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Last active March 12, 2020 12:43
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# This configuration file will allow all requests originating from the
# local machine to be send through all network interfaces.
# The only requests allowed from the outside world are http, https, ssh,
# and icmp. Other than that, the host will be completely stealthed! It
# will not respond to anything, though it will be pingable as a server
# should be.
# Then we have the configuration for the docker interfaces. The docker0
# interface allows all packets on it.
# We also set up two routers:
# 1. Routes connections from docker containers to the internet via NAT
# 2. Routes connections between docker containers
# Then there's manual iptables commands for setting up the docker-required
# chains. I honestly don't know why those need to be there yet.
version 6
ipv6 interface any v6interop proto icmpv6
client ipv6neigh accept
server ipv6neigh accept
policy return
interface eth0 world
policy drop
server "dhcp http https ssh icmp" accept
client all accept
interface docker0 docker
policy accept
router docker2internet inface docker0 outface eth0
route all accept
router docker2docker inface docker0 outface docker0
policy accept
route all accept
iptables -N DOCKER
iptables -A FORWARD -o docker0 -j DOCKER
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