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Created November 24, 2017 10:48
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React Audio Analyser
import React, {
} from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import ReactAudioPlayer from 'react-audio-player'
export default class AudioAnalyser extends PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
onFrequencyData: PropTypes.func.isRequired
// Track our playing state
state = { playing: false }
// Analyse a single "frame" of audio
onAudioFrame = () => {
// Don't do anything if we're paused, or if we don't have an analyser
if (!this.state.playing || !this.audioAnalyser) return
// Create a new Uint8Array to inject the frequency data into
const frequencyData = new Uint8Array(this.audioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount)
// Inject the frequency data into the array
// Invoke our `onFrequencyData` prop
// On the next animation frame, repeat the process
// Handle the audio player ref once it's rendered
onAudioPlayerRef = audioPlayerRef => {
if (!audioPlayerRef || !audioPlayerRef.audioEl) return
// Allow the audio element to read data from dubious sources
// Interface with the Web Audio API
const audioContext = new AudioContext()
const audioSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioPlayerRef.audioEl)
this.audioAnalyser = audioContext.createAnalyser()
// Connect our audio source to the analyser
// And also to the audio destination
// Create a simple interface for tracking play state
onUpdatePlaying = (playing, callback) => (...args) => {
// Figure out what the current/new play state is
const isCurrentlyPlaying = this.state.playing
const shouldNowBePlaying = playing
// Cache the new play state
this.setState({ playing })
// Start tracking the audio frequencies if we started playing
if (!isCurrentlyPlaying && shouldNowBePlaying) {
// Invoke the callback with whatever args we were passed
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return callback(...args)
render() {
return (
<ReactAudioPlayer controls
{ ...this.props }
ref={ this.onAudioPlayerRef }
onAbort={ this.onUpdatePlaying(false, this.props.onAbort) }
onEnded={ this.onUpdatePlaying(false, this.props.onEnded) }
onPause={ this.onUpdatePlaying(false, this.props.onPause) }
onPlay={ this.onUpdatePlaying(true, this.props.onPlay) }
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