\
-3 -0\\
nan nan\\
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-3.40908 -0.792589\\
-3.42264 -0.731818\\
-3.43459 -0.67351\\
-3.44512 -0.617394\\
-3.45438 -0.563231\\
-3.46253 -0.510799\\
-3.46965 -0.459897\\
-3.47586 -0.41034\\
-3.48123 -0.361959\\
-3.48583 -0.314594\\
-3.48972 -0.268098\\
-3.49293 -0.222332\\
-3.49551 -0.177163\\
-3.49749 -0.132466\\
-3.49889 -0.088118\\
-3.49972 -0.0440014\\
-3.5 -0\\
nan nan\\
-3.91158 -0.836364\\
-3.92524 -0.769725\\
-3.93728 -0.705594\\
-3.94787 -0.643693\\
-3.95717 -0.58377\\
-3.96532 -0.525596\\
-3.97241 -0.46896\\
-3.97855 -0.413667\\
-3.98381 -0.359536\\
-3.98825 -0.306398\\
-3.99192 -0.254094\\
-3.99487 -0.202472\\
-3.99713 -0.151389\\
-3.99873 -0.100706\\
-3.99968 -0.0502874\\
-4 -0\\
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title={Pole/Zero Plot}
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-0.46683 0.884347\\
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table[row sep=crcr, point meta=\thisrow{c}] {%
x y z c\\
1 1 2 2\\
1 2 1.71592 1.71592\\
1 3 1 1\\
1 4 1.7936 1.7936\\
1 5 2.23607 2.23607\\
1 6 2 2\\
1 7 1 1\\
1 8 2.55754 2.55754\\
1 9 4.23607 4.23607\\
1 10 5.52015 5.52015\\
1 11 16 16\\
1 12 5.52015 5.52015\\
1 13 4.23607 4.23607\\
1 14 2.55754 2.55754\\
1 15 1 1\\
1 16 2 2\\
1 17 2.23607 2.23607\\
1 18 1.7936 1.7936\\
1 19 1 1\\
1 20 1.71592 1.71592\\
2 1 1 1\\
2 2 1 1\\
2 3 1 1\\
2 4 1 1\\
2 5 1 1\\
2 6 1 1\\
2 7 1 1\\
2 8 1 1\\
2 9 1 1\\
2 10 1 1\\
2 11 1 1\\
2 12 1 1\\
2 13 1 1\\
2 14 1 1\\
2 15 1 1\\
2 16 1 1\\
2 17 1 1\\
2 18 1 1\\
2 19 1 1\\
2 20 1 1\\
3 1 2.23607 2.23607\\
3 2 1.88493 1.88493\\
3 3 1 1\\
3 4 1.98095 1.98095\\
3 5 2.52786 2.52786\\
3 6 2.23607 2.23607\\
3 7 1 1\\
3 8 2.92522 2.92522\\
3 9 5 5\\
3 10 6.58721 6.58721\\
3 11 19.541 19.541\\
3 12 6.58721 6.58721\\
3 13 5 5\\
3 14 2.92522 2.92522\\
3 15 1 1\\
3 16 2.23607 2.23607\\
3 17 2.52786 2.52786\\
3 18 1.98095 1.98095\\
3 19 1 1\\
3 20 1.88493 1.88493\\
4 1 1 1\\
4 2 1 1\\
4 3 1 1\\
4 4 1 1\\
4 5 1 1\\
4 6 1 1\\
4 7 1 1\\
4 8 1 1\\
4 9 1 1\\
4 10 1 1\\
4 11 1 1\\
4 12 1 1\\
4 13 1 1\\
4 14 1 1\\
4 15 1 1\\
4 16 1 1\\
4 17 1 1\\
4 18 1 1\\
4 19 1 1\\
4 20 1 1\\
5 1 4.23607 4.23607\\
5 2 3.31677 3.31677\\
5 3 1 1\\
5 4 3.56816 3.56816\\
5 5 5 5\\
5 6 4.23607 4.23607\\
5 7 1 1\\
5 8 6.04029 6.04029\\
5 9 11.4721 11.4721\\
5 10 15.6275 15.6275\\
5 11 49.541 49.541\\
5 12 15.6275 15.6275\\
5 13 11.4721 11.4721\\
5 14 6.04029 6.04029\\
5 15 1 1\\
5 16 4.23607 4.23607\\
5 17 5 5\\
5 18 3.56816 3.56816\\
5 19 1 1\\
5 20 3.31677 3.31677\\
6 1 6 6\\
6 2 4.5796 4.5796\\
6 3 1 1\\
6 4 4.96802 4.96802\\
6 5 7.18034 7.18034\\
6 6 6 6\\
6 7 1 1\\
6 8 8.78768 8.78768\\
6 9 17.1803 17.1803\\
6 10 23.6007 23.6007\\
6 11 76 76\\
6 12 23.6007 23.6007\\
6 13 17.1803 17.1803\\
6 14 8.78768 8.78768\\
6 15 1 1\\
6 16 6 6\\
6 17 7.18034 7.18034\\
6 18 4.96802 4.96802\\
6 19 1 1\\
6 20 4.5796 4.5796\\
7 1 4.23607 4.23607\\
7 2 3.31677 3.31677\\
7 3 1 1\\
7 4 3.56816 3.56816\\
7 5 5 5\\
7 6 4.23607 4.23607\\
7 7 1 1\\
7 8 6.04029 6.04029\\
7 9 11.4721 11.4721\\
7 10 15.6275 15.6275\\
7 11 49.541 49.541\\
7 12 15.6275 15.6275\\
7 13 11.4721 11.4721\\
7 14 6.04029 6.04029\\
7 15 1 1\\
7 16 4.23607 4.23607\\
7 17 5 5\\
7 18 3.56816 3.56816\\
7 19 1 1\\
7 20 3.31677 3.31677\\
8 1 1 1\\
8 2 1 1\\
8 3 1 1\\
8 4 1 1\\
8 5 1 1\\
8 6 1 1\\
8 7 1 1\\
8 8 1 1\\
8 9 1 1\\
8 10 1 1\\
8 11 1 1\\
8 12 1 1\\
8 13 1 1\\
8 14 1 1\\
8 15 1 1\\
8 16 1 1\\
8 17 1 1\\
8 18 1 1\\
8 19 1 1\\
8 20 1 1\\
9 1 2.23607 2.23607\\
9 2 1.88493 1.88493\\
9 3 1 1\\
9 4 1.98095 1.98095\\
9 5 2.52786 2.52786\\
9 6 2.23607 2.23607\\
9 7 1 1\\
9 8 2.92522 2.92522\\
9 9 5 5\\
9 10 6.58721 6.58721\\
9 11 19.541 19.541\\
9 12 6.58721 6.58721\\
9 13 5 5\\
9 14 2.92522 2.92522\\
9 15 1 1\\
9 16 2.23607 2.23607\\
9 17 2.52786 2.52786\\
9 18 1.98095 1.98095\\
9 19 1 1\\
9 20 1.88493 1.88493\\
10 1 1 1\\
10 2 1 1\\
10 3 1 1\\
10 4 1 1\\
10 5 1 1\\
10 6 1 1\\
10 7 1 1\\
10 8 1 1\\
10 9 1 1\\
10 10 1 1\\
10 11 1 1\\
10 12 1 1\\
10 13 1 1\\
10 14 1 1\\
10 15 1 1\\
10 16 1 1\\
10 17 1 1\\
10 18 1 1\\
10 19 1 1\\
10 20 1 1\\
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ymin= -1,
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title style={font=\bfseries,align=center},
title={$\text{Plot of sin(}\Theta\text{)}$\\[1ex]subtitle\\[1ex]and here's one really long subtitle}
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
-3.14159 -1.22465e-16\\
-2.84159 -0.29552\\
-2.64159 -0.479426\\
-2.54159 -0.564642\\
-2.44159 -0.644218\\
-2.34159 -0.717356\\
-2.24159 -0.783327\\
-2.14159 -0.841471\\
-2.04159 -0.891207\\
-1.94159 -0.932039\\
-1.84159 -0.963558\\
-1.74159 -0.98545\\
-1.64159 -0.997495\\
-1.54159 -0.999574\\
-1.44159 -0.991665\\
-1.34159 -0.973848\\
-1.24159 -0.9463\\
-1.14159 -0.909297\\
-1.04159 -0.863209\\
-0.941593 -0.808496\\
-0.841593 -0.745705\\
-0.741593 -0.675463\\
-0.641593 -0.598472\\
-0.441593 -0.42738\\
-0.241593 -0.239249\\
0.458407 0.44252\\
0.658407 0.611858\\
0.758407 0.687766\\
0.858407 0.756802\\
0.958407 0.818277\\
1.05841 0.871576\\
1.15841 0.916166\\
1.25841 0.951602\\
1.35841 0.97753\\
1.45841 0.993691\\
1.55841 0.999923\\
1.65841 0.996165\\
1.75841 0.982453\\
1.85841 0.958924\\
1.95841 0.925815\\
2.05841 0.883455\\
2.15841 0.832267\\
2.25841 0.772764\\
2.35841 0.70554\\
2.45841 0.631267\\
2.55841 0.550686\\
2.75841 0.373877\\
2.95841 0.182163\\
3.05841 0.0830894\\
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2 4\\
3 4\\
4 1\\
5 1\\
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2 5\\
3 5\\
4 1\\
5 2\\
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2 8\\
3 7\\
4 1\\
5 2\\
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1 1\\
2 4\\
3 9\\
4 3\\
5 5\\
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6 1\\
4 2\\
4 3\\
1 4\\
1 5\\
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13 1\\
5 2\\
5 3\\
1 4\\
2 5\\
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19 1\\
8 2\\
7 3\\
1 4\\
2 5\\
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 1\\
4 2\\
9 3\\
3 4\\
5 5\\
% This file was created by matlab2tikz.
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1 0.841471\\
2 0.946586\\
3 0.996318\\
4 0.987757\\
5 0.921405\\
6 0.801143\\
7 0.634008\\
8 0.429779\\
9 0.200404\\
11 -0.279416\\
12 -0.501787\\
13 -0.6948\\
14 -0.847161\\
15 -0.949957\\
16 -0.997172\\
17 -0.986045\\
18 -0.917227\\
19 -0.794743\\
20 -0.62576\\
21 -0.420166\\
22 -0.189988\\
24 0.289597\\
25 0.510945\\
26 0.702398\\
27 0.852756\\
28 0.95322\\
29 0.997914\\
30 0.984222\\
31 0.912945\\
32 0.788253\\
33 0.617442\\
34 0.410506\\
35 0.179552\\
37 -0.299744\\
38 -0.520044\\
39 -0.709917\\
40 -0.858254\\
41 -0.956377\\
42 -0.998543\\
43 -0.982287\\
44 -0.90856\\
45 -0.781674\\
46 -0.609054\\
47 -0.400799\\
48 -0.169095\\
49 0.0725028\\
50 0.309859\\
51 0.529085\\
52 0.717356\\
53 0.863656\\
54 0.959425\\
55 0.99906\\
56 0.980242\\
57 0.904072\\
58 0.775007\\
59 0.600597\\
60 0.391048\\
61 0.158619\\
62 -0.08309\\
63 -0.319938\\
64 -0.538067\\
65 -0.724714\\
66 -0.86896\\
67 -0.962365\\
68 -0.999464\\
69 -0.978086\\
70 -0.899483\\
71 -0.768252\\
72 -0.592073\\
73 -0.381252\\
74 -0.148125\\
75 0.0936679\\
76 0.329981\\
77 0.546987\\
78 0.73199\\
79 0.874166\\
80 0.965197\\
81 0.999755\\
82 0.97582\\
83 0.894792\\
84 0.761411\\
85 0.583481\\
86 0.371413\\
87 0.137615\\
88 -0.104235\\
89 -0.339987\\
90 -0.555846\\
91 -0.739184\\
92 -0.879274\\
93 -0.96792\\
94 -0.999934\\
95 -0.973444\\
96 -0.89\\
97 -0.754484\\
98 -0.574824\\
99 -0.361533\\
100 -0.127089\\
101 0.114791\\
102 0.349954\\
103 0.564642\\
104 0.746295\\
105 0.884283\\
106 0.970533\\
107 1\\
108 0.970958\\
109 0.885108\\
110 0.747472\\
111 0.566102\\
112 0.351611\\
113 0.116549\\
114 -0.125333\\
115 -0.359882\\
116 -0.573375\\
117 -0.753321\\
118 -0.889192\\
119 -0.973037\\
120 -0.999953\\
121 -0.968363\\
122 -0.880116\\
123 -0.740375\\
124 -0.557317\\
125 -0.34165\\
126 -0.105995\\
127 0.135862\\
128 0.36977\\
129 0.582043\\
130 0.760262\\
131 0.894\\
132 0.975432\\
133 0.999793\\
134 0.965658\\
135 0.875025\\
136 0.733195\\
137 0.548468\\
138 0.331651\\
139 0.0954297\\
140 -0.146375\\
141 -0.379615\\
142 -0.590645\\
143 -0.767118\\
144 -0.898708\\
145 -0.977716\\
146 -0.99952\\
147 -0.962845\\
148 -0.869835\\
149 -0.725933\\
150 -0.539557\\
151 -0.321614\\
152 -0.0848536\\
153 0.156872\\
154 0.389418\\
155 0.599181\\
156 0.773887\\
157 0.903314\\
158 0.97989\\
159 0.999135\\
160 0.959922\\
161 0.864547\\
162 0.718588\\
163 0.530586\\
164 0.311541\\
165 0.0742678\\
166 -0.16735\\
167 -0.399177\\
168 -0.607649\\
169 -0.780569\\
170 -0.907819\\
171 -0.981954\\
172 -0.998637\\
173 -0.956892\\
174 -0.859161\\
175 -0.711162\\
176 -0.521555\\
177 -0.301432\\
180 0.408891\\
181 0.616049\\
182 0.787163\\
183 0.912221\\
184 0.983907\\
185 0.998027\\
186 0.953754\\
187 0.853679\\
188 0.703657\\
189 0.512465\\
190 0.29129\\
192 -0.188251\\
193 -0.418559\\
194 -0.624379\\
195 -0.793668\\
196 -0.91652\\
197 -0.985749\\
198 -0.997304\\
199 -0.950508\\
200 -0.8481\\
201 -0.696072\\
202 -0.503317\\
203 -0.281115\\
205 0.198669\\
206 0.42818\\
207 0.632639\\
208 0.800083\\
209 0.920716\\
210 0.98748\\
211 0.996468\\
212 0.947155\\
213 0.842426\\
214 0.688408\\
215 0.494113\\
216 0.270908\\
218 -0.209066\\
219 -0.437752\\
220 -0.640827\\
221 -0.806408\\
222 -0.924808\\
223 -0.989099\\
224 -0.99552\\
225 -0.943695\\
226 -0.836657\\
227 -0.680667\\
228 -0.484853\\
229 -0.260671\\
231 0.219439\\
232 0.447275\\
233 0.648943\\
234 0.812643\\
235 0.928796\\
236 0.990607\\
237 0.99446\\
238 0.940129\\
239 0.830793\\
240 0.672849\\
241 0.475538\\
242 0.250404\\
244 -0.229787\\
245 -0.456748\\
246 -0.656986\\
247 -0.818785\\
248 -0.932679\\
249 -0.992003\\
250 -0.993288\\
251 -0.936457\\
252 -0.824836\\
253 -0.664955\\
254 -0.466169\\
255 -0.240109\\
256 -2.44929e-15\\
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axis background/.style={fill=green}
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.841471\\
2 0.946586\\
3 0.996318\\
4 0.987757\\
5 0.921405\\
6 0.801143\\
7 0.634008\\
8 0.429779\\
9 0.200404\\
11 -0.279416\\
12 -0.501787\\
13 -0.6948\\
14 -0.847161\\
15 -0.949957\\
16 -0.997172\\
17 -0.986045\\
18 -0.917227\\
19 -0.794743\\
20 -0.62576\\
21 -0.420166\\
22 -0.189988\\
24 0.289597\\
25 0.510945\\
26 0.702398\\
27 0.852756\\
28 0.95322\\
29 0.997914\\
30 0.984222\\
31 0.912945\\
32 0.788253\\
33 0.617442\\
34 0.410506\\
35 0.179552\\
37 -0.299744\\
38 -0.520044\\
39 -0.709917\\
40 -0.858254\\
41 -0.956377\\
42 -0.998543\\
43 -0.982287\\
44 -0.90856\\
45 -0.781674\\
46 -0.609054\\
47 -0.400799\\
48 -0.169095\\
49 0.0725028\\
50 0.309859\\
51 0.529085\\
52 0.717356\\
53 0.863656\\
54 0.959425\\
55 0.99906\\
56 0.980242\\
57 0.904072\\
58 0.775007\\
59 0.600597\\
60 0.391048\\
61 0.158619\\
62 -0.08309\\
63 -0.319938\\
64 -0.538067\\
scale only axis,
xmin= 0,
xmax= 100,
ymin= -1,
ymax= 1
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table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.841471\\
2 0.946586\\
3 0.996318\\
4 0.987757\\
5 0.921405\\
6 0.801143\\
7 0.634008\\
8 0.429779\\
9 0.200404\\
11 -0.279416\\
12 -0.501787\\
13 -0.6948\\
14 -0.847161\\
15 -0.949957\\
16 -0.997172\\
17 -0.986045\\
18 -0.917227\\
19 -0.794743\\
20 -0.62576\\
21 -0.420166\\
22 -0.189988\\
24 0.289597\\
25 0.510945\\
26 0.702398\\
27 0.852756\\
28 0.95322\\
29 0.997914\\
30 0.984222\\
31 0.912945\\
32 0.788253\\
33 0.617442\\
34 0.410506\\
35 0.179552\\
37 -0.299744\\
38 -0.520044\\
39 -0.709917\\
40 -0.858254\\
41 -0.956377\\
42 -0.998543\\
43 -0.982287\\
44 -0.90856\\
45 -0.781674\\
46 -0.609054\\
47 -0.400799\\
48 -0.169095\\
49 0.0725028\\
50 0.309859\\
51 0.529085\\
52 0.717356\\
53 0.863656\\
54 0.959425\\
55 0.99906\\
56 0.980242\\
57 0.904072\\
58 0.775007\\
59 0.600597\\
60 0.391048\\
61 0.158619\\
62 -0.08309\\
63 -0.319938\\
64 -0.538067\\
scale only axis,
xmin= 0,
xmax= 80,
ymin= -1,
ymax= 1,
axis background/.style={fill=white}
\addplot [color=red,solid,forget plot]
table[row sep=crcr]{%
1 0.841471\\
2 0.946586\\
3 0.996318\\
4 0.987757\\
5 0.921405\\
6 0.801143\\
7 0.634008\\
8 0.429779\\
9 0.200404\\
11 -0.279416\\
12 -0.501787\\
13 -0.6948\\
14 -0.847161\\
15 -0.949957\\
16 -0.997172\\
17 -0.986045\\
18 -0.917227\\
19 -0.794743\\
20 -0.62576\\
21 -0.420166\\
22 -0.189988\\
24 0.289597\\
25 0.510945\\
26 0.702398\\
27 0.852756\\
28 0.95322\\
29 0.997914\\
30 0.984222\\
31 0.912945\\
32 0.788253\\
33 0.617442\\
34 0.410506\\
35 0.179552\\
37 -0.299744\\
38 -0.520044\\
39 -0.709917\\
40 -0.858254\\
41 -0.956377\\
42 -0.998543\\
43 -0.982287\\
44 -0.90856\\
45 -0.781674\\
46 -0.609054\\
47 -0.400799\\
48 -0.169095\\
49 0.0725028\\
50 0.309859\\
51 0.529085\\
52 0.717356\\
53 0.863656\\
54 0.959425\\
55 0.99906\\
56 0.980242\\
57 0.904072\\
58 0.775007\\
59 0.600597\\
60 0.391048\\
61 0.158619\\
62 -0.08309\\
63 -0.319938\\
64 -0.538067\\
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